Norm Sherry
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Norm Sherry

Norm Sherry
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 427 of 1238 players
Norman Burt Sherry
Born: July 16, 1931 at New York, N.Y.
Died: March 8, 2021 at San Juan Capistrano, Cal. Obituary
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.11 Weight: 180

Norm Sherry was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on July 16, 2016, January 23, 2019, September 28, 2019, January 10, 2020, and July 16, 2020.


First Mets game: April 11, 1963
Last Mets game: September 26, 1963

Share your memories of Norm Sherry


Richard Kissel
March 30, 2001
Norm Sherry was the brother of Larry Sherry. The two of them both came from the Dodgers organization. With Sandy Koufax, they were several of the few Jewish players in Major League Baseball.

Mike Tenenbaum
August 3, 2001
A kid went up to Norm in the Polo Grounds and asked for his autograph. "...and if you don't give me your autograph I'm gonna tell everyone your batting average."

"What could I do?" Sherry later said after he gave the kid his autograph.

June 1, 2003
I think Sherry was the pitching coach under Roger Craig in San Diego. As a Met he was a former Dodger. The Mets were obsessed with taking young players from the Dodgers and none other than Tommy Davis ever did anything with the Mets.

Maxwell Kates
December 28, 2003
Norm was a pitching coach with a variety of teams, including San Diego, but not when Roger Craig was managing. That honour went to another former Met, and that's Chuck Estrada.

Norm had his first crack as a pitching coach with the California Angels in 1970 and 1971, a team which he later managed. Oddly enough, his manager on the Angels, Lefty Phillips, was also Jewish. How often does that happen that you have both a Jewish manager and a Jewish pitching coach?

After several years of coaching and managing on the major and minor league level, he resurfaced as a pitching coach for San Diego in 1982. Norm was reunited with Dick Williams; he had previously served as a bullpen coach for the Expos from 1978 to 1981. He was the pitching coach for Spokane in 1985 before being recalled to the Giants from 1986 to 1991. THAT'S when Sherry's boss was a former Mets pitcher named Roger Craig.

Not only is he given credit for turning Sandy Koufax' career around, but he provided similar advice to Nolan Ryan about a decade later. He taught Gary Carter how to finesse his catching, and he transformed an also-ran pitching staff on San Diego into a league champion within three years.

February 12, 2008
Something that comes to mind when I think of Norm Sherry is the memory of a Polo Grounds game in 1963 where Sandy Koufax was closing in on a consecutive scoreless inning record of some type. Norm Sherry, according to my recollection, hit a home run off the upperdeck overhang in left field to foil Koufax's bid.

I haven't been able to confirm my recollection and would appreciate a note from someone who can confirm or refute the Sherry home run off Koufax.

Given the comments regarding the relationship between Norm Sherry and Sandy Koufax, it would be an interesting twist if Sherry did break up a record attempt by Koufax.

March 30, 2008
Sorry Lorrin...Norm's homers in 1963 came off Warren Spahn on April 20 and Billy O'Dell on May 4. Both were at the Polo Grounds. The first came in the 2nd inning and helped Al Jackson to a 3-1 win. The second was a three-run shot, but the Giants romped, 17-4.

Koufax threw a three-hit shutout at the Polo Grounds on July 12, but Norm was hitless and Joe Christopher had a single in the 2nd inning. Sandy won again on August 17, but again Norm had no hits out of the six Koufax allowed.

Jim Eckert
February 15, 2011
The Mets played the Cardinals 6/19/63 and lost 9-4. In the game writeup it was noted that Norm Sherry got a hit his only time up to "raise his batting average from .088 to .099".

Ed K
March 12, 2021
Sorry to hear that Mr Sherry just passed away. His obituary says that during his Dodger career before he became a Met, he gave Sandy Koufax a tip that changed the latter’s career.

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