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Kris Benson

Kris Benson
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 128 of 1236 players
Kristen James Benson
Born: November 7, 1974 at Superior, Wis.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.04 Weight: 195

Kris Benson has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 54 times, most recently on November 7, 2020.


First Mets game: July 31, 2004
Last Mets game: September 30, 2005

Share your memories of Kris Benson


August 3, 2004
My clear memory of Benson comes from October 1999. The Mets needed to finish their sweep of the Pirates to have a chance at the playoffs. Benson started and was very tough, but he only lasted about seven innings. Then the Mets got into the Bucs bullpen, and Melvin Mora scored on the wild pitch from Brad Clontz (briefly and terribly a Met) with Piazza at the plate. Mets win 2-1, setting up Al Leiter's gem vs. the Reds in the one-game playoff for the wild card.

Bob P
August 20, 2004
Kris was the Pirates' starting pitcher and threw a complete game against the "Mercury Mets" on July 27, 1999, the infamous "Turn Ahead the Clock" night at Shea.

Mr. Sparkle
January 22, 2006
I liked Benson. He wasn't great but he was a good #3 starter who pitched fairly well for the most part in his slightly over a year in NY. Why the Mets were so desparate to trade him I have no idea. I really question Omar's competency as a GM when he continues to trade off starting pitching for setup men.

Jonathan Stern
February 1, 2006
You can't tell me that Mrs. Claus was not, in any way, a reason why the Mets traded Benson. She was a character, all right, but while Benson was no Tom Seaver, he could, as they say, give you innings. We will need those innings this year, given Glavine's age and Pedro's health issues. I hope the Mets have a plan here. You can have the best bullpen in baseball, but you have to get to it, too.

Seriously, isn't it weird that the Mets had this guy play Santa Claus at the last Christmas Dinner, then they traded him? Ho! Ho! Ho?

Dave Shaw
February 1, 2006
With his arm, Benson should have won more than 10 games last year. The Mets are better off without him and the missus. That's two distractions they don't need.

Joe Figliola
February 4, 2006
What irks me about this trade is that the Mets were so hot for him back in 2004. I remember most of the media saying, "Oh, the Mets have got to get this guy. He'll be a solid member of the rotation for years to come."

Then after they get him, everyone in the media is up in arms saying, "Oh, if the Mets don't sign Benson, then they're gonna be in a lot of trouble." So they do the right thing and sign him to a three-year deal.

Then a year later, they trade him for a middle reliever and a Western movie star who won an Oscar for his role in "True Grit." I don't get it.

This whole scenario did nothing but waste Benson's time and a lot of money. It's a shame. I thought he did the job and he was a pretty decent hitter, too!

February 17, 2006
I really think Kris was dealt because of his wife Anna. We all know Fred Wilpon does not like upstarts-even if the troublemaking comes from the wives. All in all a dumb move considering they traded away Jae Seo, and are now left with an aging Pedro, Glavine who is pushing 40 this season, Trachsel who is also getting up there in age, and then Wild West Zambrano who either hits the batters or walks them. Instead of bolstering the bull pen, they should be getting quality starters to avoid overusing their pen. Not smart, people.

armando looper
May 31, 2006
Say what you want about his wife, Kris just didn't belong in New York. This guy pitches more like an ace in Kansas City than a number three for the Mets. The game that defined him for me was last year when the Mets were playing the Nats and he didn't get out of the first. That killed the Mets and his career in New York.

January 11, 2007
I questioned why the Mets wanted this guy in the first place. Once he got here though he impressed me. A good #3 starter for a team that was rebuilding. The thing is his wife was such a low class media whore who was a blemish on the club. I wish we could have traded her to Baltimore and kept him.

Tony Masters
September 29, 2011
I think he was ok, but his wife was HOT!!!!!

Paul Zibben
July 25, 2013
Well, the Bensons are back in the news. Apparently, they are now separated, and Anna allegedly broke into Kris's place and threatened him with a gun.

In retrospect, you gotta figure that Anna was the reason Kris was dealt so hastily. She was trouble with a capital T, and I think Minaya and Co. learned it the hard way. And in the end, Maine and Duque had acceptable Met careers, without the marital baggage. You gotta feel for Kris,though.

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