Tom Glavine
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Tom Glavine

Tom Glavine
Inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, 2014
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 69 of 1238 players
Thomas Michael Glavine
Born: March 25, 1966 at Concord, Mass.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.00 Weight: 185

Tom Glavine has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 23 times, most recently on March 4, 2024.


First Mets game: March 31, 2003
Last Mets game: September 30, 2007

Brother of Mike Glavine

Share your memories of Tom Glavine


Joanna Semsey
January 24, 2003
I always hated Tom Glavine when he pitched for the Braves against the Mets. He always seemed to be pitching in the big games. For example, Game 1 in the 1999 NLCS. He was pitching against Al Leiter and I believe the final score was 1-0 Braves. You know who won that series. The point is, he's a big game pitcher. A future hall-of-fame pitcher. And now he's ours. I know the Braves will regret giving him up without too much of a fight. I just know he'll bring his 11 straight years of postseasons to the Mets. And for hating him before, now you just got to love him. If he plays for us like he did Atlanta, I just know I will.

January 27, 2003
I just have a feeling there is something wrong with him, be it physically, emotionally or mentally for the Braves to let him go, and to the METS no less. Just another example in a long line of past their prime superstars that we end up with pitching at Shea. I hope I'm wrong, but we don't usually have the same kind of luck with guys like this that the Yankees had with that fat slob Roger Clemens.

Joanna Semsey
January 28, 2003
No, there's nothing wrong with Tom Glavine. but there IS something wrong with the Braves for letting him go so easily. My guess is that the Braves will regret this and rue the day that they let him go to the Mets. I bet he will pitch like the way he always has and be the pitcher the Mets know he can be.

April 1, 2003
OK people-Hate to say it but I TOLD YOU SO! He got creamed all spring training long, and he looked like crap yesterday. I DO NOT want to hear about how the cold weather affected him. Number one he beat the Phillies in cold weather opening day last year 7-2, and secondly the cold had no effect on the Cubs' pitching or hitting. Just look at the 15-2 score. There is something going on with him. Would the Braves let him go, and to the Mets no less? We've inherited all of their garbage pitchers like Greg McMichael and Brad Clontz. Hopefully he can turn things around down the line like Hampton did, but this Met fan is not counting on it.

Gregory Gewirtz
April 3, 2003
Glavine had a miserable first day, but he's been too good for too long for me to worry that he's lost his effectiveness already.

The contract may be a burden in a few years, but I still expect Glavine to be a cornerstone of the rotation for 2003 and 2004.

April 5, 2003
Tom Glavine 1973 baseball card
Tom Glavine has been, is, and always will be one of my favorite pitchers in the history of major league baseball. 242 career wins (46th all-time), a career 3.38 ERA (consistently leads the league in low ERA), two time Cy Young winner, MVP of the 1995 World Series, led the National League in wins four times, an eight time National League All-Star, and an all around great guy to have in the clubhouse. If someone can explain to me why the Braves would ever let a man of this status go, regardless of his age, I would love to know. Hopefully Tommy's success with the Braves will be duplicated with the Mets, if not improved....if that's even possible. As long as guys like Tom Glavine exist in major league baseball, the game's in good hands. Strike 'em out Tommy!

Joanna Semsey
April 16, 2003
There you go! Yesterday Tom Glavine pitched just as I knew he could. only 1 run in 6 innings. and in his last 2 starts his ERA is 1.00. that's not too bad at all. all he needed was to get used to a new team and to get settled in. I think he'll do just fine now, pitching like the pitcher who's going to be a Hall-of Famer.

April 17, 2003
Joanna-when I'm wrong I admit and so far I have been dead wrong, and I hoped I would be. He's been the one bright spot in this disaster of a young season. I hope he continues to prove me wrong time and time again and doesn't catch the disease that seems to run rampant through all stars that come to the Mets.

Mr. Sparkle
May 3, 2003
I love having this guy on the team. He's a pro, a hall of famer and a real steady player. Plus, stealing him from the Braves was awesome. Although 37 I didn't feel he was a gamble as I felt with Mo Vaughn and Jeremy Burnitz and most people felt about Cedeno. He knows how to pitch and is a pitcher's pitcher. I just hope with this poor start he doesn't regret coming here. I hope to see him win #300 in a Mets uniform. But when he does that can he chose to do it in something other than the hideous black uniform. I have heard that this year the starting pitcher picks the jersey for the next day. Every game Glavine has worn black. Yuck! You can tell he was not a Mets fan growing up. I hate those uniforms and it baffles me why he picks them. David Cone was the only one this year to pick pinstripes, the true Met uniform. I love you Glavine but the black has got to go!

