Kevin McReynolds
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Kevin McReynolds

Kevin McReynolds
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 32 of 1238 players
Walter Kevin McReynolds
Born: October 16, 1959 at Little Rock, Ark.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.01 Weight: 215

Kevin McReynolds has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 29 times, most recently on January 1, 2024.


First Mets game: April 7, 1987
Last Mets game: August 11, 1994

Share your memories of Kevin McReynolds


Timmy B
Did this guy ever smile? He was a little out of shape for a major leaguer, but remember all those home runs into the left field bullpen.

Unlike most of the over-weight lumps that gravitate into the Mets organization (Bonilla, Fregosi, Lolich) at least McReyolds did make some important contributions to the Mets for at least one season ('88). Currently he's probably resembling one of the butterballs he loves so much to shoot.

Absolutely leveled Mike Scioscia at home plate in game one of the 88 NLCS. Knocked him into next week. That's my best and practically only memory of Kevin McReynolds.

Dave A
December 18, 2000
Steve, you've got some company: I'm another McReynolds fan.

My brothers and friends always chided me for liking McReynolds, but his only faults were an expanding waistline and a perceived lack of effort. He wasn't as good as Edmonds in the OF, but he was blessed with the same natural ability that made his game look effortless.

First guy I remember who carried his batting gloves in clenched fists when stealing bases, to avoid jamming his fingers.

Mr. Sparkle
March 31, 2001
I almost s*** myself when he said it didn't matter to him if they won game 7 or not because he would win either way so he could go to the series or go hunting. You gotta be kidding me pal!!!. Most players die to get into the World Series and you see it as a toss up with duck hunting??? May Turk Wendell hunt you down in the woods and gut you! That said he was a great defensive outfielder who did have a great year in 88. Other than that a big dissapointment.

Jeff Hayes
June 26, 2001
I remember that he had a well deserved nick name, "The Stealth Bomber." I was at a game that had been rain delayed and only about two thousand fans were left at the end. Daryl Strawberry was walked to load the bases to face McReynolds. McReynolds quickly ended the game with a grand-slam. I've been to many games, but those two thousand fans put on the loudest and wildest celebration I've ever seen.

Jiggy All Night Long
August 28, 2001
As a kid, I remember watching the Mets and McReynolds Saturday afternoons on the game of the week. Being from, Michigan, I always relished the opportunity to see my adopted team (first love was the Tigers) play. My favorite player of all time was Kevin McReynolds, and while the years have faded my memories of specific games and accomplishments, I remember him being a very underrated player. Sure he was chubby, but made up for it with smart baserunning and a strong arm. His season consecutive steal record and his outfield assist numbers will attest. For those who complain about his love for outdoor games I say this. As hard as it may be for obtuse people to believe, baseball does not everything to some people. To KMc, it was his job, which he did extremely well. He has never said, and there is no evidence at all, that he tanked a game so he could go hunting. He brought the same passion to his job that you bring to yours; work, or baseball, to him, wasn't his first passion. That's not to say he didn't give it his all each game. It just meant he didn't stay around after the games or get excited for doing what he got paid for. If you don't want him on your team because of that and your work isn't your first passion, perhaps your boss should let you go too.

Mr. Sparkle
December 7, 2001
I'm not a Kevin Mcreynolds fan but defensively he was one of the best leftfielders they ever had. They've had some good ones recently, but I really think McReynolds was one hell of a fielder.

Robert Campbell
January 28, 2002
I have a good memory of him hitting a grand slam in the 9th inning against the Expos in 1991 to cap a fine comeback and win the game 8-5 (I think). He wasn't the most popular Met though, that's for sure.

January 30, 2002
I've watched the Mets since 1962.

Simply put, Kevin "McLoser" is my LEAST favorite Met of all-time.

Hopefully, this will be my ONLY unfavorable comment ever on this site.

Logan Swanson
February 14, 2002
McReynolds had a world of talent. He was a major component in the 1988 Eastern Division Championship season. I don't know whether he gave 100% all the time, and maybe it doesn't matter, because he put up pretty good numbers in his Mets career. He was not, however, a "force" in the clubhouse.

Mcreynolds was not "married" to the game of professional baseball. He was a private person, and disliked the many phony aspects of being a celebrity. He was an Arkansas boy through and through, and did not look forward to playing in New York. Aside from some uninspiring remarks he made that are quoted on the "Met's Memories" website, he was in no way a "team cancer". He mostly took the money and kept quiet when he was with the Mets. Perhaps too quiet.

To understand Mcreynolds, you only need recall his retirement announcement circa 1994. He held a mini press conference in or around his house in Arkansas to break the news. He waved his hand at his vast property holdings near his house, and made clear that his baseball career was merely a way to acquire and lease real estate, at considerable profit to himself.

