Ty Wigginton
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Ty Wigginton

Ty Wigginton
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 141 of 1236 players
Ty Allen Wigginton
Born: October 11, 1977 at San Diego, Cal.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.00 Weight: 200

Ty Wigginton was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on April 21, 2020, and August 8, 2020.

3b 2b 1b of

First Mets game: May 16, 2002
Last Mets game: July 29, 2004

Share your memories of Ty Wigginton


source guy
July 29, 2002
His statistics look amazin' in Triple-A, but he is definitely overmatched by major league pitching. He also needs to improve on his strike-zone judgement, since he has problems making contact consistently.

August 7, 2002
Ty is 3 for 3 tonight against the Brewers, and yes they are a horrendous team, but it's more frustrating when these guys don't get hits agaist teams like this. He looks really good, and you all know where good young Met talent goes, he should be traded shortly on his way to be a superstar ala Nolan Ryan, Mike Scott, Jeff Reardon, Neil Allen, Amos Otis, Preston WIlson and now probably Jay Payton.....Well you all get the picture.

Salamander Q
August 9, 2002
Wonderful hitting his first week. His "TYing" HR against Arizona was probably the Mets' last gasp of hope in '02. He probably has a higher average in the major leagues so far than in any league he's played in, major, minor, college, high school, Little.

The guy's had a great few games so far, and I hope he does well, but tell me this: how many 25-year-old rookie secondbasemen can you name who went on to have successful MLB careers?

I'm wa-i-i-i-ting.

The reason you're having so much trouble is that there haven't been any. I don't think Ty's going to be the first 2bman 25 or older to be an impact player, sad to say.

Mike Gore
August 13, 2002
I had the pleasure of watching Ty Wigginton play in college and the Mets need to keep him. This guy can hit! Give him a break with some of your comments. So the guy got stuck in the Mets minor league system. His hitting got better every level he went. He's bounced back from an arm injury last year where he missed most of the season. The guy is a winner. Support a guy who plays 110 percent every game unlike some other Mets.

September 3, 2002
Ty should be proud of his playing this year. He had a great season. I drove up from Florida for the Tides' last away game this past weekend against Charlotte. Bobby Floyd has a great player in him. Just my two cents, but Steve Phillips needs to hang onto him.

Mr. Sparkle
September 13, 2002
He reminds me of the rookie Gregg Jeffries in 88 but without all the press. He's been pretty good since being called up the second time around. Hopefully he can crack the line up next year and do it all year long. We'll see. He has certainly get my attention so far.

Won Doney
May 6, 2003
You have to love the way Wigginton plays every game. He plays harder than any player I have seen in a long time. Even when he is in a slump, you can tell that he is playing as hard as he can, whether it's in running out a ground ball or crashing into a catcher, trying to score a run. Wigginton knows how to play the game.

Mr. Sparkle
May 14, 2003
I love this guy. First, I'm a big supporter of minor league talent and I'm happy to see the Mets may finally have developed a decent, although, unexpected one. Second, he's a gamer and a throwback. He's had a couple of home plate collisions where most guys would have slid, and he definitely gives it his all out there. He got his fifth triple of the year tonight and now leads the league which shows he's all hustle. It's a bit early to say that he's going to be great but if he stays consistent he will be a very good player for many years. He is the only guy in the history of his college to make the bigs. He was drafted in about the 30th round so there weren't very high expectations. Hopefully, he won't be a flash in the pan. Wiggy is the man!

June 10, 2003
I heard a lot of Met's fans being negative about having Ty Wigginton playing third base after Edgardo Alfonzo left. But, I always thought Ty Wigginton could be at least adequate at third base. He signed my spring training program this year at spring training and I even had the pleasure of attending an autograph session with him and Vance Wilson at a mall in my area on May 31. It was sooo awesome. I went with one of my best friends Jim who is also a big Mets fan. As we were waiting for our turn to go meet them, they were giving out prizes. I won a $30.00 box of baseball cards for having my 2003 Mets spring program with me (and with a whole lot of autographs on it). Jim and I also each won four tickets to the June 8 game against Seattle for answering questions right.

