Richie Hebner
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Richie Hebner

Richie Hebner
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 65 of 1238 players
Richard Joseph Hebner
Born: November 26, 1947 at Boston, Mass.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 200

Richie Hebner has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 14 times, most recently on July 7, 2022.

3b 1b

First Mets game: April 5, 1979
Last Mets game: September 30, 1979

Share your memories of Richie Hebner


Said he hated New York. During his time with the Mets the guy waved at more ground balls by him than Corbin Berson's character in Major League. You could tell he just didn't care. I'm still trying to figure out how he was able to hit with that hunchback of Notre Dame batting stance. Hebner's the only player I've ever seen hit with his hands below his knees. Hebner used to always grab the top of his shirt and pull it over his shoulder before hitting. A decent hitter though. If anybody had a perfect body to dig graves it was Hebner.

Mr. Sparkle
March 1, 2001
First guy I can remember who really hated being a Met. He wanted no part of New York. He had a bad attitude and couldn't wait to get outta town. Thank God the jerk only lasted one year. He's an all-time D-bag.

David Grover
May 25, 2001
I remember Richie getting a huge home to win a game that year. I also remember him making 3 errors in one game.

August 19, 2001
Loved the guy, great humor. Always flipped the bat when he missed the pitch and sometimes he didn't catch it. I have a game used bat of his from the Detroit era that displays nicely on my wall. He's OK with me. Also can anybody give me his uniform numbers from the various teams that employed him?

Mike Michela
November 19, 2001
I remember in a 1979 game, he grounded out to SS. He then threw his helmet and it hit first base coach in the shin.

Larry Burns
May 30, 2002
Complete jerk----without question one of the biggest losers ever to don a Met Uniform. He used to cut away part of his shoe to fit his hugely deformed foot into them. Hated being part of the Mets---he was one of the class of athletic bozos who want to be paid like a star but then chafe when fans expect him to perform like one. Met announcers used to love to tell the fans that he dug graves in the off-season for extra work. With his social skill and grace, it was one job that he was perfectly suited for. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Alex from New Rochelle
July 23, 2002
Used to play for the Pirates. I don't know, I was a young kid then, but I remembered that the opposing team got a base hit into left field, with the runner on first went to second. The left fielder (forgot who it was) throws a strike to Hebner at 3rd, to make sure the runner didn't advance any further. Hebner never even turned around, and the ball hit him squarely on the back! Ever since then, I always thought of him as a slacker!

David Block
January 25, 2003
Had a chance to talk to him at Mets fantasy camp last week. He wanted no part of NY. He was a blue collar guy with a blue collar attitude. He STILL digs graves!

He told me that Manager Joe Torre told the team in that awful year of 1979: "Look, we win only 2 games a week. Why not win Monday and Tuesday and get it over with?"

Funny guy to drink with and listen to his stories. He played with those great Pirate teams of Stargell and Clemente.

There was a guy on his fantasy team -- a real gamer -- who had survived 2 heart attacks and had 5 stents in his heart. He broke his thumb, but took off the splint to pitch a couple of innings when the team needed him. He told his team that he did not take his heart medication that morning. Hebner's reply: "I didn't care. I hadn't dug a grave in a week!"

Larry Burns
January 27, 2003
What a TOOL! This guy could have cared less when he was on the team and made no attempt to hide his lack of enthusiasm. He was one of the biggest jerks to ever don the Blue and Orange. Yet he has the audacity to actually participate and collect a check for working in a fantasy camp? Integrity---Richie you have none. From the story of the old timer who was on his team, if there ever was justification to bean your own player---this is it. Let's expunge Hebner from all Met records---he is still a chump!

January 28, 2003
Hebner was and is a lazy piece of crap. David, I give you A LOT of credit for going to fantasy camp and playing and all of that, I'm sure it's not easy but I hardly think that story about Hebner saying "I haven't dug a grave all week" in reference to that poor guy who had the heart attacks will endear him to many Met fans. In fact it makes this Met fan hate hm even more than I ever did.

Mr. Sparkle
January 28, 2003
I think it's a disgrace that the Mets even have this guy at fantasy camp. They must be pretty deperate to get players if this guy was invited. And if he hated being in NY so much why the hell did he come to camp? The paycheck of course but this guy is such a whore he has no right putting down NY especially to a bunch of Mets fans. If he is in the fantasy camp they might as well get Jim Kern and Jorge Orta as well. They were never Mets in uniform but were technically Mets for a few days. I'd rather see them then this clown! How about digging a grave and jumping in Richie. You were a horrible team player for us when you were here and it looks like you're just as bad in a fantasy camp. What a tool!

Joe Figliola
February 7, 2003
The funny thing is that when the Mets acquired Hebner, I applauded the move. Yes, I'll admit that I respected him when he was with the Pirates, and I thought that his experience on such winning clubs as the Bucs and Phillies would help the Amazin's. Yeah, right.

