Ken Boyer
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Ken Boyer

Ken Boyer
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 151 of 1238 players
Kenton Lloyd Boyer
Born: May 20, 1931 at Liberty, Mo.
Died: September 7, 1982 at St. Louis, Mo.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 200

Ken Boyer was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 9, 2019, and February 2, 2024.

3b 1b

First Mets game: April 15, 1966
Last Mets game: July 21, 1967

Brother of Clete Boyer

Share your memories of Ken Boyer


Mike Howell
August 4, 2001
Great player....greater man

Michael Wollscheidt
August 10, 2001
As a kid growing up in St. Louis, Ken Boyer was my favorite player. He was on his way to a possible Hall of Fame career until he injured his back. Almost overnight, his offensive production was cut in half, and his final stats were not as impressive as they would have been without the injury.

He was a Hall of Fame person, though, for sure. I remember standing in line to get his autograph at a store in St. Louis one evening. He arrived, after playing an afternoon game, and spent the evening signing photos, balls and gloves. I remember how he took the time to chat with every little kid who handed him something to autograph, including me. I was tongue-tied and didn't say much, but I remember him asking me if I had been at the game that day and encouraging me to come out soon to see him play. He could have just quickly signed everything and left, but he took the time to connect, if only briefly, with every little kid in line. That impressed me as much as his on-field performance, and left me with a fond memory of the kind of ballplayer we certainly need more of today!

Joe Figliola
March 29, 2003
He seemed like a strong player and a good leader. I remember seeing a photo of him climbing over a railing to try and snare a foul fly during the '64 World Series. Had he played today, he would've been a good role model for the younger Mets, especially for up-and-coming third baseman Ty Wigginton.

Although I was a tad too young to see him play, I do remember him managing the Cardinals.

Mike Miller
May 4, 2003
Ken was my favorite player. I remember when he was traded to the Mets and how excited we were to see him play at Shea. It was unfortunate that his life was cut down at such a young age. I understand that he was a heavy cigarette smoker which was the likely contributing factor. He is certainly worthy of the hall of fame.

Jonathan Stern
November 6, 2005
I remember when Ken Boyer's death was announced during a televised game. Unfortunately, Howard Cosell was in the booth. And with a booming "KEN BOY-ER, a great man..." off Howard went with yet another interminable monologue.

Feat Fan
April 19, 2007
Classy on and off the field. What a "real" baseball player should look, act and play like. Consistent bat, powerful arm, superior range and unlike baby brother Cletis, could run. Saw him drill a line drive home run vs Yankees in 67 that helped ChiSox win a tough game during that crazy pennant chase. The players of today that remind me of him are Scott Rolen and our own David Wright.

Don Engbers
May 8, 2008
As a kid growing up in Evansville, Indiana listening to the Cardinals games I was a huge fan of Ken's. In 1970 I was sent down from the Cardinals AAA club in Tulsa to play for Kenny at Arkansas in the Texas League. He was a quiet wonderful man that all the players admired greatly.

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