David Wright
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David Wright

David Wright
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 3 of 1238 players
David Allen Wright
Born: December 20, 1982 at Norfolk, Va.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.00 Weight: 200

David Wright has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 543 times, most recently on December 20, 2023.

3b ss

First Mets game: July 21, 2004
Last Mets game: September 29, 2018

Share your memories of David Wright


Anthony R.
July 23, 2004
Saw his MLB debut last night, and saw a good glove at the hot corner. Mets history at third is a dead forest with a few spots of green. (Garret, HoJo, Alfonzo, Knight) Maybe this guy can break the curse and become the "great one" we've been waiting for. His 0-4 was nothing to worry about. If you hit .350 in AA, & AAA, that means you can hit.

Bill Deegan
July 30, 2004
Saw his first ML home run in Montreal Monday night, July 26, 2004. Unfortunately Mets got wacked 19-10. Todd Zeile, in an eighth inning pitching performance, gave up five runs.

October 20, 2004
The second half of the 2004 season can be summed up pretty simply: David Wright, David Wright, David Wright. This guy has All-Star written all over him.

Basically shot up from being out
David Wright 1971 baseball card
of the Mets collective unconscious for 2004 to becoming the main reason to watch the team. At 21, thrust into the spotlight, David was absolutely unfazed. And you can't not like a guy who hangs out after night games, signing autographs for fans.

The only downside to Wright's ascention is that he's lost his rookie eligibility for 2005. With the numbers he could put up over a full season, he would have been a lock for Rookie of the Year. With more ABs, he could have done it this season.

He hammers the ball all over the field, regardless of who's pitching.

He plays his a** off no matter what the situation.

He's got the class to handle the NY media.

He'll be 22 and starting at 3B on Opening Day 2005.

This kid is scary.

Scary how good he's going to be.

Mark Stewart
March 8, 2005
A comprehensive 5,000-word biography of David has been posted at


March 31, 2005
I'd agree with Tom Shannon about a lot of players -- but one of the impressive things about Wright is his refreshing lack of ego. I doubt he'll stay in the #8 hole all that long, but however long he does, I'm not concerned that he'll sulk or fret.

Robert Beck
April 14, 2005
I have known Dave Wright since he was in the 8th grade. An absolute class act from a great family. I'm very comfortable that he will be a great role model and ballplayer for years to come.

Jonathan Stern
April 24, 2005
Given how 3B has gone for the Mets in their history, I'm afraid to be optimistic about anyone who plays the hot corner. I thought Robin Ventura was the guy, then look what happened. David Wright can hit and run and clearly can play the position well even if he's not Brooks Robinson. I hope and pray that he breaks the hex once and for all.

Wright has a Bill-and-Ted, surfer-dude voice that cracks me up. This past spring training, he explained to Ed Coleman the pros and cons of the different Florida stadium slurpees.

J. Kutkowski
April 27, 2005
Looks like the real deal. A 30 homer 90 RBI .300 hitter at third base, where we never can keep anyone.

Let's just not be stupid and try to deal him for someone who doesn't want to be here.

May 20, 2005
What an amazing player! This guy's game is hot! I had the pleasure of meeting him on May 5 before the game. Not only did he sign my hat, but he signed a mousepad I purchased at the clubhouse, and a baseball they were warming up with! What a generous guy! I look forward to watching him this season and in the future. He belongs in NY as a New York Met! The Mets are soooo exciting this year! Go New York! David Wright is awesome!

May 24, 2005
May 23, 2005, Mets at Atlanta: I would like to comment on David Wright's error last night in game 1 against the Braves. Other than the fact that he made an error, he had an extraordinary comeback! Not to mention his homer prior to the error. He made 2 great defensive plays and then had answered at the plate with a hard hit double. Now that’s the ‘Wright’ way to respond to an error! If only all players could do the same. Way to go David! Never keep your head down! His aggressiveness in the past game also shows his dedication to the game as well as his team. His response to his error clearly shows he is a team player. He did not dwell; he answered back!

July 5, 2005
Simply put-he is a joy to watch in the field and in the batter's box and he also seems very humble and nice when I hear him interviewed. I hope the Mets are smart enough to hang on to him for a good long time.

Tommy Mercer
July 5, 2005
Having been in camps with and even playing on teams with Dave I have to say that his performance at the major leauge level comes as no surprise. I suppose my fondest memories come from throwing batting practice to him for all the pro scouts that used to come and drool all over him on a regular basis. The reason these memories are fond is because they are representative of what a tremendous team player the man is. With his future on the line, he still always had time to make sure I got my cuts on the field because in his own words, "I had to play in the game that afternoon too." I congratulate him not only on being a tremendous ballplayer but also being a tremendous human being.

