Bill Pulsipher
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Bill Pulsipher

Bill Pulsipher
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 228 of 1236 players
William Thomas Pulsipher
Born: October 9, 1973 at Fort Benning, Ga.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.03 Weight: 200

Bill Pulsipher was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on April 6, 2005, May 6, 2012, February 26, 2014, September 27, 2014, October 9, 2020, and May 27, 2023.


First Mets game: June 17, 1995
Last Mets game: May 6, 2000

Share your memories of Bill Pulsipher


Sid Finch
What's the story with this guy? He's like a poodle hopped up on java. All in his head.

March 17, 2001
I was going to write something about him then I realized, why bother. All hype, no substance.

Mr. Sparkle
April 12, 2001
Everyone liked this guy because he was a lefty and he was quirky. Too bad he wasn't much of a pitcher. He showed a lot of promise in the minors but so did Joe Vitko. By the time they traded him the 2nd time I was very sick of his act.

July 15, 2001

like you said on Remlinger before it takes time for Lefties to develop, maybe Green Rushed him, what a shock that would be

Larry Burns
June 18, 2002
The All-Prozac Team! This guy, along with Pete Harnisch, Mackey Sasser and Jimmy Piersall make up the nucleus of a pretty decent mental health team. Pulse was loved because he was different, but unfortunately that began to wane when most people realized he could not pitch. Some people question why on earth did the Mets reaquire this nutcase. I believe the Mets had researched the wonderful impact that Paxil was having on psychos and gave him another shot. Unfortunately, like his pitching, this offering also missed the strike zone by a mile. Another one of the Big 3 who did squat.

Gregory Gewirtz
April 1, 2003
When the Mets changed his delivery, they turned him from an effective but injury-prone pitcher to an ineffective but mechanically sound pitcher. He was better off had the Mets not tinkered with what worked, since his career ended with the mechanical change faster than it would have through injuries.

Geoff Valleskey
September 24, 2004
I always loved Pulse--even got a #21 jersey back in 1995. Sent him a card and a picture of the jersey and he signed them both for me. Have always followed his career, good to see him with Tacoma (seattle) AAA team. Good luck Pulse, hope to see ya back in the majors

March 8, 2005
Yes, he was rushed, and didn't do too badly either. Mets got down on him because he came across as cocky! He hurt his arm and it went downhill from there. Thought he might be ready when he came back the 2nd time, was not to be. I admire him for continuing! He pitched well in 2004 for the Ducks! I understand Izzy pulled some strings and got him an invitation to spring training with the Cardinals. Go get 'em Bill, you deserve a break!

Kevin T
April 27, 2005
I just finished a great article on Bill in Baseball America! It tells how depression can affect a life, and things you do! Bill has overcome a tremendous amount to even get back on the hill, much less make the Cardinals staff out of spring training. The weight gain is a side-effect of the medicine he has to take daily! Bravo Bill, Good luck, many of us are pulling hard for you!

Jonathan Stern
June 26, 2005
Many of the above comments about Pulsipher's mental health are insensitive in the extreme.

I liked Pulse and really pulled for him. He, perhaps more than anyone else, made the second half of 1995 very entertaining. I'm sorry that the promise he and the 1995 squad showed went by the wayside and admire Bill for persevering nonetheless. He could have just given up.

About five years ago, I was walking around the Philadelphia Bourse. I went into a sports memorabilia store and saw a poster of "Generation K." Several years removed from the Generation K season, the poster went for $3.00.

June 20, 2006
Pulsipher joined the Uni-President Lions of the Chinese Professional Baseball League in Taiwan, in May. He is pitching the way we were always expecting him to back in "Generation K" Era: he has a 4-0 record with 1.35 ERA in past month. Not only that, the Lions have not lost a single game since Bill joined the team, and it has taken a month since then (the Lions are in a 14 game winning streak and counting).

Bill has to be having a time of his life in Taiwan, I must say.

Pea tear Griffin
April 16, 2008
Does anybody remember the phrase "Izzy and Dizzy" besides me? I remember hearing that a lot during broadcasts where either him or Isringhausen was pitching.

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