Art Shamsky
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Art Shamsky

Art Shamsky
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 76 of 1238 players
Arthur Louis Shamsky
Born: October 14, 1941 at St. Louis, Mo.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 180

Art Shamsky was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on February 3, 2007, March 18, 2007, February 4, 2009, February 5, 2009, February 6, 2009, February 7, 2009, and March 3, 2024.

of 1b
Non-playing roles with Mets
  • Broadcaster 1980 - 1981

First Mets game: April 10, 1968
Last Mets game: September 25, 1971

Share your memories of Art Shamsky


Richard Kissel
My Grandma Fannie was a Jewish immigrant from Eastern Europe. She loved Art Shamsky, a good hitter and a credit to our people. (Grandma also voted for Goldwater in 1964 because HE had a Jewish grandfather!) The most famous picture of Shamsky is running behind Tommie Agee after Agee's second great catch in the 1969 Series.

Mr. Sparkle
January 17, 2001
All I remember about Shamsky was in 86 they asked the 69 team to comment on which team was better, 69 or 86. A bit of a loaded question but instead of having a normal answer Shamsky went into a tirade about modern day players and how they aren't as good as they were in his day because they make so much money that they really don't care about the game they way he did. Sour grapes or what?? Lighten up Francis, it's not players today's fault that you got screwed in the late 60's. You may have thought the 69 team was better but don't come down on the 86 team because they make more money. PLayers in the year 2001 must really suck now because they make even more, right Art.

Robert from "Everyone loves Raymond" named his dog Shamsky.

February 14, 2001
My favorite ballplayer of all-time. Seems to be the guy who keeps the 69 Mets together as a business entity. Would have been a lot better if not for the back problems. Hit 3 HR in one game as a Red in 66. Two of the three were in extra innings. This game set a number of records at the time. (8/12/66)

Still popular enough to have his cards and autographs sell on Ebay and other auction sites.

Won Doney
July 16, 2001
Wasn't he the only Jewish Met in '69?

Jill Barnes
August 23, 2002
I was and still am a big Mets fan even though I now live in California. Art Shamsky was one of my favorite players. Somewhere I have an autograph picture that he sent me after I sent him a fan letter. For some reason, I remember he had really high polished baseball shoes.

Warren Zvon
October 25, 2002
My dad took me to my first game as a kid. I only remember one thing . Art Shamsky in right tried to make a catch on a foul ball, ran into the stands, and was down, maybe out cold. I think I found out later he broke some ribs. I had good seats. Been a Met fan ever since. These games took place in the late 60`s. I was around 10. Can anyone put a date on this Met game? I'm thinking 1968 but I really am not sure.

December 28, 2002
My weird Art Shamsky memory: In the late 1980's, he owned a restaurant at 17 Murray Street with Ron Darling called Legends. I used to go there with a buddy, and one night the waiter service was quite slow. So here is Art Shamsky, of 4 consecutive homer fame, a childhood hero of mine, constantly asking if he can get us more bread or ice water. We told him not to kowtow to us.

Karl de Vries
January 9, 2003
Someone had mentioned a character from "Everyone Loves Raymond" named his dog Shamsky in honor of the Met. Coincidentally (or maybe not) "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart also named his dog Shamsky.

Bob R.
January 9, 2003
Art is the only Jewish player to hit home runs in four consecutive at-bats, when he played for the Reds. I think it was over two games. He tore up the Braves in the League Championship Series in '69 but then went hitless in the World Series. Art was one of the better power hitters on a team that didn't hit many homers.

Feat Fan
February 27, 2004
Aug 12, 1966 vs the Pirates in a donnybrook. Shamsky enters the game as a pinchhitter in the 8th and homers. Homers in the 10th and once again in the 12th. Game winner. The next day he slams another in his first at bat. Four straight dingers, 21 in 243 at bats for the year. By the way, in that Friday night game ex-Met Jesse Gonder pelted a long ball... I think!

Bob R
July 12, 2005
You gotta love Art Shamsky! What other player was immortalized on a great sitcom like "Everybody Loves Raymond?" Raymond named his dog "Shamsky" because Art was his favorite player on the '69 Mets.

Prindy's Mets
October 28, 2005
On "Everyone Loves Raymond", the dog Shamsky, a Brittish Bulldog, was actually the property of Raymond's brother Robert. The visit to Cooperstown episode to "Meet the 69' Mets" is a real treat.

I remember in my childhood, Shamsky's Bubblegum card seemed to always be in short supply and sought- after by us neighborhood kids in New Jersey.

June 9, 2006
A great one liner was made by Ralph Kiner while Art Shamsky was trying to stretch a single into a double: "Shamsky looks like he is running under water."

steve scooter smith
November 6, 2006
"metfanforever", you are wrong about Art. I also know him, way back to American Legion baseball days. This is a first class guy. Surely you are not treating these N.Y. papers as gospel? You shouldn't have torn up his card. Hope you get to meet him sometime.

January 5, 2007
I had a great interview with Art Shamsky which you can check out over at:

Paul Duddy
October 26, 2007
Long before Legends didn't Art own a piece of a bar in Rockland County called The Red Tuba or Marshmallows? Mark Gastineau used to hang out there? I seem to recall a lot of Met and Jet players assembling there. In fact, that may be where Gastineau met his wife, who later had her own cable TV show with their daughter.

Richard Weinberg
August 3, 2022
Very effective lefty pull hitter, obtained from the Reds before 1968 season. Great trade!! Platooned with Ron Swoboda in right field for 3 years, including the '69 season, when he hit .300. Had a great playoff vs. Atlanta in '69. Career completely nosedived after 1970, and was out of baseball a couple years later. Before his trade to Mets, hit 4 straight home runs with Cincy, spaced over 2 games.

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