| Date |
Location |
Batter |
Opposing Pitcher |
Throws |
Inning |
Outs |
Score Diff |
Runners |
Result |
| 04/15/64 |
Connie Mack Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Bunning | R |
2 |
1 |
tie |
1st |
batter hit by pitch |
| 04/15/64 |
Connie Mack Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Bunning | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
1st |
shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play |
| 04/15/64 |
Connie Mack Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Bunning | R |
6 |
2 |
tie |
None |
strikeout |
| 04/15/64 |
Connie Mack Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Bunning | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 04/17/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Friend | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
error second base (ground ball) |
| 04/17/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Friend | R |
8 |
2 |
tie |
None |
ground ball single, shortstop |
| 04/18/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Schwall | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
89XD double, right field |
| 04/18/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Schwall | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
strikeout |
| 04/18/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Schwall | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, -9 |
1st |
line drive double, left field |
| 04/18/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Frank Bork | L |
8 |
1 |
Mets, -5 |
1st, 3rd |
strikeout |
| 04/24/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Friend | R |
1 |
2 |
tie |
None |
fly ball out, left field |
| 04/24/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Friend | R |
3 |
2 |
tie |
2nd |
F89 out, center field |
| 04/24/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Friend | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
pitcher to first base |
| 04/24/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Friend | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -5 |
2nd |
ground ball single, shortstop |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Vern Law | R |
2 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
walk |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Vern Law | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
1st, 2nd |
strikeout |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Vern Law | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
ground ball out, first base |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Vern Law | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
1st, 2nd |
FL out, catcher |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Don Schwall | R |
2 |
0 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
walk |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Tom Butters | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
shortstop to first base |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Tom Butters | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
walk |
| 04/26/64 |
Forbes Field |
Larry Elliot | Tommie Sisk | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
third base to first base |
| 04/28/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
second base to first base |
| 04/28/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 04/28/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -7 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 04/28/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -7 |
1st |
strikeout, C |
| 04/29/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
walk |
| 04/29/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
line drive single, left field |
| 04/29/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
pitcher to first base |
| 04/29/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
first base to pitcher |
| 05/01/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
L78 single, center field |
| 05/01/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
FL out, catcher |
| 05/01/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Sammy Ellis | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
third base to first base |
| 05/02/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 05/02/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
3 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
out, left field |
| 05/02/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 05/02/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
F89D out, center field |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
pop fly out, shortstop |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
3 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
ground ball single, right field |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +1 |
2nd |
first base to pitcher |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | John Tsitouris | R |
2 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
second base to shortstop to first base, ground ball double play |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | John Tsitouris | R |
5 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
second base to first base |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | John Tsitouris | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 05/03/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | John Tsitouris | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
line drive out, left field |
| 05/07/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
second base to first base |
| 05/07/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
1st |
fly ball out, second base |
| 05/07/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
walk |
| 05/07/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
strikeout |
| 05/09/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 05/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ray Washburn | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 05/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ray Washburn | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
home run, right-center field |
| 05/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ron Taylor | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, -6 |
None |
strikeout |
| 05/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Hank Fischer | R |
2 |
2 |
tie |
None |
pitcher to first base |
| 05/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Hank Fischer | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
2nd |
fly ball out, right field |
| 05/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Hank Fischer | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
single, right field |
| 05/13/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
1 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 05/13/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
3 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
1st |
fly ball out, third base |
| 05/13/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
walk |
| 05/13/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jack Smith | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
1st, 2nd |
fly ball single, center field |
| 06/27/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Hank Fischer | R |
1 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
1st, 3rd |
fielder's choice, third base |
| 06/27/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Hank Fischer | R |
3 |
2 |
Mets, -5 |
1st |
F78D out, center field |
| 06/27/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Hank Fischer | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -5 |
1st, 2nd |
L7D out, left field |
| 06/27/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bobby Tiefenauer | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 06/28/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bobby Tiefenauer | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
fly ball out, center field |
| 06/28/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
2 |
1 |
tie |
1st |
strikeout |
| 06/28/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
5 |
0 |
tie |
None |
fly ball single, left field |
| 06/28/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 06/28/64 |
County Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Tony Cloninger | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -9 |
1st |
first base to shortstop, force out |
| 06/29/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Bobby Bolin | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 06/29/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Bobby Bolin | R |
4 |
1 |
tie |
1st, 2nd |
line drive single, right field |
| 06/29/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Bobby Bolin | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
strikeout |
| 06/29/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Bobby Bolin | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
walk |