Some guys see baseball as their life, graduating from players to coaches, managers, or broadcasters. Some fall in love with the city they played in, and open up businesses there. None of that interested Mcreynolds. For him, all it was was a large paycheck, a means to an end. It enabled him to go back home a wealthy man, and that suited him just fine.

March 19, 2002
One of the laziest, worthless, emotionless players in baseball history...and the Mets got him TWICE! I almost had a heart attack when he came back in '94. Never seen a guy basically do NOTHING in the OF..even when he did good at bat he wouldn't smile or show emotion. He shoulda spent his career in KC where nobody would have to know about him.

March 25, 2002
he went out and gave 100% everyday and never said a word. He quietly led by example. Made effortless plays in the outfield and was a great baserunner. Not fast, but smart. Growing up, he gave guys like me, quiet and a little overweight, the feeling that we could play too and do well. He may have been a quiet country boy that would rather hunt than go to the World Series, but he was somebody I'll always remember as a great Met.

Larry Burns
June 10, 2002
A Hall of Fame talent in a guy with no passion for baseball. He could do it all---hit, hit for power, run (I loved the gloves to keep his hands clenched), field and throw. He might be the best leftfielder in the history of the Mets. Why people are torn on Kevin is that it seemed to come so easy to him. He was a gifted natural athlete. But it also seemed like he played baseball simply for the paycheck. This was confirmed by the "Win or lose, I win" comments. Fans love talent, but they love guys who show a passion for the game. Mac always seemed like he was trying to figure a way to make a lot of money and not have to play baseball. I grant you, he had talent. I found his lack of desire maddening. He could be on his way to Cooperstown, instead he is in some duck blind with a shotgun and a poster of Brittney Spears.

Steve Green
June 26, 2002
Graceful and deceptive. If you had to begin outfitting a team by drafting a solid number 5-spot hitter first, it would be he. My Dad said McReynolds reminded him of Hodges hitting: "A sucker for the low outside one."

Leland Zimmerman, CPA
September 11, 2002
I have known Kevin since since he was 5 years old. I watched him play from Teeny League all the way to the majors. He always gave 110 percent effort.

As to the comments about his being a hunter and fisherman, that is a big deal in Arkansas. Don't come down on because of that. Come to Arkansas sometime and I'll take you hunting or fishing. After you've spent a morning in a duck blind, maybe you'll decide you would rather go hunting than live in New York City or maybe you'll understand how it feels to be a country boy 1,000 miles from home with duck season just around the corner.

October 25, 2002
I remember a Bill Gallo cartoon in the paper the day after McReynolds hit for the cycle for the Mets. The first three hits were signified by McReynolds' emotionless visage, and the fourth hit to complete the cycle showed McReynolds' face with the faintest hint of a smile.

Karl de Vries
March 4, 2003
At least we were able to rid ourselves of Vince Coleman for this guy...but it's like trading Mel Rojas for Bobby Bonilla...who got the raw deal?

June 24, 2003
OK, I'll play it down the middle - I thought the guy was talented, gave some great moments - levelling Scoscia at the plate (I was quite surprised by that) and the first game I saw him as a Met, he put one in the upper deck in left field in Shea - a place few balls have ever reached. All things considered, he was really one helluva ballplayer.

I don't condemn him for his love of duck hunting, but I just think he could have applied himself more in developing his natural talents. I don't think it's asking too much to get yourself in optimum condition to make big money to achieve all your dreams by playing a kid's game for the benefit of paying customers. One reason he was able to leave the park so early (at least on the road) was that he showered while the game was in progress - anyone remember the incident in Chicago with him and Strawberry frantically putting their uniforms back on because the Mets made a 9th inning rally in Wrigley? (The beginning of the end of the Dave Johnson) Again, is it really asking too much to at least sit on the bench until the game is over? Nor do I condemn him for his dislike of New York - it obviously isn't a good fit for everybody. For that I blame the organization. Considering the amount of money involved, is investing in a phone call too much in order to find out what the player's attititude is about playing there? Saberhagen had a pretty cool reaction about being traded there - one would think they would look for these red flags before it's too late.

October 21, 2003
I don't get it, I never had a problem with this guy. He was a solid player, he had some power, didn't misplay balls in the outfield. What is everyone complaining about? Everyone thinks he's an underachiever? Why don't we compare him to the overpaid cry-babies from the past 2 seasons. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would be thrilled to have a player like McReynolds in the outfield right about now.