I took the ticket to get Ty Wigginton's autograph and my friend took the one for Vance Wilson's autograph. Ty Wigginton wrote, "To Anthony, best wishes, Ty Wigginton". I even got my picture taken with him and got to shake both of their hands and told them that I still had faith that they could make the playoffs in 2003. They were both real nice.

It seems Ty Wigginton is already becoming a fan favorite. I heard people knocking his defense before the season, but he has done a fine job even in that area so far.

June 11, 2003
I love the guy! Don't get me wrong I was a huge skeptic about him taking Fonzie's place, but he really shocked me. He actually cares about the outcome of the game and not the personal gain and glory involved in being a major league player. When the camera pans out to the dugout he is one of the only Mets players actually watching the game intently, which tells me two things: one he's watching the oppostion's weak spots and two he's a fan of the game just like you and me. He's gotta be to stay in AAA as long as he did and it paid off. I'm sure he'll get better in the Mets organization because he knows that he's starting every game now, he knows where he will be playing, he will have much more time to get used to the big league pitching, and on top of everything else the Mets need more players with heart like him.

Karl de Vries
June 17, 2003
Yeah, I know it's early, but this was reported over the wires on a couple of days ago...

"Ty Wigginton won't go crazy thinking about the possibility of joining the Rookie of the Year race in the National League. But through the first two and a half months of the season, he has certainly proven himself worthy. Going into Saturday's game he led all NL rookies in runs scored (40), RBIs (32), doubles (15) and triples (five). He is second in hits (65), total bases (102) and is tied for second with 15 multi- hit games. He is also third with a .277 batting average."

Tom Seaver, Darryl Strawberry, and Ty Wigginton...I wonder if he's going to be the one representing the Mets in Chicago this July...

June 26, 2003
He hasn't shown quite as much long-ball pop as he did last year, but as Anthony observed, Wiggy's fielding has been a very pleasant surprise. A lot of people thought he would be a butcher, but he's been more than adequate and sometimes even downright flashy. Earlier tonight he made a great read charging on a bunt and turned a double play that looked like something out of the Keith Hernandez playbook -- you could tell that Mex approved highly from the broadcast booth!

June 30, 2003
I did a little homework this weekend and discovered that Wigginton is currently on pace to break the following Mets rookie records:

AT Bats ( Lee Mazzilli 1977) Hits ( Ron Hunt 1963) Runs ( Cleon Jones, 1966) Doubles (Hunt and Gregg Jefferies 1989) RBI ( Darryl Strawberry 1983)

Thats pretty much a clean sweep-- surprisingly the single best rookie season by any Met (hitter) ever if he stays healthy.

Karl Weber
July 2, 2003
Is he the second best player named "Ty" in baseball history?

July 5, 2003
I like this guy, he's just a good old fashioned solid player. He plays with heart and spirit, and (TAKE A LESSON HERE ALOMAR) he TRIES, and doesn't take it for granted to be getting paid for playing baseball. We knew he could hit but his fielding at third base is an added bonus. He may not be a hall of famer, but he is definitely a Keith Hernandez caliber player, he was my favorite and if Ty can live up to Keith's play in NY that's good enough for me.

Joe Figliola
July 8, 2003
One day soon, the phrase "BIG FLY FROM BIG TY" will become a welcome cry from such idiot Yankee yelps as "Bern, baby, Bern" and the equally ridiculuous, "It is high... it is far..."

Anyway, despite scoring another Met loss on 7 July against the Braves, Ty did set a JF seasonal scoring record by hitting his 11th double, breaking the shared mark of 10 set by Bernard Gilkey (1996) and Mike Piazza (2000). For you scoring addicts out there, I scored 35 or 36 hits of his, including two triples, two homers, two thefts, for a batting average around the .330 mark.

I knew he'd be a good one. Hope the trend of the Mets to give their younger players a chance continues and pays off in big championship dividends.

July 8, 2003
Is it me but does Ty remind anyone besides me of Ron Hunt? He's the kind of ballplayer we need in the coming years, not overpriced "Phillips' type of free agents.

Etch 35
July 16, 2003
Ty is the real deal and so far, he's the unofficial leader of the Mets youth movement (along with Jason Phillips).