February 7, 2003
I also thought when the Mets aquired Hebner that it was good move (Granted I was 10 years old at the time) but it was a foreshadowing of the way things are now, be it decent players or marquis big name guys that come to Shea and end up being a bust. Hebner sucked and he was a lazy piece of garbage when he played here. (Even this then 10 year old was able to recognize that.) I just wonder how Piazza has able to maintain good numbers while he's here, but I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Logan Swanson
May 2, 2003
After 24 years, I know realize it. Hebner bears a striking resemblance to CNN's Ted Turner, both with cheesy 1970s porn star mustache.

rich salustro
May 16, 2003
All I know is that Richie was a gamer! I remember one Sunday game at Shea against the dodgers, a call didn't go his way and he went absolutely APESPIT towards the ump. I would emulate his batting stance in Little League with his shirt tug and deep crouch.

Plus, he signed his 1974 Topps card for me through the mail.

June 2, 2003
Loser! One of many in a long line of players during that era that the Mets brought in who were well past their primes and who had all kinds of success with other teams, then came to the Mets and stunk. Players such as Mickey Lolich, Dock Ellis, Randy Jones, Mike Torrez, Ellis Valentine, Dick Tidrow and Hebner. GM Frank Cashen finally got it turned around in the mid- 80s. Hebner may have been the biggest waste of space in Mets history.

August 14, 2003
Hebner played for Pittsburgh during four years which I followed that team very closely.

Richie wasn't the greatest player in the history of the game but he saved his share of games defensively and offensively.

No one who has ever been challenged with a major league baseball career would make the kind of negative coments made on this forum about Richie. It is extremely difficult to maintain even average offensive and defensive statistics as a major league player.

Why weren't you out there playing errorless ball and batting .300 for the Mets in 1979? If you COULD have, Richie would have been helping his family dig graves.

September 3, 2003
I agree with you, Gary. I was a Pirates fan back in the days of Richie, Kemer Brett, Manny Sanguillen, Rennie Stennett, Jim Rooker, Rickie Zisk. I remember Richie had the nickname of "Puck" since he played hockey, also. If I'm not mistaken, he could have played for the Boston Bruins (?). Richie had a great sense of humor. I remember sitting behind the third base dugout at a Braves/Pirates game and the people sitting around me thought I was from Pittsburgh and they asked me "Is Hebner as much of a flake as he seems to be?" He was just Richie. (And as far as the gravedigger remarks go...have you ever tried digging a grave in Massachusetts in the winter??)

Love ya, Richie! Mean it!

Feat Fan
February 19, 2004
Wonder what's more difficult, digging grave sites or digging out one hoppers in the dirt? Hebner turned out to be a decent player, some pop and durability. Came up with the likes of Bob Robertson, Dave Cash, Manny Sanguillen, Gene Clines, Rennie Stennett and the vastly underated Mr Scoop, Al Oliver. As so very often happens, by the time he made it to the Amazin's he was past his prime and playing for a team that was misguided and in the trenches. Some things just don't change!

June 18, 2004
When Richie Hebner came to New York, he thought he was going to the Yankees. He was stunned and furious when he learned he was actually going to the Mets and doomed to last place with that comical club.

I saw him live in a double-header. He got into an argument with the umpire in the first game, so he got bounced. Before leaving, he covered home plate with dirt and threw bats out of the dugout. Joel Youngblood went to third and Bruce Boisclair (two of my favorite Met names) went to right.

In game two, Hebner was back, and he got a huge ovation in his first at-bat. Probably the only one he got in his year with the Mets.

He was there because Pete Rose displaced Hebner at first with the Phillies. Hebner was on first with the Phillies because they had Mike Schmidt and the Pirates had Bill Madlock.

I'm amazed that he'd go to a Met fantasy camp.

July 1, 2004
Look at this creepy photo-does it surprise anyone that he was grave digger in the off season?

David G
December 27, 2004
As a kid in 1979 I did not know much about his attitude but the 9th inning game-tying three-run home run was one of the most exciting met moments of those bad (but fun) years.

May 22, 2005
I remember seeing an interview with Hebner right after he was traded to the Mets. He looked like he had just found out he was going to the electric chair. Actually hit fourth for the Mets with his big 10 home runs.

Mary T. (Lanning) Loiselle
July 5, 2005
In 1968 I took a chance and wrote a letter to Richie Hebner from Norwood, Massachusetts. He was born in November, the same month as myself and we were also the same age.

He sent me a letter from the Pirates Spring Training Camp. I was very surprised and he also told me about his being drafted to play hockey. He said some day, "if I am ever in your area, I will drop by to see you". He never did stop by, but he did write me a few more times. (I have all the letters and they are handwritten.)

I sent him a medal of the Saint for Athletes, which he wrote and thanked me for and I also send a chocolate candy horse shoe for GOOD LUCK. He got them and thanked me, but never heard from him again as we went into 1969, I was busy with my own life and even though I did drive to Norwood once, (I found out he lived near St. Mary's Church), I just couldn't bring myself to stop by where he lived. Also he was a great writer and told me stories of him being a grave digger in the off season and stuff about his hockey playing days. I honestly have the letters as I kept them for the memories of someone who was a great Pirate Player and a Great Guy, although I do wish I had met him, not that he would have liked me, but he just seemed like a regular person like myself, but it was not meant to be. God Bless You, Richie, You don't know how you made a young girl feel very special, because I always wanted to believe you wrote me back because you were nice and that is the way I remember you.

