Ken Sanders
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Ken Sanders

Ken Sanders
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 504 of 1236 players
Kenneth George Sanders
Born: July 8, 1941 at St. Louis, Mo.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.11 Weight: 180

Ken Sanders was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on March 7, 2004, July 8, 2011, December 5, 2018, July 8, 2020, and April 30, 2022.


First Mets game: June 29, 1975
Last Mets game: September 15, 1976

Share your memories of Ken Sanders


Joe Figliola
July 24, 2001
No one wrote about Ken Sanders yet? I'm surprised, because he suffered a rather freaky injury in his first year as a Met.

In a summer game, Ken was warming up to pitch an inning when the catcher's return throw caught him right in the eye. I recall him being out of action for awhile. But the injury ranks up there with Craig Swan's broken ribs from Hodges' steal-attempt throw as one of the most bizarre in Mets history.

November 6, 2001
I remember John Stearns at the beginning of his career having a problem throwing to second. Sanders was pitching, the runner tried to steal, Sanders lied flat on his stomach, Stearns hit him anyway.

Mr. Sparkle
November 15, 2001
All I remeber about Ken Sanders is that he was one ugly dude.

Danny Erickson
May 12, 2002
I remember that Ken suffered an eye injury. If you ever look at pictures of him while he was a Met, you could see where one eye pupil was a lot larger than the other. I also remember him starting the 1976 Mayors Trophy game at Yankee Stadium.

Steve Sanders
July 26, 2002
I was only 5 years old in 1976 when my father Ken played for the Mets, but I remember great times at Shea Stadium. The fans were so wild and everything seemed so big. After the games when my family would leave the stadium huge crowds would gather waiting for the ballplayers and people would bang on the top of our station wagon. Everyone was having so much fun. It was great.

I remember seeing someone being escorted out of the stands by ushers - the person was stumbling and I asked my mom if the person had been hit in the head with a baseball. Now I realize that person was just a drunk fan getting a little too crazy at the game.

I was really lucky because as a five year old - I got to hang out in the locker room with my Dad, Seaver, Torre, Lockwood and Koosman. I'll never forget those childhood memories.

Ken Sanders
March 7, 2004
I was taking my warm up pitches and lost the return throw from John Stearns and it hit me directly in my right eye. I never touched it. It actually knocked me out. There was no action on the field at the time of the accident. Go Mets!

February 7, 2005
I thought this guy did very well in his 2 seasons with the Mets! Let's not forget, at the time "Skip" Claude Lockwood was considered our closer! Ken was our bridge to him in the late innings.Dark days indeed!

Jonathan Stern
April 28, 2005
His numbers with the Mets were pretty good, and he is obviously one tough hombre for going out onto the field again after that injury. And, of course, any former who writes on this website is cool. Hey, Ken, I have no memories of you, but I'm glad I learned a little about your career, and I'm sorry about John "Awesome Name" Stearns.

Steve Sanders
July 21, 2007
I created a website for my dad. More info can be seen at with photos, videos, baseball cards and news clippings. The Bulldog loved his time playing baseball in New York with some great legends.

Tad Richards
April 18, 2008
Steve does a nice job for his Dad on the website.

May 9, 2008
It was Lindsey Nelson, not Ralph Kiner, who was giving the scores on TV when Sanders was hit in the face while warming up. Lindsey was in the middle of giving the scores and he looked at the field and said, "Ken Sanders is hurt. I confess that I did not see what happened." He saw a replay and it was then clear to Lindsey what happened.

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