Rob Gardner
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Rob Gardner

Rob Gardner
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 395 of 1238 players
Richard Frank Gardner
Born: December 19, 1944 at Binghamton, N.Y.
Died: October 21, 2023 at Binghamton, N.Y.
Throws: Left Bats: Right
Height: 6.01 Weight: 180

Rob Gardner was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on December 4, 2011, September 28, 2021, and October 26, 2023.


First Mets game: September 1, 1965
Last Mets game: October 2, 1966

Share your memories of Rob Gardner


Feats Fan
April 24, 2002
Think it was the very last game of the '65 season, another dismal 100+ loss year. The prospects were Dick Selma, Rob Gardner, Gregg Goosen and Cleon Jones. Gardner pitched the nightcap of a twin bill vs Philly on a chilly Sunday. Bunning shut out the Amazin's in game one, Chris Short and Gardner threw in the cap. If memory serves me well, 18 innings later and a 0-0 tie when the game was called. Gardner went 10 or so and Short fanned 18 in 15 innings of work. Something like 27 fruitless innings on the same day!

Gardner had a decent '72 across the river going 9-5 but never quited lived up to his billed potential. Seemed like a good guy and had a classy southpaw delivery.

August 27, 2005
In what has to be one of the greatest games pitched in Mets history Gardner pitches 15 shutout innings on October 2, 1965 giving up only 5 hits, striking out 7 and walking only 2 in an 18 inning game against the Phillies that ends in a 0 - 0 tie. The game was the nightcap of what was probably a twi-night doubleheader (remember those?) played on the second to last day of the year then the Mets promptly lost a doubleheader to the Phils the next day. For some reason the 0 - 0 game was not continued the next day though--it was just "called" due to curfew. I did some checking and over that weekend the Mets scored a whopping 2 runs in 49 innings against Phillies pitching. It should also be noted that at the time of Gardner's "no-decision gem" he was only 20 years old having just been called up a month earlier on September first. After probably not living up to his potential after this magnificent performance Gardner would up having a credible journeyman's career.

Tom Ryan
February 21, 2011
Rob and I are the same age. I attended St Pat's academy just down the street from Binghamton Central where Rob graduated from.

I remember playing "whiffleball" against Rob's ridiculously trick pitches behind the grammar school off of Helen St.

I played basketball (6th - man- no talent) on a St Pat's CYO team. Rob could have played any sport that existed in Binghamton, with superb talent (including hockey if it had arrived in time).

I "hit" against Rob's mid to high '80's moving fastball, and a curiosity that I later learned was known as a "curve ball," which I'm told defied the laws of physics. I was good field-no hit at Marquette where I ended up going. With Rob it was "good field-no chance!!"

I was in grad school in '72 at GWU in DC when Rob had a 9-5, 3.20 season with the hapless Yanks. I have no idea how much he made, but in today's game, he would have done extremely well as a lefty. In the '70's, a sore arm (which plagued Rob) would have been better diagnosed and treated by a doc like Dr James Andrews, and I have no doubt that he would have retired with a ton of money in the bank.

If Rob ever reads this----I'm not just a dumb ass fan from Binghamton. He remembers catcher Lou Howell: Lou told me and my Uncle Bud Sheehan (who Rob knows) that his curve ball was the best he's ever seen. (Can we all say Cliff Lee?!)

Best to Rob and his family. A fan, Tom Ryan.

Bruce Maddy-Weitzman
April 28, 2014
Rob Gardner's 1970 season in Triple A Syracuse (Yankees, sorry) was just out of this world - 16-5 in the regular season, and four playoff wins - giving the Chiefs the International League Championship, Governor's Cup and Little World Series Championship. He had great control, and a great mix of pitches, very Glavine-like, also with the same calm demeanor. I always thought that he could have had a longer big league career. (I did see him beat Nolan Ryan on Old Timer's Day in 1972). I'm glad to read about his assistance to disabled children, but certainly not surprised. He always seemed like a very nice, and modest man.

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