October 21, 2003
I liked Kevin Mac but I do think the lack-of-desire tag is a fair one. However, he put up numbers and played great LF. Put him next to Rey Ordonez and Bobby Bonilla (bad attitudes, zero contribution) and Kevin Mac looks pretty good. Put his numbers next to Cleon's and Mazzilli's, two beloved Mets outfielders, and he looks awesome.

Favorite moment: Grand slam off Gossage at Wrigley after Gossage had dogged KM in the press. I heard that on Interstate 78 in NJ on a roasting hot day and I still remember blowing my horn about 5 times when I heard the call on the radio.

August 10, 2004
Kevin Mac was one of my fav players. The first thing I think of when I hear his name is, speak quietly and carry a big stick. His many homers always delighted me watching the Mets back in the late 80's. Kevin was the example of a good ballplayer although I wished he would have had just a little more passion.

March 1, 2005
Wow! Love him or hate him! Everybody sits on one side of the fence or the other. It wasn't the fact that he never showed emotion, or created controversy! It was... He could have been so much more! He dominated in 1988 and should have been M.V.P. His being quiet was completely different than the self-promoters around him. It was refreshing! He played left field about as good as it could be played and let his numbers stand for themselves! I wouldn't say he was my favorite Met, but he's certainly not the worst either! Wherever he is now, I hope he's doing well.

July 25, 2005
K-Mac was, and still is one of my favorite Met all the time, after me becoming a Met fan about twenty years ago.

People criticize him for being "lackadasical", which I completely disagree. There were no other left fielders in the game at the time (or since then) who could go down the line, to his right preventing a hitter to stretch a single to a double; K-Mac also was a smart runner, succeeding 21 straight steals without getting caught, and I often saw him sliding very hard into second base to prevent double plays on the Mets.

True, he was not a perfect fit for NY atmosphere, always quiet, left the clubhouse the earliest after the game, never gave quotable quotes for the media. As far as I am concerned about his quote about preferring duck hunting over playing in the World Series, is a sort of a ploy played by NY media who tried to distort the message that K-Mac gave to them. It is obvious that K-Mac was never a favorite of NY media. Anyhow, K-Mac still remains one of my favorite all- time Met, and his antitheses - quotable, but lackadasical teammates of his, are whom I despised, and I am quite sure that K-Mac did also.

Tom L
January 3, 2006
September 13, 1987. The Mets beat the Cards to keep them from sweeping, and we stay within 2 or 3 games with 3 weeks to go in the season. Leaving Shea, there was an air of electricity, that we were gonna come back and overtake the Cards, fans were high fiving each other as we exited, we knew we'd be back in the Series. Well as we walk by the bullpen gates, outside of rightfield, K-Mac takes the jam out of everyone's jelly donut by leaving the parking area, no more than 10 minutes after the game was over. He's rolling past us, hair still wet from a quick shower, zipping past the fans after the team's biggest win of the season. It was at that moment that I was forced to acknowledge that this was not the same team as the year before and that their character took a severe blow by replacing Kevin Mitchell with this guy. He was no doubt a talented player, but you could tell he could care less, as his comments about being no happier if he were hunting or if he were in the World Series proved.

January 26, 2006
Its pretty amazing so many believe he was lazy. How many Mets outfielders put up numbers close to this guys? You can count them on one hand with fingers to spare, that's how many. Who cares if he hardly ever smiled or didn't profess his un-dying love for baseball? The guy could 'play'; he was an outstanding left fielder. If you think McReynolds was lazy, then you weren't paying attention.

Dave G
May 19, 2006
Kevin was my favorite baseball player when I was growing up (I was born in '84) My favorite memory of Kevin was one game against the Expos, one of the first games I can remember, Kevin came up with the bases loaded in the 9th and the Mets down and he smacked a grand slam to left field. After that, I was his biggest fan.

bobby boo
September 8, 2006
OK, here's the many of you linger at work after your work is done or run out to catch the train, bus or beat the traffic to get home to see your family? If you run out like most of us, are you a lousy, lazy worker?

Kimberly Mc Cowan
November 3, 2006
Kevin McReynolds was not a 'hoop leaper'. He always struck me as quiet and anti-social, not Unibomber anti-social, just very private. It has to be hard to be in a city like New York with its crazy Mets fan base. You have every personality under the sun. Imagine trying to please a couple million people...

I can't see where people draw the conclusion that he was lazy or unmotivated. I've heard the duck hunting story a thousand times; the guy got judged for being honest. You'll go watch movies made by stars who are in it for the money, but when an athlete admits to the same thing it's a scandal, and scars his career forever.

In August of 1990 My 10-year-old son and I went to see the Mets play San Francisco. In the last game of the series Kevin McReynolds hit 2 home runs, back to back. That was a great memory for my son, he still talks about that series, and living in Idaho could have easily picked any team to attach himself to, but still loves the Mets!