July 1, 2003
I'm afraid I'm going to have to revoke my apology to Joanna. He stinks. The Braves must have known about that cranky elbow of his. I knew I was right. He showed some flashes of his former greatness after the 15-2 opening day fiasco, but he seems to have settled into a losing pattern here, as I predicited earlier, this aquisition also seems to be a bust. I used to think the Mets were just cursed, the way they also seem to get great players that forget how to play when they arrive in Queens. Now I realize that they just don't research their players. I mean who signs someone like Mo Vaughn just based on a few swings in the batting cage? Even I look amazing when I hit in the batting cage. Being in a real game is a different story. They got so excited to get Glavine after all of these years, that they never bothered to see why he was available.

July 5, 2003
I'm a San Francisco Giants fan, and we loved Glavine in the playoffs last year. He lost twice to the Giants and looked bad. That might have been a sign that Tom wasn't the pitcher he used to be.

Mr. Sparkle
July 12, 2003
I'm not giving up on Glavine yet. This Questec thing is in his head and screwing him up at home. On the road he's been a very good pitcher so if he can get over the Questec thing and just pitch his game, he'll come out of it. He is a hall of famer but then again so was our boy Alomar. Glavine however is at least very professional and handles himself very well in an interview so at least he has his head on straight. You know he's giving 100% whereas Roberto was not. He wants 300 wins so I believe he'll work his way through this. We still have him for another 3 1/2 years so I believe he'll do what he has to to win in NY.

July 15, 2003
Mr. Sparkle I might be inclined to agree with you had the Braves not let him go after 15 years. They knew something was up with him either physically, mentally or both. You don't just trade away a future hall of fame lefty for the hell of it. Part of his problem are that he is 37 years old, and his body is starting to have 15 years of throwing pitches catching up to it, and I have to believe that mentally he feels like he was fired from his job with the Braves. I would lose my confidence if the team I pitched for year in and year out decided to trade me and not be any worse for wear. I know it would bother me if I was him. The Questec thing may be another small hinderance for him, but a veteran pitcher like him should be able to come up with a solution to getting his pitchers over without getting creamed. Glavine is just another example of the Mets getting All-Stars 10 years too late.

Mr. Sparkle
October 11, 2003
Sure Tom had a dissapointing season but just think, if he were still on the Braves he would have been 14-10 with an ERA of 3.30 instead of 9-14 with an ERA of 4.52. Instead of 4 losses to the Braves he would have been 5-0 against the Mets- having not ducked the last Braves/Mets game. Maybe that would be a good selling point to get him back on the Braves.

December 14, 2003
He did have a bad year in 2003, but he should turn things around next season. Tom is a great pitcher and he tries. He's not like Robbie Malomar who doesn't give a crap. When I think of Glavine the 2 words are winner and competitor. Lets remember the Glavine had no offense or defense behind him. Well he will be pitching in 04 with a younger and better team than the year before. Glavine should win around 15 games next year as the Mets may be in wildcard contention. So could 2004 be 1984 for the Mets?

January 9, 2004
Met fans should forgive Glavine for his poor 2003 performance. His season was marred with inconsistent play and poor attitudes from teammates, a shocking lack of professionalism especially to a future HOF like Glavine.

However, 2004 should be viewed differently. Glavine will have a younger and hungrier crop of teammates. As the staff ace - and a team leader - he must step up and lead this team. More importantly, Glavine cannot show lapses in important spots. He cannot set a bad tone on Opening Day by getting rocked again like the Cubs hit him last year. He cannot show complete ineptitude against his former team, the subsequent division leader. He cannot pitch poorly against the Yankees. The Mets cannot continue to rely on Trachsel and the other unproven starters to be a stopper. Glavine - and for that matter, Leiter - must make a stand in 2004 to shore up a pitching staff to succeed.

October 20, 2004
Tommy started off the season great, and had horrible luck. No matter how well he pitched something would go wrong dropped fly balls or the Mets didn't hit or the leaky pen would blow the game. Glavine was awful in the second half, and made all kinds of excuses for his bad luck. I tell ya I'd bet he'd crawl through barbed wire to go back to Atlanta.

Anthony R
April 7, 2005
Yuck! Get him OUT OF HERE! I can't stand that rotten face he has. He is the most un-enthusiastic player we've gotten yet. You can't tell me that he wants to be here. He HATES it here. You can see that with a blindfold on. Trade him to... or for ANYONE! He will be the first player I think of when looking back at the "cloudy and drizzly" Art Howe era.

