Joe Orsulak
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Joe Orsulak

Joe Orsulak
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 192 of 1238 players
Joseph Michael Orsulak
Born: May 31, 1962 at Glen Ridge, N.J.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 205

Joe Orsulak was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on December 18, 2003, November 6, 2010, February 26, 2018, July 22, 2019, December 18, 2022, and May 31, 2023.

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First Mets game: April 5, 1993
Last Mets game: October 1, 1995

Share your memories of Joe Orsulak


Joe Figliola
October 15, 2002
Oh, man, was he fun to score. Three seasons, three .300 averages; he hit a lifetime .323 for me.

Joe's first and last games as a Met stand out for me. The first was against the Rockies where, as a 9th inning defensive replacement, he threw out a runner trying to stretch a single into a double and saved Doc Gooden's shutout. The other was the triple he blasted in the final game of the 1995 season against the Braves; he didn't score but the Mets won that one on a shutout as well.

Oh, man, was he fun to score!

Sah Boinker
March 26, 2003
Joe Orsulak is a Hall of Famer in my eyes. I remember this one game back in September of 1993. It was cold, but Joe was ready for it. He got up and took a monster swing at a beaming fast ball, but missed. He was blasted in the head and knocked out. But that didn't stop Joe. He then stole all 3 bases including home to win the game 1-0.

Anthony Young
May 3, 2003
I remember Joe giving 110% every time he was on the field. I also remember he was giving it his all even though he had a wife and child who were very ill. His all out gutty performance night after night despite his personal problems made him my favorite Met and hero for years. I'll always be his biggest fan. For the record, I'll also never forget his grand slam vs. the Giants.

Jonathan Stern
March 29, 2005
Another solid guy on bad Mets teams. He and Dave Gallagher were fun to watch play the outfield and both men could hit. Orsulak had his blooper reel moment when he chased a ball into a bullpen and came up with a paper bag. Calling it his "great memorable moment," Orsulak insisted that he did not leave his mess in it; there was only air in the bag. But beyond that, he was the epitome of baseball professionalism. And, of course, he played under the shadow of serious health problems within his immediate family.

I miss both Orsulak and Gallagher, even if I don't miss the Mets teams they played for.

jamey bumbalo
November 17, 2005
I lived in Baltimore while Joe was on the Orioles and attended dozens of games. I was always impressed by Joe's professionalism and skills. I was overjoyed when he joined the Mets. He always gave the game everything he had and was a fine ballplayer. I'll take a team of guys like Joe (and Lenny and Wally and Mookie)--guys who played every game hard-- any day.

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