Mike Torrez
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Mike Torrez

Mike Torrez
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 357 of 1238 players
Michael Augustine Torrez
Born: August 28, 1946 at Topeka, Kan.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.05 Weight: 210

Mike Torrez was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 14, 2005, and January 15, 2015.


First Mets game: April 9, 1983
Last Mets game: June 12, 1984

Share your memories of Mike Torrez


Mr. Sparkle
December 21, 2000
He was a loss waiting to happen. HE was a bad pitcher during a very bad time. You knew the Mets were turning things around the day they dropped this lame-o. That was a very happy day in my life. It's right up there with the day George Bamberger quit.

Don Mallo
October 24, 2001
A friend of mine attended Game 4 of this year's ALCS at Yankee Stadium and found himself sitting next to Mike Torrez. Diplomatically, he did not mention Buck Dent, but Torrez made an interesting comment.....he was a team mate of both Roger Maris AND Ricky Henderson. Of course, not at the same time. Torrez was with the Cardinals in the late 60's during Maris' last years and with the 1984 A's during Henderson's early years.

Rich S
November 12, 2001
Sucked for the Mets (walked 10 in one game, if I recall correctly - and that was a good start), gave up Bucky Dent's homer for the Red Sox in 1978. Oh, and of course, helped the Yankees win the 77 Series. Typical.

January 31, 2002
Most productive thing he ever did as a Met was delivering the left hook to the jaw of then-Braves' pitcher Rick Camp, whoc charged the mound after Torrez plunked him, in retaliation for hitting Mookie Wilson.

April 23, 2002
The year MT was with the Mets was the worst of his career. However, I remember going to every game played at home when he was pitching for the Yankees and won the World Series. Too bad the games he pitched like those can't be the ones fans remember most.

Larry Burns
May 30, 2002
This guy was horrible. If a team ever needed a loss, he was the guy to tap (other than Anthony Young). He could not win and he ended the career of Dickie Thon. He will go down in Bosox lore as the guy who gave up the jack to Yankee Bucky Dent. But as luck would have it, he was grateful that Bill Buckner took him off the hook for biggest gag job ever.

Anthony Reccoppa
April 1, 2003
One of Cashen's gafs. He was over the hill in 83, and totally dreadful to start 84. Tom Seaver should and could have easily been the 5th starter needed for the 84 pennant run, but Frank and Davey let "the franchise" go (the SECOND time) and let this stooge pitch opening day and get flamed. Tom instead was in the visiting dugout 2 years later watching Jesse Orosco strike out Marty Barrett to win the 86 classic.

December 28, 2005
The definitive hard-luck pitcher in some ways: served up the fatal home run to Bucky Dent, the fatal terrible of Dickie Thon. Soldiered on some pretty poor teams, including the 1983 Mets, and somehow hung on.

I knew him from my newspaper days, and I chatted with him one night when his good performance got rained out, and stupidly said, "Well, you brought your ERA down." He hit the ceiling. I had forgotten that a rainout rains out the stats. He yelled at me and went to Jay Horwitz, the Mets' PR chief, who has been there forever. Horwitz told me I had to apologize. He was right. I did. But I have never felt that was good enough. Some day I want sit down with him and hand him that famous speech by Teddy Roosevelt about being in the arena. It applies to him.

January 26, 2008
I was never a big fan of Mike Torrez. Especially watching hm catch the last out of the 1977 World Series. For the Yankees! People forget that he won some big games down the stretch in 77. In fact it was Torrez in relief of Guidry in game five of the ALCS that kept the Yankees in the game and were able to come back and win. I think it was games like this for the Yankees and what he did not do for the Red Sox and the Mets makes it hard for us to speak kindly of him. I do think for the past 30 years he has handled the Dent home run with nothing but class. He is right up there with Ralph Branca.

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