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Cliff Floyd

Cliff Floyd
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 105 of 1238 players
Cornelius Clifford Floyd
Born: December 5, 1972 at Chicago, Ill.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.04 Weight: 240

Cliff Floyd has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 11 times, most recently on May 23, 2023.


First Mets game: March 31, 2003
Last Mets game: October 19, 2006

Share your memories of Cliff Floyd


December 23, 2002
I vividly remember Cliff Floyd playing first base for the Expos in a game at Shea. He had to reach into the runners basepath for a throw, resulting in an ugly fracture of his wrist. This was in 1995 (when the Mets were worse than last year) and hardly anyone was in the ballpark. Floyd's screams of anguish were broadcast loud and clear over SportsChannel -- a very upsetting scene.

April 18, 2003
I remember Cliff Floyd mostly with his days with the Florida Marlins, as I live in South Florida and attend a lot of Marlins games. (Yes, it is a waste of money, but it is baseball after all!) I always made sure to go when they played the Mets. The fans loved Floyd down south as they even had a banner behind the left field foul pole (he played left for Florida) above section 110 for all the fans that sat there reading "Cliffhangers". It was fun, since he was pretty much the only good player on the team.

April 25, 2003
What I've seen of him so far I like, but he is always ailing and aching someplace. I just heard on WFAN radio that he needs day games after night games off and he doesn't want to play on Astroturf because of his tender Achilles. So I guess he'll only play about 100 games, not exactly what Steve Phillips bargained for, and not exactly what a desolate hitting outfield needs.

Mr. Sparkle
June 14, 2003
I gotta say I like his attitude. He's playing hurt and heating up. He's the only real threat we have right now. Doesn't like being a DH which says a lot considering his achilles is hurting him. He's definitely a gamer and probably Steve Phillips' last good move.

Etch 35
July 4, 2003
Cliff seems like a throwback player to me. He gets paid well to play baseball, and he probably feels like he should be out there earning his money and giving Mets fans something to watch. I said it before and I'll say it again: he is a soldier and a player worthy of respect. Not his fault we suck.

August 2, 2003
I was real glad when they signed Cliff Floyd. I remember any time he hit against them in tight games, he always made me nervous. He is still fairly young at age 30. He is still putting together a solid season, even with his injuries, and the fact that the lineup sucks. He seems to refuse to go on the DL. That is the type of attitude this team needs.

He also seems like a nice guy. At spring training back in March, he was signing by the fence around the players parking lot at the Mets spring complex.
I quickly went over with my spring training program, which already had a lot of signatures on it. He told me to press the program against the fence, so he could sign it through one of the holes in the fence. I was real excited to have gotten his autograph. I hope he continues to be good for the Mets through the rest of the years on his contract. He has become one of my favorite players.

Bazz McClain
November 15, 2003
Cliff is Mr. Baseball! He has more heart and dedication to the game than anyone since Keith Hernandez and Gary Carter. I hope next year Met fans get to see a full season of Cliff. I had the MLB Ticket and knowing he was in the lineup kept me watching. And boy did he end his season with a BIG BANG!

September 8, 2004
Whenever he takes a step he looks like James Caan after he was hobbled by Kathy Bates in the movie "Misery". I can't watch him even walk from the on deck circle to the batter's box anymore, he makes me cringe.

Mr. Sparkle
September 9, 2004
Last year he tried to play hurt and seemed to have a very good attitude and put up some decent numbers while getting clutch hits. He was a real go to guy.

This year he is the opposite. Bad attitude, lousy numbers. Strikes out a ton and has no clue against lefties. His numbers are horrible.

Another bad signing by the Mets. He must go in 2005.

December 18, 2004
Here is my second posting about Cliff Floyd. Since Al Leiter is gone, he is currently my favorite player on the team. I got his autograph again along with a picture with him back in March. He makes me look so small in size. I do not blame him for saying that this team is not a contender during when they started to falter. How can you blame him with what the state of the team had been? He played even though he was in pain a lot of times. Give him credit for that. I hope he stays for 2005.

Mark Stewart
March 9, 2005
A comprehensive 5,000-word biography on Cliff has been posted at:


Mr. Sparkle
October 13, 2005
I think Cliff's "bad attitude" in 2004 was really a frustration with losing more than anything else. He bounced back nicely in 2005 and was one of the best guys on the team. From his comments throughout the year, you can tell the guy just wants to win. He's a gamer and plays hard, runs the bases well and played a pretty damn good outfield this year. Way to go Cliff.

Gets by Buckner
April 3, 2007
His last at bat as a Met could have made him the hero of New York City. Instead he had to whiff! I'm sure Cliff would have loved a second chance. I wish he were still a Met in '07 but I wish him well with the Cubbies!

April 3, 2009
What a career he could have had if he didn't get hurt. When he first came up with the Expos He reminded me of Andre Dawson at the plate. I loved his sense of humor. He was using the theme from "Sanford and Son as his intro music when batting. I guess it made sense with his ankle being bad.

September 29, 2011
Cliff Floyd was a big help getting Jose Reyes playing again after sitting out with odd leg injuries, to work hard and get back with team. Many thanks to him for that!

June 7, 2012
A good guy who had some real bad luck; he really did seem to want to be a Met, but I think it got to him when things - most beyond his control - didn't work out. I hope all is well with him.

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