Congrats bro, I never doubted you for a minute.

August 18, 2005
I am a huge Red Sox fan but because of Doug Mientkiewicz going to the Mets, I watched them a lot and I saw David Wright who I had been watching when he was with the Norfolk Tides. I called it last year that he was going to turn into something big. Now his second year with the Mets he is on fire. He is going to go far. Very far.

October 13, 2005
Being from the Chesapeake, VA area, I was very proud of David and all his accomplishments. I have a six year old who says he wants to be David Wright and play the hot corner. This year I went to all the games against the NATS and got the privilege of witnessing one of David's GRAND SLAMS! It was an honor. Now that it looks like Mike will no longer be a Met, my son and I have a new favorite in David.

October 13, 2005
Perhaps David Wright's biggest fan, Del Thurston, died on Friday September 9, 2005 of a heart attack. On Tuesday September 13, 2005 he was buried wearing a New York Mets David Wright jersey.

Mr. Sparkle
October 30, 2005
The Mets best player coming through the system since Darrly Strawberry. He's the real deal and the whole package. I love this guy. He is clutch, a good 2 strike hitter and the guy I want up when they need a big hit. Coming through the minors his numbers were decent but I thought they were talking him up too much. Boy was I wrong. He's better than expected and will hopefully go down as the best Met to come through the system ever. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but I see no reason why he can't be a multi year all star and possibly even the Mets first ever MVP. His defense has improved over the second half and he looks like a great kid. Just stay healthy and you'll have a great career.

Annette F
December 23, 2005
My boys and I first saw David play in Harbor Park, Norfolk VA. He was totally smoking in what he does best "play awesome baseball". He did an awesome job for the Mets in 2005, and he can only get better as he gets older. I think they are very lucky to have him!

Steve B.
January 4, 2006
Signed an autograph for my daughter and about 125 other fans. He smiled the whole time. He is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Keep it up David!

February 12, 2006
I just think he is awesome, he's numbers prove that at the end of 2005 season. We can only be excited to see and watch him grow even more over the years. Can't wait for 2006!

Killer K
April 1, 2006
If there is a God, please allow David Wright to be everything he seems capable of becoming. As a Met fan, you grow accustomed to always bracing for the worst, ESPECIALLY when it comes to young "pheenoms" like Wright. However, you look at this guy and it doesn't seem to make sense that he is this good based on his experience. He does everything at the plate, is steadily improving in the field and provides the perfect face for the organization in the post Mike Piazza era. Maybe a bit premature to compare him to Scott Rolen, but that is certainly not an unfounded complement.

Dan Braga
June 28, 2006
Sunday June 18, 2006. Mets-Orioles. Could be the hottest Mets game I've ever been to in 25 years. I was miserable. I was suppose to take my wife and my 10 month old daughter. My wife said it was way to hot for them to go. I went with a couple of friends instead. David Wright hits his 3rd career Grand Slam home run on my 1st Father's Day! It's safe to say I'll remember where I was on my first Father's Day! Thanks David Wright, future captain of the New York Mets.

Tom L
June 28, 2006
With nearly half the season complete, I honestly feel that with a second half as productive as his first, we are going to finally see a league MVP award be given to a Met. Go David!

July 12, 2006
David Wright, if he stays healthy, can be a definite Hall of Famer. I know it's too early in his career for to speak about that stuff now, but this kid has all the right tools, and he's on the right stage. I think he's better than Jeter by the way. Sure Jeter has more rings, but David plays a much more difficult position, and has much, much more power than Jeter. David Wright can still hit in the clutch, and he hits for average. He's on pace to hit 40 hr's this year, while playing in a classic pitcher's park like Shea Stadium. Imagine how many hr's he would have if he played in tiny Yankee Stadium?

Feat Fan
August 20, 2006
It's early on in his career but, already a real MVP candidate, a legitimate multi-skilled player that is to the METS what Jeter is to the Yankees.

We've got something special here and it will be a joy watching this kid patrol 3b for the next 12 years or more.

Stay healthy, stay humble, stay grateful, you're a positive young man and one helluva player!

Kaitlyn Wharton
August 23, 2006
My brother Andy Wharton, struck out David's younger brother, when his team played my brother's. My brother's team is the Deep Creek Hornets in Chesapeak, VA.They both hung out a few times. I also think that its cool that I was raised the same place he was, in Norfolk, VA, thats my hometown too. I even saw him playing a few times when he was still with the Norfolk Tides. I know my brother wouldn't be able to strike out David, but I think that's kinda a good start.

