Darren Bragg
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Darren Bragg

Darren Bragg
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 608 of 1238 players
Darren William Bragg
Born: September 7, 1969 at Waterbury, Conn.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 5.09 Weight: 180

Darren Bragg was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on January 9, 2008, September 29, 2020, and September 17, 2021.


First Mets game: May 16, 2001
Last Mets game: June 3, 2001

Share your memories of Darren Bragg


Chris Mog
January 9, 2002
When I think about Darren Bragg I think about the day he stole my favorite Mets pen. After another amazing comeback by the New York Mets against the most hated Yankees via a Mike Piazza home run I saw Darren Bragg walking out of the press box. I gave him a ball and a Mets pen to sign the ball with, he gave me the ball and took the pen. It was unfair because he never bothered to sign the ball. He owes me a signature and a new Mets pen.

January 18, 2002
Thank God Bragg is back!! Smartest move all off-season (well...)

Darren was like a bolt of lightening for those few games last summer, I thoroughly enjoyed watching him play. Give him a chance to play 150 or so games and I guarantee that will solve our outfield offense problem. Of course, they'll never do that, but a girl can dream.

October 7, 2002
I got to meet Darren, in an Atlanta Braves uniform, during Fuji film day. Ever since then I have watched with interest. He has been a big impact to the Atlanta Braves bench. He now has a web-site ( He has been real nice. Sorry I'm not a Mets fan, but thought that I would share my encounter with Darren. I have many more but I would bore you with all of them.

October 25, 2002
He chose uniform number 56 as a tribute to Lawrence Taylor. It went downhill from there. Oh well, at least he didn't smoke crack. Then again, maybe it wouldn't have made Grant Roberts look so bad if he had....

Gregory Gewirtz
January 25, 2003
Bragg was just another faceless, generic bench player the Mets so often use because they have such a barren minor league system that they can never put anyone on the bench who might develop into someone.

I had no problem with him, or any particular attachment to him whatsoever.

Mr. Sparkle
February 6, 2003
He was a marginal player who showed a lot of hustle. Sometimes people over estimate a guy due to some small sampling of his play. That's why so many people thought Danny Heep was an everyday player- he wasn't! A lot of people loved this guy and he was a decent spark plug coming off the bench but he has bounced around quite a bit, like a Tony Tarasco, because he's just not that good. He was an exciting player and seemed to hustle which endears him to fans but guys like him are a dime a dozen.

Steven Gallanter
March 27, 2003
When Darren Bragg played in Boston I overheard someone say that when Beragg and Darren Lewis were in the outfield together the Red Sox had the BEWITCHED outfield. Two Darrens...get it? I know that's horrible.

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