Desi Relaford
vs. the Mets
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Desi Relaford

Desi Relaford
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 387 of 1238 players
Desmond Lamont Relaford
Born: September 16, 1973 at Valdosta, Ga.
Throws: Right Bats: Both
Height: 5.09 Weight: 174

2b ss 3b p

First Mets game: April 4, 2001
Last Mets game: October 7, 2001

Share your memories of Desi Relaford


Mr. Sparkle
May 17, 2001
Nice inning on the mound! Can he start instead of Tracshel the next time around? I'm 100% serious!

Coach HoJo 20
May 18, 2001
Kudos to Desi!!!! Your work on the mound is 10 times better than TRASHsel's, Now all you have to do if bury Steve alive and the starting job is yours!!

Mr. Sparkle
July 15, 2001
I like this guy coming off the bench. When they signed Kurt Abbott last year I thought it was a great move considering his experience with the 97 Marlins. I thought getting Relaford was a mistake. Just goes to show what I know. He's a decent guy to have around.

Won Doney
September 30, 2001
All of you people who said bad things about Desi early on in the season might want to take those things back. No one else on the team is hitting .300.

Mr. Sparkle
December 16, 2001
This guy turned out to be much better than I ever thought he would be. Coming form the Phillies who thought he would contribute? But he was very solid and a great bench player and spot starter. I really can't see him as an everyday player, at least not one of impact. Anyway, I'm sorry to see him go, more so that Shinjo, but to stregnthen your pitching it's worth it. I'll remember him wearing that EMS hat after 9-11.

Gregory Gewirtz
April 1, 2003
I wish the Mets would make these sorts of transactions more often. Instead of leaning on an aging has been or never was, they let a young talented player develop on the major league roster.

They claimed Relaford off waivers from San Diego at a time when Relaford was only a couple of years removed from being a decent shortstop prospect with the Phillies. He had all the tools, but hadn't put himself together as a starter. So the Mets let him compete to be a utility man, and he showed he could play short, second, and third. His speed added to his game, and his bat blossomed in New York. After the 2001 season, sensing his value was at a high point, the Mets packaged him with Tsuyoshi Shinjo for Shawn Estes.

After Relaford pitched his inning at Shea against the Padres, Valentine said he would consider bringing in Relaford to pitch at other times to face a couple of batters, possibly even if the Mets had a lead. He said something to the effect of "You'll be surprised how we use him," and supposedly the Mets had pitching coach Charlie Hough work on his mechanics a bit in a bullpen session to make sure he wouldn't hurt his arm the next time he pitched. Of course, he never got into another game on the mound with the Mets.

Kay Zone
May 9, 2005
Desi's one of my favorite Mets ever! My fondest memory of him was during a game against San Diego in 2001. Total blowout. He'd been playing the infield, but moved to the mound to pitch the 9th inning. And a perfect inning pitched it was! His fastball clocked in at 91 mph! Needless to say, the Mets lost the game 15-3. Bobby Valentine said, "It certainly could have been a lot worse if Desi didn't have the good stuff he had."

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