Mr. Sparkle
October 4, 2006
I have a very small criticism of David. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy and still think he has the potential to be, when all is said and done, the best player ever to play for the Mets, but I hate the way he catches a pop up. He catches it with one hand to the side of his body rather than two hands in front. It's a small thing but I'm always afraid he's gonig to drop it. Also the unwrapping and wrapping of his batting gloves between every single pitch drives me nuts. Other than that, he's almost the perfect player. It would be nice however to have seen a few more homers since the all star break. He's had 2. I hope he's saving the rest for October.

October 13, 2006
I have one other tiny criticism to add to Mr. Sparkle's-he MUST stop tapping his glove before he throws to first base. I'm not sure if it's timing thing so he doesn't rush his throw, but I have seen it cause a few runner to be safe at first. Other than that, no complaints here. I love the guy.

armando looper
November 1, 2006
I have a very serious, very nagging wonder about our franchise boy. What says that instead of duplicating this year's overall numbers, which look good because of the first half, he duplicates his awful second half, which went something like 6 homers, 42 rbis. He was putrid, and no one says anything. Playoffs, more of the same. Looked like a screw up, unprofessional. Swinging at pitches he spit on his rookie year. He has taken a huge step backward, and he needs to prove himself all over again in my eyes.

Geoff Valleskey
March 31, 2007
I hope DW can get over the hump this year. He has really struggled in the 2nd half of seasons and that was magnified in the NLCS. He was our version of A-Rod, but because Wright keeps his mouth shut, nothing was said. I am a huge #5 and Mets fan, but like others have said, it is time to get to the next level!! 25 HR's and 105 Rbi's for the next 10 years is nice, but I think it might be time to expect more, if that is possible. Anyway, hope our pitching is strong enough to get DW another chance in the playoffs!

feat fan
April 7, 2007
I don't know about you, but this METS fan will not argue with a decade + of 25-105-.305 and an improving glove.

Yes, he trailed off in the second half of the last two seasons and that will improve as he gets older, stronger and experienced, let's not forget, I've got Little Feat concert tee shirts older than him!

Mr. Sparkle
May 3, 2007
Call me a fickle fan but last October I wrote he was almost the perfect player. Now after a poor April, I'm wondering what the hell happened. He has looked clueless this April and that "hitting streak" he has was a joke. He's not hitting for power, nut knocking in runs and not clutch. Thank God it's only been April. Started first 2 games of May pretty well. He needs to get on a roll. I don't expect him to turn into the next Mike Vail but he needs to pick up the pace. Anything less than 20/100 is unacceptable.

Also, he has more 0-2 counts than any player I have ever seen.

July 17, 2007
David Wright is my favorite baseball player. He is great at hitting home runs plus he can field really well. The shouldn't let him go. I love you David Wright!

Dave in CT
September 19, 2007
When all is said and done it is a 30/30 season. Just think how his numbers would be if he hit in April? As many Met fans know, 3rd base has always been an Achillies heel. I think with D wright around, that standard is about to change.

Congratulations on another fine season, and keep up the good work.

Mr. Sparkle
October 11, 2007
I was down on him in April and he really showed me. He had an awesome season and has definitely shown himself to be the team leader. Can he continue to improve? I really don't care if he wins the MVP, I'd rather have made the playoffs, but even to be mentioned in the discussion means that he has arrived. Hopefully next year he can carry the team to victory in their last year at Shea.

Andy C
July 4, 2008
First let me say that David is a pretty good player, and perhaps the best on our mediocre team. He is an overrated fielder in that he has difficulty making the routine play, like HoJo did many years back. I cringe when he comes to the plate with 2 outs and a runner in scoring position. But on this team I suppose he is the best we got

Mr. Sparkle
August 26, 2008
I love the guy and all but he has been the anti-clutch this year. I have zero confidence in him this year in a big spot. ZERO.

October 6, 2008
At this point, to me, he is the best position player the Mets have produced. I also don't think he deserved the Gold Glove and I wished that he'd not have accepted it. Like his mentor, Howard Johnson, he makes a great effort and makes some spectacular plays but he also flubs basic stuff. Earlier this year the team produced and used a Diamondvision video called "The Wright Way To Play". I remember being at a game early this year when it came on and there were a few chuckles then full laughs when the subject turned out to be throwing. I didn't see the video or another one like it again this year.

