Jason Isringhausen
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Jason Isringhausen

Jason Isringhausen
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 170 of 1236 players
Jason Derik Isringhausen
Born: September 7, 1972 at Brighton, Ill.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.03 Weight: 210

Jason Isringhausen was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on August 16, 2004, December 16, 2009, April 11, 2011, April 12, 2011, and October 12, 2019.


First Mets game: July 17, 1995
Last Mets game: September 6, 2011

Share your memories of Jason Isringhausen


Mr. Sparkle
Izzy had his problems but there was always talent there. I just wish the Mets realized it was as a closer before trading him for the ever useless Billy Taylor. One of the worst trades of all time. Congrats to Izzy for making the all star team.

Coach HoJo 20
December 25, 2000
What a freaking disapointment this guy was. Go cut yourself with a box cutter izzy

March 16, 2001
I really thought that he was going to pan out. All we heard about were the big three--Pulsipher, Isringhausen and Paul Wilson, and I honestly believed that of the three, he had the best stuff. It's a shame what happened to him while in New York, and even though I understand why he was traded to Oakland in '99, I thought that he was doing well. And since it appears that Pulsipher and Wilson will never amount to anything, I'm glad to see him succeeding in Oakland as their closer. Hmmmmm....a Mets starter that ended up becoming an excellent closer. Can anyone say Rick Aguilera?

October 13, 2001
Leave it to my Mets to let a good piece of talent go after not seeing the future forest for the present injury trees. (And who cares whether he pitched for a topless softball team while on the DL - you expected maybe he should have been in traction instead? - all he did was pitch; no one has yet accused him of trying anything nasty, if you catch my drift.) Someone should have had the brains to have him sit it out for a full season recovering properly. He did, after all, put up a winning season, albeit a short one, before the injuries hit. And who was the genius who began the talk about Isringhausen, Pulsipher and Wilson being the new Seaver-Koosman-Ryan boys on the block? That's the way to ease 'em into the big leagues, gang - especially when, of the three, a closer look would have told you Isringhausen was the surest bet of the three.

That's also the way to guarantee you won't see your closer of the future because you've got the blinders from what you wanted to see. Isringhausen by his own admission is a two-and-a-half pitch pitcher, which isn't going to get you that far as a starter unless your name is Bob Gibson - but it will get you a hell of a lot farther as a closer. Especially one who won't go up in smoke when the lead looks fat and all you've got to do is hold the opposition for an inning. Who would you rather have coming in in the ninth to hold the lead, especially if the lead is two runs or better - Jason Isringhausen or Armando (Careless in Gaza) Benitez, who should have been voted the MVP of the 2000 series...for the Yankees? Hint: The Oakland A's at this writing have one hell of a chance to knock the Yankees out of the postseason in three straight, and Isringhausen has saved both those wins. The Mets aren't going to the post season unless they've bought tickets or plan to watch on the big screen TV.

Bob Murphy
December 12, 2001
Izzy will tank with the Cards. His two years with the A's were a fluke. Better that the Cards waste money on Izzy than the Mets.

June 6, 2002
I remember the spring training in West Palm Beach in 1995 against the Braves. Izzy struck out Justice, McGriff, and Klesko in a row, then came up to the plate and smacked a home run. I thought to myself, "This guy is the f'ing man"! Then reality set in.

George Felonbrenner
May 22, 2005
An utter basket case. Even if the Mets would've discovered he was better suited for 9th inning magic, he still would've bombed out in NY. Remember, he purposely sliced himself with a box cutter while "moving." Izzy could not take the pressure of NY and the Mets pompous Gen K P.R. machine.

April 14, 2011
Welcome back Izzy. You might well be a lone bright spot in a dreary 2011.

Hope you can stay healthy and have a real comeback here.

August 18, 2011
Congratulations on 300 saves Izzy!

It's really great to see Izzy's career have a happy ending with the Mets. I'm not sure whether or not he's going to hang it up after this year but he's managed to have a great comeback with the team and in his career. From a spring training tryout to closing for the team. It's been really great to see.

Dave VW
November 1, 2023
Seems like there's a lot of unfair criticism on this page. Isringhausen certainly can't be blamed for the hype that others created around him, but even so, he lived up to it during a fantastic rookie season in 1995. His 1996 season wasn't so great, but looking back, he held a 3.58 ERA through his first 13 starts that year and was 3-7 at that point only due to some horrible run support. After that something was clearly wrong with his arm, and after struggling through the rest of 1996, he missed most of 1997, all of 1998, and a chunk of 1999 due to various ailments, including a bout with tuberculosis (WTF??), a broken wrist after punching a trash can, and three separate arm surgeries. Thankfully by 1999 the Mets no longer needed to pin their playoff hopes on him, and he looked like a complete lost cause when they traded him to Oakland for Billy Taylor, who was closing for the A's and appeared to be a nice addition to the bullpen. We all know what happened after that, as it was almost like the two switched bodies during the trade: Izzy became one of the game's best closers for the better part of a decade, and Taylor became as absolute pile of garbage. But this really can only get chalked up to more of that infamous Mets bad luck than any kind of poor decision-making or future-telling on the part of the front office. And anyone wishing ill will upon Isringhausen for overcoming his health issues only after he left New York speaks more to your poor character than his.

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