Mel Rojas
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Mel Rojas

Mel Rojas
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 237 of 1236 players
Melquiades Medrano Rojas
Born: December 10, 1966 at Haina, Dominican Republic
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.11 Weight: 195

Mel Rojas was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on December 4, 2003, December 5, 2003, December 6, 2003, September 30, 2004, October 1, 2004, October 2, 2004, January 16, 2013, and April 3, 2015.


First Mets game: August 9, 1997
Last Mets game: September 8, 1998

Share your memories of Mel Rojas


Man was Rojas ever brutal! I'm sure we all have memories of big hits that Rojas gave up in his short tenure as a Met, but the worst was the home run he gave up to Paul O'Neill in the first game of the 1998 Subway Series at Shea.

It was the 7th inning and the Mets were up 4-3. The Yankees put two guys on base and O'Neill comes up. Valentine pulls the starter and everyone in the bar is sure he's calling for Dennis Cook, because O'Neill can't hit lefties to save his life.

Surprise. Here comes Rojas. Now Rojas, if you can believe it, was actually better against lefties than righties throughout his career, which was Valentine's rationale for bringing him in. But everyone in the bar knew that Cook was the guy in that spot, since he dominated lefties and O'Neill couldn't hit a southpaw.

Of course, O'Neill ropes a three-run homer, the whole bar screams in disgust and the Mets lose. If that wasn't bad enough, who does Phillips get when he finally trades Rojas? Bobby Bonilla!

Michelle Paz
I'm not the most knowledgable when it comes to stats and things like that, but I know enough about baseball and have been a Met fan long enough to say that: MEL ROJAS WAS JUST AWFUL! Whenever Bobby Valentine would put him in a game when people were ON BASE, I would just hang my head and ask, "Why, oh why?" To this day, I still wonder what the rationale Bobby V. had when putting Rojas in games.

Coach HoJo 20
April 25, 2001

As you can tell I really hate Mel Rojas. His lack of ability makes me think that one day a blind Siamese twin will be playing in the majors

I remember a couple of weeks after the O'speil incident occurred I went to a Mets game. I was walking around in the halls of the stadium when I reached the mini restaurant area. From there I was able to see Rojas and Wendell playing catch. I proceeded to call Rojas a waste of space and one of the biggest losers this franchise has ever had. His response to that was a middle finger. It was pretty funny.

This loser reminds me of an old Met from the bullpen. He was a loser who always blew games for us and IM surprised nobody made the comparison. Who do I speak of?...... {in Norm McDonald tone} You guessed it Anthony Young.

Mr. Sparkle
November 13, 2001
Probably the biggest bust as a relief pitcher I've ever scene in a Met uniform. I hate Rich Rodriguez but he never came in with the great track record Rojas did. Rojas was pretty damn good with the Expos and pitched for the Mets comparably to how the Expos play against the rest of the league. Benitez knows how to blow a big game but Rojas knew how to blow games of all magnitudes. Only Mel Rojas could have made me happy the Mets reacquired Bobby Bonilla. Now that's an accomplishment. He's definitely on the all time worst Mets players list along with the other three losers I mentioned above.

December 11, 2001
"Over-the-Shoulder" Mel Rojas. Worst collapse by a pitcher this side of Mark Wohlers (who partially recovered). P.U.

Bill McCabe
February 19, 2002
Oh many nightmares did Mel cause? He is probably the *worst* relief pitcher I have ever had the misfortune of having to endure again and again. I hope he's happy wherever he is...I'm sure the Mets are still paying him for something.

April 24, 2002
This guy is a joke. Can you imagine that we had him and Rich Rodriguez in the same bullpen? How he got to this level is beyond me. He was stealing money and he should give it back to clear his conscience.

Gregory Gewirtz
January 25, 2003
Brian Bohanon gave up the homer to Rafael Belliard, not Rojas.

September 12, 2004
I think it's just best for all of us to just pretend that this guy never existed and never wore a Met uniform.

Jonathan Stern
May 21, 2005
Come on, Mets fans. Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel about Mel Rojas.

It's interesting that in the trade that brought him here, Rojas was viewed as the centerpiece, Turk Wendell the throwaway. Turk ended up being the best part of the deal for either team.

He certainly looks petrified in the above picture.

September 6, 2013
His lasting contribution is the teeball-type homer he gave up to Paul O'Neill fresh out of the bullpen. As was mentioned, Dennis Cook was the pitcher we were all expecting to face O'Neill because he was good at busting it inside to lefties. Bobby V. goes with Rojas instead and I think the ball still hasn't landed yet.

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