December 11, 2008
I remember going to a baseball game when I was 17 years old. It was a second-row seat. I came early 2 the game and was able to meet David Wright! I will remember this day forever. Heck that guy is super cute!

December 22, 2008
I have been following the Mets since my first game at Shea in May 1971. Mets beat the Expos and I got Rusty Staub's autograph before the game. I stayed late afterwards to get some Mets autos too. Joe Pignatano and Eddie Yost, coaches, signed my glove. When Jerry Grote came out he ran away from us kids and refused to sign; heartbreaking since he and Seaver were my favorite Mets.

Flash forward to some time in 2007. I am in SF on business and decide to catch 6 innings of Mets-Giants before catching a plane home to NYC. Since I am alone when I buy a ticket at the window I get a seat right behind home plate. I get there early and the Mets are taking batting practice. I go up to the rail and David Wright comes over. Nicest guy you would ever want to meet. Talks for a while, signs my ticket, takes time to chat with other early bird fans and signs whatever he is given. Class act all the way.

Wright is the real deal. Home grown Met, no ego problems, talent by the boatload. He will be the second Met to make the HOF in my opinion, after Seaver.

Older guys like me remember the merry go round at third base for the Mets. Since Wright came up that issue is dead and buried. This guy is like Joe Hardy in Damn Yankees, my new favorite Met. Take that Jerry Grote.

Joe Figliola
March 3, 2009
I read a small item in Newsday recently that Wright and Ryan Church snubbed an invite from WFAN's Mike Francesa to appear on the latter's radio show during spring training. Wright and Church reportedly were not too thrilled with some of the big man's comments regarding the Amazin's. Francesa added (and I'm paraphrasing from the article) that Wright in particular was acting like a baby for not coming on to his show.

Recently, Francesa has been shaking his Yankee pom-poms a little too much on his show. His remarks about the Yankees being better than the Mets reminded me of something pre-pubescent schoolboys would say in the schoolyard. Good for Wright and Church not to appear; their bats will speak to Francesa on their behalf 2009! Hopefully, Mr. Adirondack and Mr. Louis VilleSlugger will have much to say!

Don S
January 2, 2010
Who is the real David Wright? The 33 homer guy in 08? Or the 10 homer guy in 09? It easy to blame the injuries to Reyes, Delgado and Beltran for his drop in homers and RBI's but I beg to differ. Citi Field's dimensions will continue to cause a power loss similar to what Petco Park did with the Padres when they moved there. David Wright will have to adjust because his owner wanted a park that looked like Ebbets Field but with a high Progressive field type wall in left and with no natural jet stream balls will continue to die. Note to Met management. Lower the wall in left and the homers will increase in 2010 for all of the Met hitters.

January 21, 2011
My main man Wright will be a lifetime Met and he may also be the greatest hitter this club has ever developed. He overcame that dismal '09 season and is back to being the five-tool premier player he has always been. I will be surprised if he doesn't end up in the Hall of Fame one day. He has been streaky, yet clutch when it has mattered most and I would not want anyone else hitting in a big spot. I would trust him to get it done. He just needs a more improved supporting cast and I think he will get at least one ring before he retires. Thank you Mike Hampton for leaving earlier than you should have so that the Mets could draft this superstar, or actually the real king of New York.

Hot Foot
January 30, 2012
When did David Wright turn into Tim Teufel?

And to think that there was a time we used to stop everything we were doing to watch his at-bats.

I hope he can find his old self in the improved Shea field this year.

March 18, 2012
I hope Wright turns it around this year and remains a Met for the rest of his career. Him getting traded would be like the 1977 Midnight Massacre all over again. It would probably destroy a decent chunk of the fan base and picturing someone else besides Wright playing 3B at Citi Field is unimaginable for me right now. I can only pray that Alderson does not pull the trigger.

September 30, 2012
The Mets need to keep David. He has been a model player and person through good and bad. I think he will sign for the same amount as Ryan Zimmerman and that is not overpriced for the best player in Mets history.

The Truth
March 23, 2021
To address previous comments:

Sorry that David was too busy to sign an autograph and you are ok that your son now admires a domestic abuser who threw his wife through a door. I guess that is ok to you.

Also - David was tremendous in 2007 and 2008. Not his fault they had no starting pitching in '07 or a bullpen in '08. Just because the Mets failed to win a WS does not mean that Kevin Mitchell is a better all-time Met. That is ridiculous and you know that.

David was one of the best players to ever wear a Mets jersey, and he will be remembered as such.

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