Mike Phillips
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Mike Phillips

Mike Phillips
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 180 of 1238 players
Michael Dwaine Phillips
Born: August 19, 1950 at Beaumont, Tex.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 185

Mike Phillips was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on October 24, 2012, and November 10, 2023.

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First Mets game: May 8, 1975
Last Mets game: June 15, 1977

Share your memories of Mike Phillips


He was always polite to Ralph Kiner on Kiner's Korner. I was so upset when he got traded. That was the same day of Seaver and Kingman, so his trade was not mentioned until later. If anyone knows where to reach him, please let me know.

I was a big, big fan of Mike's. I used to follow him around from team to team. I, too, wonder where he is now and what he is doing!

Green Brook Joe
March 1, 2001
Mike was a class act. He spoke out our Little League banquet one year, and I got ride with him that evening as my father was helping find his way back to the City from Jersey. After that, when we'd go to games even after he was with the Cards and Expos, we'd go down to see if he was available before the game to say hello. He always came over, seemed to remember us, and was very gracious and not in a rush. The highlight for us came the summer of 1976 when he was named NL Player of the Week. As a kid, I somehow felt a part of it. I'd love to send Mike a note of thanks for a great childhood memory.

October 28, 2001
Mike hit for the cycle in the mid 70's vs the Giants. My was a utility infielder for the team. Last Thor knew, Mike was sports sales director for a radio station in Dallas.

Rich S.
November 13, 2001
The years may have clouded my memory, but I can recall Phillips being a slugger whenever the Mets played at Wrigley - I think most of his Mets homered were hit there when the wind was blowing out. Otherwise a decent utilityman.

Mr. Sparkle
November 15, 2001
Not much of a player for the Mets but I do remember the day he hit for the cycle. More of an oddity than a major accomplishment but still pretty cool none the less. And since they got Joel Youngblood in exchange for him from the Cardinals you can't complain too much. I still have a Mike Phillips baseball card somewhere in my basement.

Jim Snedeker
December 16, 2001
As I recall, the Mets got Mike as kind of an afterthought. But as soon as he arrived he went to work, and was so impressive that he got a fair amount of write-in votes for the All-Star team that year.

I admired him while he was with the Mets. An enjoyable player to have on your team.

February 4, 2002
Sorry, Thor. Mike Phillips hit for the cycle at Wrigley Field, not against the Giants - I remember listening to the game on the radio that day, in my childhood.

Neil Packman
November 28, 2004
Just FYI, Mike is in the front office of the Kansas City Royals. As noted, he worked in radio sales in Dallas, where he grew up, for several years; and then for a while for the Texas Rangers. I believe his title is Senior Director of Corporate Sales, or something like that.

He is listed on the Royals' front office "roster" on

October 4, 2005
I think the Mets got Mike to play shortstop because Happy Harrelson got hurt. He played a lot that first season and did very well. I liked him a lot because he was a gamer! At the time, the Metsies were at best a .500 ballclub! The team was getting older, but we fans didn't really know what the future held. Mike came in and played his heart out when he got the chance. I'd forgotten he was traded away during the mid-night massacre. He deserved better! I hope he's well, I've got nothing but good memmories of him!

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