Mr. Sparkle
April 19, 2005
Did you ever notice whenever he loses a game there a lot of pictures of him scratching his head? I swear every time I see his picture after a loss he's got his hand under his hat and he's scratching.

Jonathan Stern
April 30, 2005
To quote Marvelous Marv, "I knew this was a bad idea."

See my first entry on Art Howe. If the guy could still pitch, the Braves would have done everything they could to keep him. If Glavine knew he could still pitch in 2003, he would have signed with the Phillies, who were far more ready to compete that year than were the Mets. Instead, he came to Club Met for money and losing, knowing full well that others on the team would be slammed harder by fans and reporters during the duration. You could see in his interview two days ago with Smoltz and in his constant hangdog look that his heart is still in Atlanta. Heck, his home is still there. The man has as much Met in him as David Wells.

It's bad enough that the Braves always beat us. But do they really have to do it in Mets blue and orange (or black, or white, or...)?

May 4, 2005
Definitely over the hill. Was just about there when he got here. Is there a chance we could sell his contract, for the ever popular "player to be named later" to an American League team? Isn't he part of the Franco/Leiter clubhouse decision making team?

Mr. Sparkle
May 4, 2005
After his bombing by the Phillies last night, he needs 133 innings to get next year kicked in on his contract. So, if he still sucks in August, cut him, and you don't have to worry about next year. What a disaster. Pitched well for the first half last year and part of 2003 but overall has been a disaster. He's walking guys like he was Victor Zambrano. I have more confidence in Jae Seo. There's no way Glavine will be a factor down the stretch if we need him so I'd rather have Heilman, Tracshel or another rookie pitching than him. Pathetic.

May 22, 2005
I watched Tom Glavine pitch for the Braves for years. He chalked up all those wins because he was always on a championship team. With all due respect Tom Glavine is a mediocre to sub-mediocre pitcher. He does not deserve to go in the Hall of Fame. He had a lot of luck going his way to obtain his life time wins but his pitching skill is still sub-par and mediocre.

June 13, 2005
I discovered Tom Glavine as a little 12 year old kid when I finally set down in front of the tv to discover what all the fuss was about the Atlanta Braves back in 1991. I've been hooked ever since, some 14 years later.

Sometimes I try to think back to the defining moment that made me become such a life-long fan of his, but I can't think of one thing. I think it's just really because of who he is. A talented ballplayer, who's passionate and a fierce competitor, who's intelligent, respectful, nice and just in general a good guy. I've had the pleasure of meeting him a few times and he's just been a total class act.

Now that I no longer live in Georgia and Tom no longer plays for the Braves, I rarely get to see him pitch anymore on tv or in person. But the few times I do, they are moments I definitely cherish.

I think I took it for granted in the past, always getting to see him pitch. Now, I think I savor those opportunities more.

I fully believe he'll wind up with the coveted 300 wins.

Logan Swanson
August 15, 2005
Tom is an intelligent, classy guy.

Probably the sharpest Met pitcher intellectually since Seaver, as far as baseball smarts.

And he was a starter of the highest caliber for Atlanta.

You don't win as many games as Glavine did just because you have a good team behind you.

Glavine had impressive ERAs during those years.

What happened then?

Glavine's tenure in Metland reminds me of that of another lefthander from yesteryear, Randy Jones.

Granted, Randy Jones suffered some injuries before coming to New York.

But they were both slow pitch experts who outwitted, rather than overpowered batters.

Both, it seems, had lost their timing.

That is essential for offspead pitchers and junkballers.

And apparently, it's not easy to get your timing back.

And, as with Randy Jones, Glavine has not exactly taken a shine to the Big Apple, or the amateaurishness that is the present day Mets organization.

So, signing Glavine was money down a hole.

But then, even if Tom had contributed 15-17 wins per season, what difference would it have made?

The Mets are lacking in so many other areas, they wouldn't have made the playoffs anyway.

Mr. Sparkle
October 13, 2005
Glavine fianlly turned into the reliable pitcher we thought we were getting when we signed him. Too bad it took until the 3rd year to see him pitch his best. I was praying that he wouldn't get the innings to have next year kick in on his contract but he pitched very well from June on that he earned it. Now, that being said, if he can pitch the same way next year that will be great. I'm just not sure he'll be the same guy in '06. If he's as good, '06 should be a good year for everyone.