| 06/30/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Gaylord Perry | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 06/30/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Gaylord Perry | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
fly ball out, left field |
| 06/30/64 |
Candlestick Park |
Larry Elliot | Gaylord Perry | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, -5 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 07/01/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Turk Farrell | R |
2 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
line drive single, right field |
| 07/01/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Turk Farrell | R |
3 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
home run, right field |
| 07/01/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Claude Raymond | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
3rd |
pop fly out, shortstop |
| 07/01/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Gordon Jones | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
bunted ground ball single, second base |
| 07/01/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Jim Owens | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
strikeout |
| 07/02/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ken Johnson | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
fly ball out, center field |
| 07/02/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ken Johnson | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
1st |
line drive single, center field |
| 07/02/64 |
Colt Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ken Johnson | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
2nd |
pop fly out, third base |
| 07/03/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Drysdale | R |
2 |
0 |
tie |
None |
line drive single, center field |
| 07/03/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Drysdale | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
1st |
shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play |
| 07/03/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Drysdale | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, -5 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 07/03/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Don Drysdale | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
out, shortstop |
| 07/04/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joe Moeller | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, +1 |
2nd |
ground ball single, center field |
| 07/04/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joe Moeller | R |
4 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
out, center field |
| 07/04/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joe Moeller | R |
7 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
strikeout |
| 07/04/64 |
Dodger Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Miller | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
out, left field |
| 07/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 07/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
3 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
batter hit by pitch |
| 07/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
1st, 2nd |
fly ball out, center field |
| 07/10/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 07/11/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ron Taylor | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
walk |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
walk |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
3 |
0 |
tie |
None |
line drive single, center field |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
5 |
2 |
tie |
None |
F9D out, right field |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
8 |
1 |
tie |
None |
line drive out, first base |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
strikeout |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st, 2nd, 3rd |
ground ball single, center field |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
2nd, 3rd |
intentional walk |
| 07/12/64 |
Shea Stadium |
Larry Elliot | Ryne Duren | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +5 |
2nd, 3rd |
line drive out, left field |
| 07/15/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Lew Burdette | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
line drive single, center field |
| 07/15/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Lew Burdette | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
fly ball out, right field |
| 07/15/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Lew Burdette | R |
5 |
1 |
tie |
1st |
line drive out, center field |
| 07/15/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Lew Burdette | R |
7 |
2 |
tie |
None |
pop fly out, second base |
| 07/16/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
L89 single, right field |
| 07/16/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
3 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
F8XD out, center field |
| 07/16/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
error second base (pop fly) |
| 07/16/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -7 |
None |
walk |
| 07/16/64 |
Wrigley Field |
Larry Elliot | Ernie Broglio | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, -10 |
1st |
second base to shortstop to first base, ground ball double play |
| 07/17/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Roger Craig | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
force out out, shortstop |
| 07/17/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Roger Craig | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 07/17/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Roger Craig | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st, 2nd, 3rd |
ground ball out, first base |
| 07/17/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ron Taylor | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
FL out, third base |
| 07/17/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Mike Cuellar | L |
8 |
2 |
tie |
1st, 2nd |
walk |
| 07/18/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Glen Hobbie | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
walk |
| 07/18/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Glen Hobbie | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, +5 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 07/18/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Glen Hobbie | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
fly ball out, left field |
| 07/18/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ron Taylor | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
line drive single, center field |
| 07/18/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Ray Sadecki | L |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -9 |
1st |
line drive single, right field |
| 07/19/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
1 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
shortstop to first base |
| 07/19/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
3 |
2 |
tie |
1st, 2nd |
ground ball single, right field |
| 07/19/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
1st |
ground ball single, right field |
| 07/19/64 |
Sportsman's Park |
Larry Elliot | Bob Gibson | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
second base to first base |
| 07/21/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
2 |
1 |
tie |
None |
home run, right field |
| 07/21/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Joey Jay | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
walk |
| 07/21/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, +1 |
1st |
fly ball out, right field |
| 07/21/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Ryne Duren | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
1st |
strikeout, C |
| 07/22/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | John Tsitouris | R |
2 |
1 |
tie |
None |
pitcher to first base, bunted ground ball |
| 07/22/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | John Tsitouris | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
home run, center field |
| 07/22/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Sammy Ellis | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, +1 |
1st |
line drive single, center field |
| 07/22/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Bill Henry | L |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +1 |
1st |
line drive out, center field |
| 07/23/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
1 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
second base to first base |
| 07/23/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
walk |
| 07/23/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Jim Maloney | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
home run, center field |
| 07/23/64 |
Crosley Field |
Larry Elliot | Bob Purkey | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
| |