Tommy Davis
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Tommy Davis

Tommy Davis
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 192 of 1236 players
Herman Thomas Davis
Born: March 21, 1939 at Brooklyn, N.Y.
Died: April 3, 2022 at Phoenix, Ariz. Obituary
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 195

Tommy Davis was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on January 17, 2018.

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First Mets game: April 11, 1967
Last Mets game: September 30, 1967

Share your memories of Tommy Davis


Alex Perlin
When I was 9 years old my parents bought me a Mets uniform and I had my mom sew # 12 on the back because Tommy Davis was my hero. My dad was also a huge fan

January 9, 2002
Tommy was never the same player after he broke his leg...just check out his stats.......mostly DH on AL teams....But what a great hitter, might have been Hall of Famer

July 19, 2002
In Ball Four, Jim Bouton talks about Tommy Davis, whom he played with on the Pilots and the Astros. Davis came back too soon from his leg injury. He said that he was never the same after that. Great guy, though.

Steven Gallanter
September 28, 2003
1967 was my first full season as a baseball fan and Davis' lone season as a Met.

I remember reading a Joe Gergen column in Newsday where Davis called his home runs "daisies."

Davis was player representative for the Players Association on several of the clubs he played for prior to the free agency era when that was an occupational hazard. Davis, like Clete Boyer was dumped because of his union activities.

Charlie O. Finley sent Tommy packing because he blamed Davis for being a bad influence on Vida Blue when Blue held out in 1972 until June following his Cy Young/MVP 1971.

July 23, 2004
I don't think anybody outside of New York remembers that he was actually a New York Met in 1967. He led the team in every offensive category, and was the token All-Star. So they traded him at season's end. Kind of figured. Lindsey Nelson wrote about how when you run a club like the Mets, you trade and you trade and you trade and you trade.

The Mets figured they could finish last without him, so he went for Tommie Agee. And he never recovered from that ankle injury that crushed him in 1965. Before that, he was an offensive machine -- batting and RBI champ in 1962.

Glenn W.
February 1, 2006
When I was 6 and several Yankees live in my northern New Jersey town, I made the mistake of walking up to my idol, Mickey Mantle, in an empty deli to say hi. It was a crushing experience. He was big and angry - there was fire in his eyes. He paid for his stuff, left, and I cried. The deli owner told me "It's not you, he's like that to everybody." In that moment, I became a Yankee hater.

My new hero was a Dodger, whose baseball card I'd cut off a Wheaties box (it actually said "like his brother Willie..." on it!) I faithfully followed every box score and watched him every chance I got. I knew his birthday and cut out his pictures. I was in heaven as Davis and the Dodgers swept the Yankees in '63, and was in pain when his ankle shattered.

After the numbing Dodger defeat by Baltimore in '66, Koufax's retirement, and the trades of Maury Wills and Davis my allegiance was clear. Both Tommy and I would come back to New York. It would be the Mets!

I had a hard time getting my dad to take me to Shea, but he finally relented. It was a doubleheader May 28, 1967, against Atlanta, only my second major league game.

In game 1, it was as if I'd written the script. Tommy had 4 hits including a home run, two doubles, a stolen base and 5 RBI's. The Mets won 6-3.

The second game was a blowout for the Braves and my dad wanted to leave in the 9th to beat the traffic. It was 7-1, but Tommy was due up in the 9th. Dad dragged me to the walkway to leave, but I stubbornly waited.

Davis got up with a man on. Dad was yelling at me. But then Tommy hit the ball over the wall. It was 7-3 Braves, but I left absolutely beaming. 6 for 8, 2 home runs, 2 doubles and a stolen base.

At the end of the season, Davis was traded to the White Sox for Tommie Agee. I was heartbroken. I dropped the Mets and would follow Tommy's career to the end, through Chicago, Seattle, his DH resurgence in Baltimore, Houston, and the end in Kansas City (why the hell did Whitey Herzog not let him play one more game for 2000?!).

I figured I was in my own little world, following a player rather than a team. But I would find others - I was an outcast in high school, but one of the cool football players turned out to be a Tommy Davis fan as well, so we could actually talk.

Meanwhile, Jim Bouton's Ball Four verified the types of people that Mantle, Billy Martin, and Whitey Ford actually were, while praising Davis, even stating "I love Tommy Davis."

By the way, you've verified it to me - that doubleheader was no dream - you've got the records here. My only mistaken memory was an extra stolen base. Thank you!

Joe Figliola
February 12, 2006
Glenn, the reason why Tommy fell short of 2,000 games in his career is because the mindset regarding records was not as prevalent then as it is today. Had Tommy finished his career, say, last year, I think there would have been more of an effort made on behalf of his manager to help him achieve that goal. It's the same way with Tommie Agee. Agee retired in 1974 with 999 hits. Again, this would not have happened in stat-happy 2006, where Agee probably would have stayed on the roster until he got that hit.

Getting back to Tommy with a "y," I always liked him when I was a kid. Smooth hitter. Consistent. Unless someone thinks of a player more obvious, his stats were one of the best among those Mets players who played for the team for one year.

Mario Navetta
July 16, 2006
Tommy was two years ahead of me at Boys High School in Brooklyn. Although Boys' claim to fame was its great basketball team, the baseball team also held its own against many outstanding Brooklyn teams. In any case, we were playing at McCarren Park in Williamsburg. The dream of every potential star who played there (including the Torre brothers) was to hit one to dead center field, over the s---house. Although I can't recall exactly how far it was from home plate, I do recall that I'd never seen it done. Tommy got up with two men on base in the ninth inning. We were losing by two runs. As drama would script it, Tommy tore into a fastball. The ball arched high over centerfield. It didn't seem to want to stop flying. The missile---house was a memory as the missile flew far out of the park, and into the cross street. It was almost summer. How I wish that I could see that shot just one more time!

Rick K.
August 5, 2007
I came to the party a little later when Tommy was with the Oakland A's hitting .324 I think. I didn't like it that he didn't play more. I was a big fan of his in Baltimore and hated to see his rbi's go from mid-high 80's to 57. One year later he was done.

In the 70's either Catfish Hunter or Jim Palmer said Tommy was someone they didn't want to face with the game on the line.

William H. Clark
January 16, 2008
I used to hear some people say that Tommy Davis could literally fall out of bed and hit. I was rather curious as to why, after the season he had in '67, the Mets traded him (although in retrospect, it did work out for them in 1969.) I didn't know that Davis had 80 RBI for the 1969 Seattle Pilots before they let him go to the Houston Astros late that season. Never saw him during his Dodger days, but I do recall seeing him play during his days in Oakland and Baltimore. He was quite a hitter. I wonder how his career might have turned out had he been playing today.

Bob R
March 30, 2008
By trading Tommy Davis, the Mets got Tommie Agee and Al Weis, two heroes of the 1969 World Series, so Davis indirectly played a key role in Mets history!

Tom Sullivan
October 20, 2008
T D was my first favorite Met player . As a nine year old I can remember sitting in the left field mezzanine ($2.75 a pop) on June 16 1967 watching the Mets lose a tough 10-inning game 4-3. Had my binoculars trained on #12, who went one for five that evening.

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