Mitch Cohen
August 19, 2006
As I posted in an earlier comment, I have been an Atlanta Braves fan for 22 years, through good and bad. Although Tom pitches for the "enemy" now, and I still have some bad feelings about his leaving Atlanta, I have to give him credit for being one of the all time greatest pitchers in this game. My best memory of Tom is one, the most important game in Braves history, Game 6, 1995 World Series. Tom shuts out the mega powerful Cleveland Indians on one hit for eight innings, striking out eight, and combining with closer Wohlers, on the 1-0 victory, that gave my beloved Braves the World Championship. Quite frankly, Tom pitched one of the best games I've ever seen by a pitcher, working with the slimest of margins, that he didn't even get until a Dave Justice 6th inning homer. He gutted it out, to play a large part in giving the Braves their only World Series win. For this, I thank him, and I will always remember that night, October 28, 1995, and his big part in giving our team the one greatest moment that until now, we have not repeated.

tom behlmer
July 17, 2007
Altough he will always be considered a Brave by everyone including himself we have to admit he has always given the Mets his best effort as evidenced by his willingness to turn his career around at age 40. He has worked with Rick Peterson on a new approach to pitching and the results are evident. He is well liked and respected in the clubhouse and by the young pitchers on the staff. I will be happy to see him win his 300th game with the Mets, something we were denied with our beloved Tom Seaver. He is a professional pitcher at the end of a distinguished career and although it hasn't been all good for him here in NY (2003-mid 2005) he has given us and NOT the Braves some pretty good moments the last 2 years.

September 30, 2007
Today's performance was beyond wretched. It erased the memory of anything good he ever did here.

October 1, 2007
I'd hate to think that this is the way I'm going to remember Tom Glavine. Walking off the field with his head down after giving up 7 runs while only recording one out in the first. Over the last 2 years he's given us a lot of good, quality starts, especially in the playoffs last year. This really was a shame, and it may be time to move on and look for younger starting pitchers. Good luck Tom, and thanks for everything!

Joe Figliola
October 4, 2007
I quote Johnny Rotten when I look upon Glavine's Met career: "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

Although he pitched a couple of nice games in his five years with the Mets, the bottom line is that he wasn't what he was when he was with the Braves.

I have a Glavine bobblehead. When the Toys for Tots people come around this Christmas, you can be sure that I will donate it to them.

He had the chance to cement himself into Met history. Instead, he contributed to Met misery.

Glavine is a fraud.

Mr. Sparkle
October 7, 2007
The fact that Tom said' "I'm not devastated" after crapping the bed in his last start as a Met, giving up 7 runs in only 1/3 of an inning in the game they got eliminated in, he reminds me of Kevin McReynolds' duck hunting comment. I get it Tom, there are more important things in life than baseball. But when you are talking in the context of baseball, it was a devastating loss. We all realize real life is more important but again, in the context of the baseball world it was a devastating loss. His next to last start was horrible too. Tom had a so-so 5 years in NY. He had some positives and some negatives. He's a Hall of Famer but he ended his career in Flushing on a very down note and with very little respect towards the fans. Hope we pound you in Atlanta next year. Thank you Kevin McReynolds.

Mr. Sparkle
November 25, 2007
I keep hearing people ask how the Mets are going to replace Tom Glavine. Please. Tom pitched in 34 games so he is durable, but he averaged 5.2 innings per start, hardly workhorse numbers. He pitched very well at times, and very poorly other times. his last two starts in particular were poor, costing the Mets the playoffs, so I do not consider him a money pitcher at this point in his career. He also had an ERA of 4.45 and a WHIP of 1.41, neither statistic could be considered anything other than average. His BA against was a poor .286 and lefties, yes lefties, hit .326 against him. So the best thing he has going for him is that he doesn't get hurt. I kinda wish he got hurt before his last start. Jose Lima would have done a better job.

December 6, 2007
You know, I really used to like Tom Glavine. Heck, I was at game two of the NLDS when he threw six shutout innings to help the Mets to a 4-1 win. But, after what happened his last three starts this past season and his seemingly shrug your shoulders attitude after the collapse, I find myself feeling nothing but resentment towards him. When the last game was over, I wished the fans had thrown all the garbage on the field and the Shea personnel have the Mets clean it all up.

February 15, 2010
The Mets would not have won the division in 2006 without Glavine. And he did win his 300th game in a Mets uniform, the only pitcher ever to do so. That's something the Braves can never take away from the Mets.

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