August 2, 2006
I remember going to a game with my dad in mid-'79 (I was 10) and he used to get company seats in the first row behind home plate at Shea. There was this guy sitting next to us who was relentlessly heckling Hebner the entire game. He kept saying "Hey belong in the AL!'re a DH! Next year you'll be DH-ing in Boston!" After striking out in the 7th inning, he just turns to the guy and smiles. Sidenote: the guy wasn't too far off; he was DH-ing part of the time in Detroit in 1980. That's my memory of Richie.

September 16, 2007
I don't know the Richie Hebner you guys are talking about! I first met him when he played in the minors in Raleigh, NC. I was a 6 year old little girl, that loved baseball. He was an outstanding young man, he always found time to talk to all the kids before and after games.

That team had Al Oliver, Richie, Manny (catcher) the list goes on and every single one of them were nice to the kids that hung around! I still have all the baseballs that all these guys signed for me when I was 6 and 7 years old.

When they all went up to the big show in Pittsburgh, we continued to follow them. Richie wrote me letters that I have in scrap books and sent postcards from several places and I still have a card he sent me when I had my tonsils out in third grade! My father and I got tickets to go up and see the Pirates play and it was great.

I don't know this Richie the rest of you are talking about.

I'm still in North Carolina and had the chance to take my 3 sons to see the Durham Bulls when he was a hitting coach there! He was just as nice as ever.

I have no clue about the Richie Hebner you guys are talking about. I guess New York's not for everybody huh? But hey, I'm a Yankees fan anyway.

Dan Gurney
November 8, 2007
He mailed it in as a Met (although he may have been nearing the end of his career too) but I blame the Mets front office for this. They had a chip to deal in pitcher Nino Espinosa and they use it on an aging player who very publicly said he wanted no part of the Mets. Manager Joe Torre thought his persuasive powers were enough to change Hebner's mind. It didn't work. Hebner invoked his rights to demand a trade after one year..something which former player's rep Torre forget the Basic Agreement allowed.

Even if Hebner wanted to be a Met, what would the trade have accomplished? The Mets were several years away from contention. If you were going to trade Espinosa, get a couple of good young prospects.

August 28, 2008
I am not sure if it was the same game you reference, but I remember being at Shea and Hebner got called out on strikes and got on his knees and covered home plate up with dirt. Great stuff!

Tony B
April 3, 2009
I recall Hebner striking out one time and the ball hitting him on the thigh (someone else said ribs). I was a young kid and thought every Met was a superstar. Looking back at those years it was a good thing I was young and didn't know any better.

Dave Shaw
May 15, 2009
I had a friend in college in the mid-70's whose girlfriend was the LF-line ballgirl at Three Rivers Stadium. She wound up dropping him for Hebner, Pittsburgh's third-baseman, who has dropped a few. Good hitter who built strength and coordination digging graves in Massachusetts.

December 19, 2012
I remember his crappy attitude as well. I do not think it was because NYC is big that he had the attitude problem. Remember he played in Philly and Chicago. I think it is because these were the years, much like now , where the team was being run on the cheap. That does not excuse him. Mickey Lolich on the other hand , did not like NYC because he was married to Detroit. At least Lolich tried.

November 7, 2014
Most of you just don't get it with "HACK". Richie remains one of the closest friends I and my entire family ever had. He doesn't take himself very seriously, and tries to make people laugh as much as he can. He approached playing the way he approaches life, give it your best shot and screw it if it doesn't work out. Richie was the Master Of Ceremony at our family's annual evening with sports stars. It was a dinner that was hosted by my dad and myself when we had a sporting goods store in Worcester Mass. For ten straight years Richie attended and brought his dad and four brothers with him. He also helped us get other ball players to attend like Mark "THE BIRD" Fidrych, and Dennis Eckersley. When my dad got older and couldn't get around that well, Richie took the time to drive to Worcester from Boston once a week to take my dad to lunch. He did this for many years. When dad passed on in '99, Richie was at the funeral and stood up and read a poem he had written. Dad was blue collar and so was Richie, that's all that still matters to him. Richie Hebner remains like a brother to me. Whenever I meet anyone who says they are a Pirates fan, I give Richie a call and he'll send an autograph ball to me in SC where I now live to give to that person. When my my mama passed on in 2004 there was Richie at my home again sitting with the rest of my family. Every year I call Richie around Christmas time to wish he and his lovely wife Patty, a Merry Christmas. To me Richie is not the outstanding former major league hitter, to me "HACK" is one of the most beautiful people I have ever known. It is an honor for me to have him as a friend after all of these years.

June 28, 2018
The Mets were horrible after the Midnight Massacre and 1979 shaped to be a brutal year. I remember actually being excited when the Mets got Hebner - here was a guy I actually had heard of and had success on the major league level for a number of years. Naturally, he hightailed it out of NY as soon as he could.

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