6650 results found. Displaying first 200 rows.

Next 200 rows
Date Location Batter Opposing Pitcher Throws Inning Outs Score Diff Runners Result
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonSteve CarltonL 1 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanSteve CarltonL 1 0 tie 1st second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysSteve CarltonL 1 2 tie None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubSteve CarltonL 2 0 tie None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesSteve CarltonL 2 1 tie None single,
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerSteve CarltonL 2 1 tie 1st out, center field
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiSteve CarltonL 2 2 tie 1st pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerSteve CarltonL 3 0 tie None pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverSteve CarltonL 3 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonSteve CarltonL 3 2 tie None line drive out, second base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanSteve CarltonL 4 0 tie None double,
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysSteve CarltonL 4 0 tie 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubSteve CarltonL 4 1 tie 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesSteve CarltonL 4 2 tie 2nd home run
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerSteve CarltonL 4 2 Mets, +2 None out, left field
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiSteve CarltonL 5 0 Mets, +2 None single,
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerSteve CarltonL 5 0 Mets, +2 1st out, center field
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverSteve CarltonL 5 1 Mets, +2 1st catcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonSteve CarltonL 5 2 Mets, +2 2nd line drive out, second base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanSteve CarltonL 6 0 Mets, +2 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysSteve CarltonL 6 1 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubSteve CarltonL 6 2 Mets, +2 None line drive out, center field
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesSteve CarltonL 7 0 Mets, +2 None home run
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerSteve CarltonL 7 0 Mets, +3 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiSteve CarltonL 7 1 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerSteve CarltonL 7 2 Mets, +3 None third base to first base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawBill WilsonR 8 0 Mets, +3 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonBill WilsonR 8 1 Mets, +3 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanBill WilsonR 8 2 Mets, +3 None third base to first base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim LonborgR 1 0 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJim LonborgR 1 0 Mets, -1 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysJim LonborgR 1 1 Mets, -1 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim LonborgR 1 2 Mets, -1 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesJim LonborgR 2 0 Mets, -1 None out, second base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerJim LonborgR 2 1 Mets, -1 None home run
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJim LonborgR 2 1 tie None double,
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerJim LonborgR 2 1 tie 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jon MatlackJim LonborgR 2 2 tie 2nd walk
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim LonborgR 2 2 tie 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJim LonborgR 3 0 tie None line drive out, center field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysJim LonborgR 3 1 tie None line drive out, right field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim LonborgR 3 2 tie None double,
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesJim LonborgR 3 2 tie 2nd single,
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerJim LonborgR 3 2 Mets, +1 1st walk
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJim LonborgR 3 2 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd out, left field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerJim LonborgR 4 0 Mets, +1 None batter hit by pitch
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jon MatlackJim LonborgR 4 0 Mets, +1 1st pitcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim LonborgR 4 1 Mets, +1 2nd pitcher to first base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJim LonborgR 4 2 Mets, +1 3rd shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysJim LonborgR 5 0 Mets, +1 None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim LonborgR 5 1 Mets, +1 None out, first base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesJim LonborgR 5 2 Mets, +1 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerJim LonborgR 6 0 tie None single,
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJim LonborgR 6 1 tie None out, second base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerJim LonborgR 6 2 tie None out, center field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jon MatlackJim LonborgR 7 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim LonborgR 7 0 tie 1st single,
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJim LonborgR 7 0 tie 1st, 2nd single,
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysBill WilsonR 7 0 tie 1st, 2nd, 3rd third base to catcher to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubBill WilsonR 7 2 tie 2nd, 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Cleon JonesBill WilsonR 7 2 tie 1st, 2nd, 3rd force out out, shortstop
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium John MilnerDick SelmaR 8 0 tie None line drive out, center field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiDick SelmaR 8 1 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerDick SelmaR 8 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolDick SelmaR 9 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonDick SelmaR 9 0 tie 1st strikeout
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanDick SelmaR 9 1 tie 1st second base to first base
BoxScore 04/07/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysDick SelmaR 9 2 tie 2nd single,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonReggie ClevelandR 1 0 tie None single, shortstop