My father was born in Arkansas and was signed by the Milwaukee Braves back in the early 50's. He never made it past AA ball, but always talked about Kevin McReynolds being from his native Arkansas. A few years back I sent one of Kevin McReynolds' cards to New York, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. I explained to him that my dad was a huge fan and would he please sign the card and send it back. HE DID! I gave it to my dad for Father's Day and he flipped. That is my fond memory of Kevin McReynolds.

November 8, 2006
I always thought Kevin got a raw deal from Mets fans. The majority I run into all seem to dislike him because they thought he never hustled or didn't seem to care. And I must say, I never saw that from him. I pretty much saw every game and still watch some with the magic of VHS, and I never saw him not hustle any more or less than anyone else. And I might add, he was a fantastic defensive left fielder who put up some very good numbers with us.

January 24, 2007
I don't know why so many Mets fans are down on McReynolds. True, he had an outward lack of fire but that doesn't mean he was jaking it out there. In the four seasons from 1987 through 1990, he averaged 25 homers and 90 RBI every year. Those were pretty good numbers in those pre-steroid days. He was also a very good defensive outfielder and led the league in assists one year.

He wasn't the kind of fiery guy that Mets fans like to have on their team, but he was a consistently good player.

Randi B
October 17, 2007
Wow! It's amazing how the fan base is half and half. I'm personally on the fence with him. I think he was an excellent fielder and great hitter. He definitely should've won MVP in '88. (I think we can all agree to that.) But it's also evident that his heart wasn't in it. I remember in the year before he was traded to KC (during the Bud Harrelson years) he would only hit home runs and pop ups. In fact, I recall one at bat where the pitcher threw an intentional ball and Kevin actually swung at it!! At times he was into it, and sometimes he just didn't care.

I appreciate the things he did in NY, but if he put in some extra effort he could've been in Cooperstown. But that's life.

Jeff The Pug
February 3, 2008
The anti-Wally Backman ... Played competently but without even a hint of passion or urgency. As his waistline expanded - too much duck, perhaps? - his production tailed off. In some ways, he exemplified the post-1986 Mets - talented and competitive, but lacking heart, I think.

Patrick Linton
March 30, 2008
I remember Kevin McReynolds in 1969, playing little league baseball against him. He played for Twin Cities and he was the complete ballplayer. In an 18 game season he hit 24 home runs and hit a line drive in left field and I hit the fence while the ball was still rising above the fence. I played for Venable Lumber Company and remember Kevin as the greatest Little League player I ever played against. I will never forget the great way he played the game of baseball.

October 13, 2008
Kevin McReynolds was my favorite player when I was growing up. If you Google him, and read the articles from the first few years he was here, they were glowing. Everything went sour in the press when he wouldn't talk to the media after hitting for the cycle. My favorite memory was him scoring on Scoscia in 1988. We should have beaten those Dodgers!

Connie Cash Black Arman
November 1, 2008
To all of you haters: Kevin is alive and well in Arkansas. And I know for a fact he could give a rat's ass what anyone of you thinks of him! But if you really knew him you would already know this: he loves his family and they love him. He is and always will be one hell of a guy!

Nathan Snell
November 4, 2011
Even though I wasn't old enough to watch him play, my Grandpa coached him in legion ball and he was one of the greatest LFs to play and could hit a long ball when the team needed it most. Who cares if he didn't have as much of a passion for the game? Look at the stats and tell me different. Also how 'bout you guys meet someone before you talk about them?

December 20, 2019
I always enjoyed watching McReynolds play. He was a cool customer, not too much emotion but a solid player. He's still in Arkansas, remarried to a lady named Sara Beth Miller. He has 2 grown daughters, both married and a few step children, again all grown up. I always felt like the press gave him a hard time. I miss the Mets from the late 80's early 90's.

Jonah Falcon
March 6, 2020
Let's put this simply:

The Royals traded him away for Vince Coleman, who was persona non-grata for the firecracker incident AMONG OTHER THINGS in 1993.

The. Royals. Traded. For. Coleman. To. Get. Rid. Of. McReynolds.

Richard Weinberg
October 27, 2022
Traded for Kevin Mitchell after the '86 season. He was a very good player, who just did not have enough desire, passion or drive to reach full his potential. His smooth outfield play, and power hitting, lasted for a few years during the late 80's, and then he started to fade. I don't think he ever made an all-star team while with the Mets, and I don't think he really cared. Simply put, another underachiever from the talent rich Met teams of that era. Also famous for his quick exits from the clubhouse after games.

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