Jose Oquendo
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Jose Oquendo

Jose Oquendo
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 252 of 1238 players
Jose Manuel Contreras Oquendo
Born: July 4, 1963 at Rio Piedras, P.R.
Throws: Right Bats: Both
Height: 5.10 Weight: 156

Jose Oquendo was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on October 24, 2013, April 12, 2019, and May 18, 2022.


First Mets game: May 2, 1983
Last Mets game: September 30, 1984

Share your memories of Jose Oquendo


Mr. Sparkle
January 5, 2001
I loved this guy when he was with the Mets. HE was a very flashy fielder when the Mets were just geting good. I remember at one point he got his average up to .299 before it plummetted. We had a kid in college on our team named Paul Dejesus that played short and we called him Jose Oquendo. Too bad he was traded to of all teams the Cardinals. He is the manager of their minor league team in Jersey now.

David Diaz
February 22, 2001
Cheito, as he was known in the La Cumbre Caimito area of Rio Piedras had the best hands many ever saw. He was a member of a group of Puertorican prospects that all signed at the same time & made it to the show. ( Fco. Oliveras-SFO,Luis Aquino-KC, Luis Rivera- Montreal, And Hector Villanueva Chi. Cubs) He is now a key art of Tony La Russa's staff in St Louis and I would not be suprised if he is the Bigs first Puertorican manager. Good luck to Cheito on his quest.

July 19, 2002
When the Mets traded him away, Oquendo complained about the Mets and the coaching staff. He said they didn't do anything to help him. Bill Robinson replied "That's a very immature young man."

October 8, 2002
Jose Oquendo, I think, is the best person in the world. I love him. I've known him all my life and even though I don't see him much (because he's coaching for the Cards) I still love him. Hopefully he gets the chance to manage an MLB team! This winter 2002 he's going to Puerto Rico to manage a team. So I'm very excited I'm going down there to watch him manage that team and see how he does. I do hope that if he does manage a team that many people enjoy him and that they understand how hard it is and not make one person angry because of the way he did something.

Larry Burns
January 31, 2003
Is there any appreicable difference between Jose Oquendo and Rey Ordonez? Both last names began with "O", both were shortstops, both were Hispanic, both were known for their glove work, both could not get a hit if their lives depended on it. These 2 guys were some of the most overrated people the Mets ever had. At least Oquendo actually went on to have a servicable career with St. Louis. Ordonez will always be terrible. I guess that is the difference. Rey was more overrated and more terrible than Jose.

Mr. Sparkle
February 3, 2003
First guy to play for the Mets that was younger than me. Now, other than Franco, they all are.

June 12, 2003
Oquendo was probably the x-factor to those great Cards teams in the 80's. Too bad the Mets dumped him early on, like they should have done with Ordonez.

June 13, 2003
Got his autograph at one of the games in the 2002 season. Man does he speak good English now! Diametric opposite of the nervous, incomprehensible kid of twenty years ago!

June 17, 2003
You heard it here first....This, one day, will be the manager of the NY Mets...solid guy a la Felipe Alou!

Richard Weinberg
January 10, 2014
He should have been the Met shortstop through the 80's, and well into the 90's. While with the Mets, Oquendo was great in the field, and worked very hard to improve his hitting. Davey Johnson just did not like him, and was instrumental in treading him away to their arch rivals St. Louis, for what amounted to absolutely nothing. Whitey Herzog was a lot more supportive of Oquendo, nicknaming him "The Secret Weapon" Under Whitey, Oquendo greatly improved his hitting year by year, and eventually finished in the top ten hitting in 1989.

scott r
August 11, 2015
After reading some of these comments I had to post something. Jose was ok with Mets and proved to be valuable to the Cards; you can't tell me he was better than Ordonez, Ordonez was not a good hitter either but he was one of best defensive ss ever, considering what Mets did after Oquendo was here I don't think they missed him at all.

Jack W
September 2, 2016
I liked Jose Oquendo as a young player with the Mets. He went on to make a career with the Cardinals. Good for him! My most vivid memory of Jose was in 1983. The Mets had just installed the brand new Diamond Vision scoreboard. When each batter came up to hit they posted something nice to say about each one. Concerning the young rookie Oquendo, the best the could come up with was: "Jose lives next door to Ivan DeJesus!"

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