Pedro Astacio
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Pedro Astacio

Pedro Astacio
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 270 of 1238 players
Pedro Julio Pura Astacio
Born: November 28, 1969 at Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 210

Pedro Astacio was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on June 13, 2023.


First Mets game: April 5, 2002
Last Mets game: May 28, 2003

Share your memories of Pedro Astacio


Mr. Sparkle
January 16, 2002
Good pitcher with the Dodgers. High ERA with the Rockies. I think at Shea, he'll be real solid. Provided he's healthy, I think he'll be a great addition.

Mr. Sparkle
January 17, 2002
Kinerskorner, I couldn't have said it any better. Based on what's available. Pedro is the best that's out there and $5m really isn't that bad. If he pitches the innings to get more bucks he'll have been healthy and pitched well.

Mr. Sparkle
January 17, 2002
Kinerskorner, I couldn't have said it any better. Based on what's available. Pedro is the best that's out there and $5m really isn't that bad. If he pitches the innings to get more bucks he'll have been healthy and pitched well.

Joe Figliola
April 23, 2002
Greg said that the signing of Pedro Astacio is going to bite the Mets and their fans in the rump. So far, it looks like the Braves got it in the sphincter after last Saturday's performance.

If he gets that curve going, then it's lights out for opponents. Not since Doc have I seen a Lord Charlie like Pedro's. And he can hit the ball pretty good, too!

Mr. Sparkle
May 16, 2002
Out of all of the additions Phillips made to the starting line up this year, Astacio has been the only one who has been paying dividends so far. D'Amico has been OK but Astacio has been awesome. He's already thrown a 2 hiter and a 1 hitter. I knew his Colorado days were not a true indication of his worth. Just stay healthy Pedro!

June 13, 2002
Where would we be without "The Mule"? I was at Dodger Stadium for his gem against LA and was mesmerized. He should have at least three more wins (and be 10-2) if not for the bullpen blowing three games - one against the Padres and two against the Marlins - for him. He deserves a spot on this year's All-Star team.

August 7, 2002
Simply stated-We are lucky to have the mule. He's getting it done against teams he's supposed to. I know he didn't look good against Houston, but nobody is perfect. He is a good solid pitcher, provided he stays healthy he will continue to pitch solid and steady.

Mr. Sparkle
September 13, 2002
"The Mule" has been pitching like "the batting practice pitcher" lately. I still like Pedro but he is obviously tired and should have had a few more days rest in between his last few starts. He's been pretty awful for the last month. The other day he game up 3 solo homers in the 4th inning against the Braves when the Mets started with a 5-0 lead to get it all tied at 6-6. I was shocked to see him bat in the fifth and then he went out that inning to get belted around some more and the Braves scores 6, not all off of him, in the 5th to kill the Mets. I still love you Pedro and want you back next year but I believe you need a rest.

Mr. Sparkle
June 11, 2003
What a disappointment. Now that his Mets career appears to be over he didn't end up quite the way he began. He was awesome for 4 months of last year and then terrible for 2. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't skip him a start last year to get him some rest. Looking at his overall career which has been pretty mediocre, his first 4 months with the Mets were probably his best stretch ever. There's no way however I would even dream of bringing him back next year. He could have been great, but ended up a flop.

Etch 35
June 12, 2003
Well, I guess the writing is on the wall for Pedro now. While I must give it to him for being a gamer and trying to pitch hurt, he should have told someone earlier that his arm was practically falling off at the shoulder. Playing through pain shows dedication to the team, but he hurts the team and himself by trying to pitch with his shoulder as banged up as it is.

I will remember "The Mule" for often times being effective and keeping the Mets in games when he clearly did not have his best stuff. He could adjust his game plan on the fly.

Best of luck to Pedro. Maybe we'll see him again.

October 4, 2004
He's a pennant race no less, with the Bosox. Somehow his arm is still attached to his body. Reading what I did about him when he was a Met reminded me of the days before all this specialized surgery. You didn't have "rotator cuffs" and "impinged nerves" and such -- it was all lumped together in one big category, "sore arm."

March 24, 2006
One of the best breaking pitches I've ever seen. But he wasn't that good. Didn't get them to the playoffs

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