Carlos Delgado
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Carlos Delgado

Carlos Delgado
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 148 of 1238 players
Carlos Juan Hernandez Delgado
Born: June 25, 1972 at Aguadilla, P.R.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.03 Weight: 240

Carlos Delgado was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on August 7, 2010, September 4, 2013, November 10, 2014, March 8, 2018, March 23, 2020, June 22, 2021, and December 29, 2023.


First Mets game: April 3, 2006
Last Mets game: May 10, 2009

Share your memories of Carlos Delgado


Anthony R
April 5, 2006
Played his first game like he was on a 5th place team in late August. Looks uninterested. I hope I'm wrong but it was a bad sign.

April 19, 2006
How can someone badmouth a player on Opening Day? I for one am thrilled to have this guy on the team. Intelligent player and awsome hitter. Seems like most of these so called fans like players such as Wiggington and Agbayani. While they hustle and play hard, they are merely borderline major leaguers at best. I'll take Mr. Delgado's quiet confidence any day.

Mr. Sparkle
August 12, 2006
More than once I've seen him from behind in the on deck circle at home in the pinstriped uniform (the only real Mets home uniform) and immediately thought of Cleon Jones. With the #21 on his back, it give me flashbacks.

Carlos was great in April and May but has not been a force at all since. If his main contribution on this team is getting Beltran out of his shell and giving him protection in the line up, then it's worth having him. Other than that, I can't say I have any confidence in him in a big situation. I hope he'll get hot in October. We'll need him.

Mr. Sparkle
July 3, 2007
This guy is killing the Mets. Is he over the hill or what? Last year was the streakiest of his career. He put up overall good numbers but had two extended slumps during the year. This year, he has had about 2 good weeks but they were separated by a month. Other than that, he has done very little and is really a waste of money. I have no confidence in him when he is at the plate. It's too bad they have another year on his contract because he just is not worth it. Plus, his range at first base is pretty lame. He's no Mo Vaughn, thank God, but he's no John Olerud either.

June 1, 2008
Delgado does not have the moxie, passion or fire that is an absolute prerequisite if you want to play pro sports in New York City -- a city that Delgado could care less about. Trust me. As soon as his Mets playing days are over (which I hope is any moment now) he'll be a cloud of dust, returning to Toronto or someplace.

Remember, this was a guy who spurned a Mets offer initially and went to play for the Marlins (a small-market baseball city, like Toronto), apparently because he was offended by the Mets negotiation tactics. I guess offering millions ain't enough for this guy, although I'm sure he enjoys collecting his money. He reminds us of his money all the time with his quotes in the paper when he's questioned by reporters about the slumping Mets ... "I just get paid to play baseball," is a common Delgado refrain.

Sorry Carlos, but in NYC, we demand a bit more accountability. Admit you're in a slump; tell us you might have cost the team this game, but dammit, you're gonna smash the crap out of the ball next time because your heart aches to make New Yorkers cheer for you. But Delgado won't do that. He's not that type of person.

To me, he's haughty, arrogant and frivolous. Criticism comes with pro sports. But he curses out reporters for asking him sensitive questions.

I'm a professional journalist, and receive criticism all the time. I generally answer all responses cordially and quickly, and with aplomb. I would never dare call a reader an "a**hole," a phrase Delgado enjoys throwing around.

He's a very hard man to root for. I can't wait for him to be out of New York. He probably can't wait either. And that's the problem.

June 3, 2008
I sat in the ridiculously priced front row directly behind the Mets on deck circle Thursday (May 29 vs LA), and listened as the fans taunted Carlos for missing what looked like an easy tag to double up Russel Martin at first base. One rather funny fan yelled from point blank range, "What are you planning to do next summer Carlos?" Delgado shot back a glaring look, strode to the plate, and instantly, not to mention viciously, laced Biemel's first pitch into right center. To all of us sitting there, it WAS a moment of passion, and anger that brought out the best in Delgado. Someone has to start insulting him nightly maybe to see the Carlos of 2006 again.

Joe Figliola
September 6, 2008
Here's an oddity: I saw Delgado play for three different teams in person in three consecutive years. In 2004, I was at Skydome/Rogers Centre in Toronto to see him as a Blue Jay against the Angels; the next year, I booed him big-time as a Marlin against the Mets in Shea; and I cheered him as a Met in '06.

Despite the controversy of him becoming a Marlin, I always liked Delgado. Good bat, and especially makes an effort to be creative when hitting against that shift. I do wonder, however; what happened to that notebook he always had with him to keep track of his opponents? I always liked that.

July 1, 2010
Carlos Delgado was such a bad influence in the Mets locker room when he was with the Mets. Look how good the team chemistry is now without him. I was never a big Carlos Delgado fan.

all time upstate fan
November 28, 2014
I admired Delgado as a man of principle. It's so easy to go along with the flag waving idiots. As far as him needing to be grateful to the country....his bio says he was born in Puerto Rico. That makes him American as you. By the way he put the team on his back in 2006.

September 30, 2022
Carlos Delgado was awesome and it's a shame his career ended somewhat prematurely. I remember specifically stopping what I was doing a few times just to watch him hit, and at least once it paid off as he clobbered a home run.

He was definitely one of the Mets best offensive acquisitions of recent vintage. All they surrendered were Mike Jacobs, Yusmeiro Petit and a minor leaguer, Grant Psomas, to get him...I dare say, that's a steal. The fact that he didn't make a single All-Star team while with the club is kind of crazy. Both 2006 and 2008 were All-Star quality campaigns, at least.

He's a huge reason the Mets made the playoffs in 2006, and he's a huge reason they went as deep in the playoffs as they did that year. That was the only postseason experience of his career and he made the best of it, hitting .351/.442/.757 with 4 home runs and 11 RBI in 37 at-bats. Astronomical numbers.

He was careening for 500 home runs then he just fell apart in 2009, never to be seen again. 2009 was the Year of the Injury for the club and he was one of the biggest names to succumb to it. I don't recall what befell him, but it must've been bad as no team took a chance on him in 2010, save for the Red Sox, who didn't sign him until August.

I still fully support his election to the Hall of Fame, 500 home runs or not, for a couple reasons. First, he was almost guaranteed the 500 dinger mark save for a single fluke—his injury in 2009—so "all else being equal" he would've gotten to the milestone number. It's kind of like Fred McGriff—without the strike, he'd likely be at 500 home runs, as well.

More than McGriff was, and also one of the biggest reasons Delgado should be in, is he was such a great RBI guy. From 1996 to 2008—that's every season he played 100+ games—he AVERAGED 112 RBI per year and he had less than 100 RBI just twice from 1998 to 2008. He finished with over 1,500 ribbies for his career. It's not a flashy milestone number like 500 homers, but 1,500 RBI is a decent gauge of Hall of Fame worthiness. 55 people have reached the mark and 42 are in the Hall. The others are mostly either still active, have the taint of steroids, etc. etc.

Anywho, I've sent him two autograph requests through the mail in my life, once in 2004 when he was with the Blue Jays and once in 2020 through his home address. He signed neither time, which isn't surprising, but it's always worth a shot.

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