Harry Chiti
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Harry Chiti

Harry Chiti
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 331 of 1238 players
Harry Chiti
Born: November 16, 1932 at Kincaid, Ill.
Died: January 31, 2002 at Haines City, Fla. Obituary
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 221

Harry Chiti was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 22, 2005, December 7, 2009, September 12, 2010, February 3, 2015, and November 24, 2021.


First Mets game: April 28, 1962
Last Mets game: June 10, 1962

Father of Dom Chiti

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Harry Chiti has the dubious distinction of being the only player in baseball history to be traded for himself. The Mets shipped him to the Indians for a player to be named later in 1962. The Indians kept him for a month and ended up offering him back to the Mets as the "player to be named later." The Mets accepted and Harry went on to an entirely unremarkable career.

May 28, 2003
The first big league game I saw at the Polo Grounds between the Giants and Cubs Harry Chiti hit two home runs. His son Dom Chiti is a coach for the Texas Rangers.

Harry Kalish
February 21, 2004
I guess some people might consider this tasteless, and, thinking about it now, they'd be right. But, please keep in mind, my friends and I were probably only about 10 years old at the time Harry came to the Mets.

So, when we read about the Mets picking up Harry Chiti, none of us were quite sure how to pronounce C-H-I-T-I. After much agonizing brain work (and, admittedly, we didn't have much to work with), we concluded that Harry pronounced his last name Sh... Well, I guess you get the picture. So to us kids in Sheepshead Bay in 1962, Harry Chiti will forever be known as Harry Sh...

Rest in peace, Harry.

July 1, 2004
Traded for yourself! How do you get traded for yourself?

I wonder how he lived with that?

August 18, 2005
Many years ago I saw the coolest t-shirt of all time at a beach in the Hamptons: "Harry Chiti Fan Club." Never saw it again.

October 30, 2008
When Harry Chiti lived in Memphis, TN I was a kid only about 5 years old. I lived behind him and between us there were no fences. This was about 1973-4. It was a new neigborhood and we didn't have any trees. He had planted an apple tree in his yard maybe a year before this incident happened. Anyway, being a kid, I climbed up Harry Chiti's apple tree and picked his first apple. He saw me, and summarily caught me in the act. I had absolutely no idea who he was, or what he had done because I was too young really to follow baseball at 4 or 5. My dad told me he was a major league ball player, and I really didn't realize anything about him until the internet age. I don't even know why he was in Memphis in 1974. But I know I got the first apple off his tree and he was none too pleased. Of course, he also thought it was funny.

I sure wish I could return to those days when mischief was stealing your neighbor's apple. He actually brought me back home to my parents' house! Wish I coulda had a beer with ya, Harry.

November 5, 2008
I had the pleasure and honor of working with Harry in the late 80's and 90's as a deputy sheriff in Memphis where he worked after he left baseball . His somewhat gruff manner was a feeble attempt to hide a heart as big as they come. He was a good friend and I miss him.

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