TY WIGGINTON FOR ROOKIE OF THE YEAR! (Although Dontrell Willis is very deserving, I think it should go to an everyday player.)

Phil Thiegou
September 30, 2003
Watch Wiggy in the field and at bat. This guy grabs his cup a lot, and I do mean A L0T! I heard about a college fraternity in the city that sends someone to Shea and has a camcorder on Wiggy the entire game and that weekend they have a drinking game, every time Wiggy plays with his "Wiggy" they take a drink. Usually everyone is hammered by the 3rd or 4th inning. It is so hysterical. Maybe if Wiggy played 3rd base as much as he plays with his cup, the Mets wouldn't have sucked big time in 2003. However, in all seriousness, one of the few, and I do mean FEW good things about 2003 was seeing Wiggy go from being a 2-bit minor leaguer to being an everyday 3rd baseman in the majors. Granted he still needs some work on his defense, but seeing Ty start 2003 from fighting for a spot on the Mets to being considered a candidate for National League Rookie of the Year is something to be optimistic for 2004. As Mets fans, we should all "Get Wiggy wit it."

December 19, 2003
I have to say that Mets rookies this year have shown tremendous promise, and few are as exciting to watch as Wigginton was. His offense was solid, but his defense was even better, committing only 16 errors this year. He has obviously silenced his critics, and shown that his versatility (switching from 2nd to 3rd) is a great asset. I believe that he and Jason Phillips will be the future leaders of this team, and who knows? Maybe Met fans can see their team in win the World Series again.

Mr. Sparkle
January 5, 2004
I was a big supporter of Ty's going into the off season of 2002 after a nice display the tail end of that year. No one really wantd to see him get the every day job, but since I love to see a guy from the minors come up and make it, I was all for giving him the every day shot. And, after the first half of 2003 I felt pretty confident that Ty was doing a great, if not outstanding, job. But the last couple of months Ty tailed off quite significantly, and all the talk of "Rookie of the Year" quieted to a halt. His average went from a steady .280 to .255 and if the season went another month it could have been .240. Part of the reason for this may be that he played more games then ever before and part of it may be that he had no one else around him in the line up. His homer number of 11 was a disappointment. But, overall I still believe Ty will be an asset to the Mets in the future. He should get better with average and power as he matures and I expect big things out of him. Overall Ty was a nice player who has good potential but he's hardly a guy we can build a team around.

Joe Figliola
March 22, 2004
Mr. Topps brings up a good point. Ty offers a lot of versatility, and I think he would adapt to the outfield without a problem.

But according to Harold Reynolds of ESPN, Ty will never cut it in the bigs because of his "lack of power as a third baseman." Reynolds is a jealous man whose opinions are as narrow as the lapels of his $1,000 polyester Kmart suits, He has never said one nice thing about Ty (or any of the Mets, in fact). Just because Ty has hit more home runs in two years than Harold did in your 14-year career (or thereabouts) doesn't mean that Harold has to keep putting him down.

Ty can develop into a good 20 homer, 90 RBI guy who can run and can adapt to any position he plays. He's a very good athlete, but he is not the type of player you build a team around. Your main Met men offensively are Piazza, Floyd, and possibly Jason Phillips. Ty falls in the category of a major supporting player. And if you don't have guys like him on your team, you can't win pennants.

Feat Fan
April 1, 2004
Ty has value as a "utility hitter" in the mode of a Dave Stapleton or for us older dudes, Pete Runnels. I can see him sticking with the Mets for a few years and getting plenty of time at 3b, 2b, 1b and potentially the corner of positions. I don't see 20-90 but I do see tons of hustle, 425 ab 12-55 .275 on a regular basis.

Anthony R.
July 13, 2004
Gotta love this guy. He plays with a real bulldog mentallity, and never pulls up. He's always busting it out of the box. he's not a 22-90 guy, but I'll take his 30+ doubles, 13 hrs, and 75 ribbys at second base any day. Hopefully the infield will read as follows in 2005: C: Wilson/Piazza 1b Piazza/Valent 2b Wiggy ss Reyes 3b Wright

Let Kaz go back to wherever he came from!