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanReggie ClevelandR 1 0 tie 1st single,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerReggie ClevelandR 1 0 tie 1st, 2nd single,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubReggie ClevelandR 1 1 Mets, +1 3rd single,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesReggie ClevelandR 1 1 Mets, +2 1st strikeout
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jim FregosiReggie ClevelandR 1 2 Mets, +2 1st out, left field
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesReggie ClevelandR 2 0 Mets, +2 None out, left field
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerReggie ClevelandR 2 1 Mets, +2 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jerry KoosmanReggie ClevelandR 2 2 Mets, +2 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonReggie ClevelandR 3 0 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanReggie ClevelandR 3 1 Mets, +2 None third base to first base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerReggie ClevelandR 3 2 Mets, +2 None home run
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubReggie ClevelandR 3 2 Mets, +3 None out, right field
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesReggie ClevelandR 4 0 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jim FregosiReggie ClevelandR 4 1 Mets, +2 None walk
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesReggie ClevelandR 4 1 Mets, +2 1st first base to shortstop to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerReggie ClevelandR 5 0 Mets, +1 None single,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jerry KoosmanReggie ClevelandR 5 0 Mets, +1 1st pitcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonReggie ClevelandR 5 1 Mets, +1 2nd second base to first base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanReggie ClevelandR 5 2 Mets, +1 3rd triple,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerJohn AndrewsL 5 2 Mets, +3 None walk
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubJohn AndrewsL 5 2 Mets, +3 1st FL out, third base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesAlan FosterR 6 0 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jim FregosiAlan FosterR 6 1 Mets, +3 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesAlan FosterR 6 2 Mets, +3 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerAlan FosterR 7 0 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jerry KoosmanAlan FosterR 7 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonAlan FosterR 7 2 Mets, +2 None single,
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanAlan FosterR 7 2 Mets, +2 1st walk
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerAlan FosterR 7 2 Mets, +2 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubDiego SeguiR 8 0 Mets, +2 None FL out, third base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesDiego SeguiR 8 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Jim FregosiDiego SeguiR 8 2 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesDiego SeguiR 9 0 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerDiego SeguiR 9 1 Mets, +2 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/11/73 Busch Stadium Tug McGrawDiego SeguiR 9 2 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonBob GibsonR 1 0 tie None double,
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanBob GibsonR 1 0 tie 2nd error pitcher (sacrifice hit)
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerBob GibsonR 1 0 tie 1st, 3rd single,
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubBob GibsonR 1 0 Mets, +1 1st, 3rd ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesBob GibsonR 1 1 Mets, +1 2nd, 3rd sacrifice fly out, left field
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Wayne GarrettBob GibsonR 1 2 Mets, +2 3rd out, left field
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesBob GibsonR 2 0 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerBob GibsonR 2 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Tom SeaverBob GibsonR 2 2 Mets, +2 None single,
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonBob GibsonR 2 2 Mets, +2 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanBob GibsonR 3 0 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerBob GibsonR 3 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubBob GibsonR 3 2 Mets, +2 None walk
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesBob GibsonR 3 2 Mets, +2 1st second base to shortstop, force out
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Wayne GarrettBob GibsonR 4 0 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesBob GibsonR 4 1 Mets, +2 None double,
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerBob GibsonR 4 1 Mets, +2 2nd strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Tom SeaverBob GibsonR 4 2 Mets, +2 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonBob GibsonR 5 0 Mets, +2 None single,
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanBob GibsonR 5 0 Mets, +2 1st force out out, shortstop
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerBob GibsonR 5 1 Mets, +2 1st pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubBob GibsonR 5 2 Mets, +2 1st out, center field
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesBob GibsonR 6 0 Mets, +2 None catcher to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Wayne GarrettBob GibsonR 6 1 Mets, +2 None single,
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesBob GibsonR 6 1 Mets, +2 1st FL out, third base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerBob GibsonR 6 2 Mets, +2 1st FL out, catcher
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Tom SeaverBob GibsonR 7 0 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonBob GibsonR 7 1 Mets, +2 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Felix MillanBob GibsonR 7 2 Mets, +2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium John MilnerBob GibsonR 8 0 Mets, +1 None second base to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rusty StaubBob GibsonR 8 1 Mets, +1 None error shortstop (ground ball)
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Cleon JonesBob GibsonR 8 1 Mets, +1 1st walk
