Tom Hausman
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Tom Hausman

Tom Hausman
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 314 of 1238 players
Thomas Matthew Hausman
Born: March 31, 1953 at Mobridge, S.D.
Died: January 16, 2019 at Las Vegas, Nev.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.04 Weight: 190

Tom Hausman was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on September 10, 2012, May 5, 2013, November 15, 2019, March 31, 2022, and January 16, 2024.


First Mets game: July 7, 1978
Last Mets game: September 7, 1982

Share your memories of Tom Hausman


February 3, 2002
a decent long reliever for some very dark and dreary Mets teams

February 7, 2002
Free Agent bust!!!!!!! this guy was always hurt, and when he was healthy he was mediocre at best.

February 5, 2003
I believe Hausman was the first free agent the Mets ever signed. They were so chintzy in those years, and that was before the dollars really got huge! I remember the Yankees getting Catfish Hunter, and other clubs making some fairly splashy moves. Then the Mets got this guy, and everybody thought, "Who?!"

Joe Figliola
February 7, 2003
In the mid-70s, no matter how trivial a move the Mets would make, it was a big deal for me. Such was the free agent signing of Tom Hausman. Yes, I knew he was a marginal hurler, but because this then-15 year-old had heard of him (thank you, Topps baseball cards) I made this signing out to be much more important than what it really was. (I did the same thing when the Mets signed Elliott Maddox.)

Tom was okay, but he needed an identity. Was he a starter? Reliever? Long man? Mop-up man? You make the call.

May 29, 2003
He was the first free agent signed by M. Donald Grant who threw nickels around like they were man hole covers.

September 12, 2004
Another one of those guys on the late-70s pitching staff who defined mediocrity.

The Yankees sign Catfish, the Mets sign Hausman. Thank you, M. Donald Grant.

Jonathan Stern
January 14, 2005
A staple of the Joe Torre Mets, brought down by bone chips, stomach ulcers, and a certain lack of talent.

June 12, 2007
A remember him as a middle/long reliever who ate up a bunch of innings and usually kept a bad team in the game. At least for a year or two.

David Mo
November 24, 2010
Tom Hausman is an example of how Frank Cashen used to spin straw (not Darryl) into gold. He swapped Tom for Carlos Diaz, who had an excellent year for the Mets and was then traded for Sid Fernandez.

Keith Farley
September 11, 2020
First class friend and fellow Little League coach in Las Vegas. Rest in peace Tom.

Dale Glenn
February 9, 2022
A bit of a funny story while in high school. In a PE class we were playing dodge ball. Tom had a strong arm being a pitcher. He threw the ball so hard. He hit me right in the face. I had a pretty good red mark and then a bruise for few days. I will always remember that experience and how it stung!!

Mr. Sparkle
June 4, 2024
My memories of Tom Hausman are that he wasn’t very good however looking at his numbers that aren’t half bad. He may have gone from a starter to bullpen but I’ll take him in the 2024 bullpen any time.

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