Bob Sagget
July 13, 2004
Ty is a gamer who is the epitome of the blue collar Mets. I can't wait to see David Wright but they have to find a place for Wigginton. He could be an all-star in another year or two.

Anthony R.
July 13, 2004
Traded or not, he will have a chapter in Mets lore as one of the heros in sweeping the "empire" at Shea in 2004. A bulldog with a "Ron Hunt" like work ethic, a great example for young players to follow. I hope he stays, but baseball is buisness first these days.

buddy siso
July 13, 2004
I have read numerous comments from Mets fans regarding the imminent trade of Ty Wigginton...but bad mouth comments blow me away. When a player over-achieves in major league baseball, it happens because of hard play, heart and desire. Ty left it all on the field every day and he has compiled big hits and numbers that he has no need to be ashamed of. If David Wright can perform as well right now, I will be surprised. I know Ty has 13 errors this year - leading to four unearned runs - but his 12 homers and 19 doubles more than offset this. How many homers or doubles will Wright produce? Wherever Ty will go, I wish him only the best. He has gotten better at each level, and is a better player this year than he was last year. And he's only 27 years old. I wish the best also for David Wright.

Joe Figliola
July 23, 2004
Here's a suggestion: Why not trade Joe McEwing and let Ty become the official utilityman? Like Super Joe, Ty can play second, third, and first base (remember when he spelled Vaughn for a couple of games there in late '02--he did a nice job), and I think he'd be a quick study to learn and play the outfield. Unlike Super Joe, Ty brings more line-drive and longball power.

True, you won't get much in return for McEwing, but I think Mets fans would love have both Ty AND David Wright on the roster.

Bill Deegan
July 30, 2004
Wiggy's gone. I think they should have tried to hold on to this hustling ballplayer. The Mets will come to regret this trade.

August 6, 2004
Ty offered a lot as a ballplayer. He always hustled on the field, played every day, and genuinely loved New York. When you find a guy that doesn't get injured, produces consistent numbers at the plate, and can play four positions--you gotta keep him. Mets should've found SOME way to keep Wigs.

I was at the Mets-Braves game last week (July 25), and I came early to watch batting practice. Ty came out of the dugout and signed a bunch of autographs. I got one.

He will be missed.

Diamond Dave
August 6, 2004
I agree we made a bad deal, he was on pace for 22 bombs, 80 ribbies and hitting .285 in only his second year, the Mets always give up on players too soon. Wiggy may become the next Jeff Kent except for the jerk part. I hope Wright is the next HOJO and not the next Jefferies.

Will Musto
August 6, 2004
Trading Ty Wigginton was a stupid, stupid move. He is like a Jeff Kent-esque player. He is getting better and better, and it will come back to bite us in the rear. I can almost guarantee you Benson will walk. Just a gut feeling. I wish Duke hadn't done this.

Mr. Sparkle
September 24, 2004
I loved this guy. He was a blue collar guy who was 100% hustle. Ty was not a great player but I was hopeful that they could keep him. With David Wright at third and the Mistake of Kaz Matsui at, hopefully second next year, there really was no place for Ty. He's too good to be a utility player but not good enough to be an every day 1st baseman. He is a complementary player and not a leader which you would need at 1st. I'm OK with the trade provided we sign Benson long term. Still, Wiggy was one of my favorites and although I understand the move it's too bad we won't see him barreling over any more catchers.

April 4, 2005
I'm sorry to disagree John! We should have found a way to keep Wiggy! Hustle, heart, and desire have been in short supply around Shea for quite awhile! Many teams could use a guy with his ability to hit 18-20 HR's and 80+ RBI's, with above average defense at 3 infield positions! We let another gamer get away!

Mr. Sparkle
July 14, 2006
Wiggy is having a good year with the D-Rays. He sucked withthe Pirates last year but is coming around nicely. It's good to see. He would have been better at second base than Kaz.

Mr. Sparkle
May 28, 2007
Currently the 3rd highest paid player on the Devil Rays at $2,700,000. Wow.

Doctor Worm
June 15, 2012
Essentially traded for John Maine. Advantage Mets.

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