Tom Herr
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Tom Herr

Tom Herr
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 285 of 1238 players
Thomas Mitchell Herr
Born: April 4, 1956 at Lancaster, Pa.
Throws: Right Bats: Both
Height: 6.00 Weight: 196

Tom Herr was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on January 11, 2009, August 5, 2009, August 20, 2021, and April 4, 2023.

2b of

First Mets game: September 1, 1990
Last Mets game: August 4, 1991

Share your memories of Tom Herr


Mr. Sparkle
You know he hated being a Met despite saying how much he liked it when he first got here. The next season, he was a reserve player and complained that he wanted to play every day and wanted to be traded. We sent him to, I think it was the Giants, where he was also a reserve player but happy. What a jerk!

Ken Gerber
May 23, 2001
Tom never realy was given a chance. He started 1991 slowly and was in and out of the lineup. He was a solid veteran player who would have performed up to his norm if Bud Harrelson would have had some patience and confidence in Tom.

Mr. Sparkle
May 30, 2001
I refuse to buy Herr's potato chips because of this guy.

October 20, 2001
Had a crush on him when he was a Cardinal.Meet him a few years ago and he wasn't all that nice.Todd Zeile is a lot nicer.

Mr. Sparkle
January 19, 2002
I agree with Gretchen, thank God he didn't end his career as a Met. We got rid of the loser after he whined all the time. It's too bad he was here at all. He made one great defensive play to help win a game and then did squat. The only reason he was thought of as good with the Cards is because of the team around him. He himself bit the big one.

And why are Cardinal fans even on this site?

April 15, 2002
I knew the Mets great run of the late 80's was coming to an end when they traded for a member of the hated Cardinals. I couldn't force myself to root for this guy. I even think the day the Mets released him may be one of my top Met memories. I miss the Cardinal rivalry, the Brave rivalry is great, but no where near as good as the Cardinal.

Larry Burns
May 31, 2002
A St. Louis Cardinal Skank-bag if there ever was one. He complained the minute he was not being used every day, even though his career was solidly on the decline. He truly was pond scum.

July 13, 2004
Another guy that nobody remembers played for the Mets. Another professional player who came to Shea and did zilch. They figured that reunited with Vince Coleman, both would regain their 1985 magic. Sorry, 1991 and 1985 are six years apart.

I'll bet he was happy to flee Flushing.

February 12, 2005
Count me in the Un-Tommy Herr fan club! Hated him in St.Louis. Tough player on those good Cardinal teams! Tried every way to beat you...Until he got to the Mets! Then he became a whiner! Was glad when they got rid of him!

Steven Gallanter
July 4, 2005
I had immediate doubts when the Mets acquired Tommy Herr from the Cards.

Herr had suffered an Anterior Cruciate Ligament tear following a hobbled '88. It should be remembered that Herr knocked 105 RBI's with only 8 HRs while playing Whiteyball.

Herr's acquisition was contemporaneous with Kevin Elster's salary fight.

Yes, the addition of Herr and Vince Coleman began a dark era for the Mets.

Of course, it was made all the more painful by Messrs. Herr and Coleman being 2 of the prime exponents of Whiteyball.

However it should be remembered that orthopedic surgery was not as advanced 15 years ago as it is now. Herr was a truly exceptional player between '83 and '87.

His unfortunate tenure speaks loudly about the ineptitude of the Mets front office.

george krumm
May 19, 2006
The greatest memory I have of Tommy Herr was of him taking a throw from Ozzie Smith and pivoting to turn a DP to Jack Clark. As he received the throw, Tommy blew a bubble with his bubble gum, prior to making the pivot to 1st base.

This was on a nationally televised game. If anyone knows where I can find a picture, please let me know.

Mr. Sparkle
July 22, 2007
I think Buddy, as bad as a manager as he was, was right. Yes, Herr would have been better defensively at 2nd base but so would Elster be at SS over Hojo. I'd rather have the better fielder at SS than 2nd. Plus, Tommy Herr was a malcontent anyway.

January 6, 2009
Of course Cards fans love this guy. He played with passion with them and was a dog when he got here. He did absolutely nothing when here, whether or not he was on the downside of his career. If he was so unable to perform, he should have retired.

St Louis Fans seem to think that they are the best fans in the world. Wearing red to every home game isn't how you do it.

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