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Wayne GarrettBob GibsonR 8 1 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Rich ChilesBob GibsonR 8 2 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd second base to pitcher
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Duffy DyerBob GibsonR 9 0 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Phil HenniganBob GibsonR 9 1 Mets, +1 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 04/12/73 Busch Stadium Bud HarrelsonBob GibsonR 9 2 Mets, +1 None third base to first base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonLarry ChristensonR 1 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanLarry ChristensonR 1 1 tie None FL out, first base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerLarry ChristensonR 1 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubLarry ChristensonR 2 0 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesLarry ChristensonR 2 0 Mets, -1 1st shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiLarry ChristensonR 2 2 Mets, -1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rich ChilesLarry ChristensonR 3 0 Mets, -1 None out, left field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Duffy DyerLarry ChristensonR 3 1 Mets, -1 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Jon MatlackLarry ChristensonR 3 2 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonLarry ChristensonR 3 2 Mets, -1 1st single,
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanLarry ChristensonR 3 2 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd force out out, third base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerLarry ChristensonR 4 0 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubLarry ChristensonR 4 1 Mets, -1 None single,
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesLarry ChristensonR 4 1 Mets, -1 1st third base to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiLarry ChristensonR 5 0 Mets, -3 None single,
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rich ChilesLarry ChristensonR 5 0 Mets, -3 1st out, right field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Duffy DyerLarry ChristensonR 5 1 Mets, -3 1st third base to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Ken BoswellLarry ChristensonR 6 0 Mets, -6 None pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonLarry ChristensonR 6 1 Mets, -6 None single,
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanLarry ChristensonR 6 1 Mets, -6 1st walk
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerLarry ChristensonR 6 1 Mets, -6 1st, 2nd ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubLarry ChristensonR 6 2 Mets, -6 2nd, 3rd out, first base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesLarry ChristensonR 7 0 Mets, -6 None third base to first base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiLarry ChristensonR 7 1 Mets, -6 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rich ChilesLarry ChristensonR 7 2 Mets, -6 None out, first base
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Duffy DyerLarry ChristensonR 8 0 Mets, -6 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Ed KranepoolLarry ChristensonR 8 1 Mets, -6 None walk
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonLarry ChristensonR 8 1 Mets, -6 1st second base to shortstop, force out
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanLarry ChristensonR 8 2 Mets, -6 1st third base to second base, force out
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerLarry ChristensonR 9 0 Mets, -7 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubLarry ChristensonR 9 1 Mets, -7 None out, center field
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesLarry ChristensonR 9 2 Mets, -7 None double,
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiLarry ChristensonR 9 2 Mets, -6 None walk
BoxScore 04/13/73 Veterans Stadium Rich ChilesLarry ChristensonR 9 2 Mets, -6 1st out, center field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonSteve CarltonL 1 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanSteve CarltonL 1 0 tie 1st out, right field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Willie MaysSteve CarltonL 1 1 tie 1st strikeout, C
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubSteve CarltonL 1 2 tie 1st strikeout
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesSteve CarltonL 2 0 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerSteve CarltonL 2 0 tie 1st single, center field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiSteve CarltonL 2 0 tie 1st, 2nd double,
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Duffy DyerSteve CarltonL 2 1 Mets, +2 None out, right field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Jim McAndrewSteve CarltonL 2 2 Mets, +2 None walk
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonSteve CarltonL 2 2 Mets, +2 1st out, center field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanSteve CarltonL 3 0 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Willie MaysSteve CarltonL 3 1 Mets, +2 None out, right field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubSteve CarltonL 3 2 Mets, +2 None out, catcher
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesSteve CarltonL 4 0 tie None out, left field
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerSteve CarltonL 4 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiSteve CarltonL 4 2 tie None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Duffy DyerSteve CarltonL 5 0 tie None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Jim McAndrewSteve CarltonL 5 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Bud HarrelsonSteve CarltonL 5 2 tie None out, first base
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Felix MillanSteve CarltonL 6 0 Mets, -1 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Willie MaysSteve CarltonL 6 1 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Rusty StaubSteve CarltonL 6 1 Mets, -1 1st single,
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Cleon JonesSteve CarltonL 6 1 Mets, -1 1st, 3rd third base to second base, force out
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium John MilnerSteve CarltonL 6 2 tie 1st pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 04/14/73 Veterans Stadium Jim FregosiSteve CarltonL 7 0 Mets, -4 None strikeout, C

Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

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