6245 results found. Displaying rows 2801 through 3000

Previous 200 rowsNext 200 rows
Date Location Pitcher Opposing Batter Bats Inning Outs Score Diff Runners Result
BoxScore 06/24/10 Citi Field Ryota IgarashiRamon SantiagoL 8 2 Mets, -1 1st strikeout
BoxScore 06/24/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveMagglio OrdonezR 9 0 Mets, -1 None catcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/24/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveMiguel CabreraR 9 1 Mets, -1 None ground ball single, right field
BoxScore 06/24/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoBrennan BoeschL 9 1 Mets, -1 1st line drive double, left field
BoxScore 06/24/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoBrandon IngeR 9 1 Mets, -1 2nd, 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 06/24/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoCarlos GuillenR 9 1 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd, 3rd shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyDenard SpanL 1 0 tie None home run, right field, fly ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyOrlando HudsonL 1 0 Mets, -1 None line drive out, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJoe MauerL 1 1 Mets, -1 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJustin MorneauL 1 2 Mets, -1 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyMichael CuddyerR 1 2 Mets, -1 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJason KubelL 2 0 Mets, -1 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyDelmon YoungR 2 0 Mets, -1 1st strikeout
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyNick PuntoL 2 1 Mets, -1 1st third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyKevin SloweyR 2 2 Mets, -1 2nd F9LF out, right field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyDenard SpanL 3 0 Mets, -1 None fly ball single, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyOrlando HudsonL 3 0 Mets, -1 2nd ground ball single, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJoe MauerL 3 0 Mets, -1 1st, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJustin MorneauL 3 1 Mets, -1 1st, 3rd shortstop to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyMichael CuddyerR 4 0 Mets, -1 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJason KubelL 4 1 Mets, -1 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyDelmon YoungR 4 2 Mets, -1 None line drive out, second base
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyNick PuntoL 5 0 Mets, +2 None fly ball double, left field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyKevin SloweyR 5 0 Mets, +2 2nd third base to second base, sacrifice hit, bunted ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyDenard SpanL 5 1 Mets, +2 3rd second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyOrlando HudsonL 5 2 Mets, +1 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJoe MauerL 6 0 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyJustin MorneauL 6 1 Mets, +2 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Mike PelfreyMichael CuddyerR 6 2 Mets, +2 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellJason KubelL 7 0 Mets, +3 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellDelmon YoungR 7 1 Mets, +3 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellNick PuntoL 7 2 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoMatt TolbertR 8 0 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoDenard SpanL 8 1 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoOrlando HudsonR 8 2 Mets, +3 None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Francisco RodriguezJoe MauerL 9 0 Mets, +3 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Francisco RodriguezJustin MorneauL 9 1 Mets, +3 None fly ball single, left field
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Francisco RodriguezMichael CuddyerR 9 1 Mets, +3 1st ground ball single, second base
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Francisco RodriguezJason KubelL 9 1 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 06/25/10 Citi Field Francisco RodriguezDelmon YoungR 9 2 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaDenard SpanL 1 0 tie None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaOrlando HudsonR 1 1 tie None line drive double, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJoe MauerL 1 1 tie 2nd line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJustin MorneauL 1 1 Mets, -1 2nd fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaMichael CuddyerR 1 2 Mets, -1 2nd walk
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJason KubelL 1 2 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd left field double, ground-rule
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaDelmon YoungR 1 2 Mets, -2 2nd, 3rd fly ball double, left field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaNick PuntoR 1 2 Mets, -4 2nd foul pop fly out, catcher
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaCarl PavanoR 2 0 Mets, -4 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaDenard SpanL 2 0 Mets, -4 1st third base to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaOrlando HudsonR 2 2 Mets, -4 None walk
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJoe MauerL 2 2 Mets, -4 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJustin MorneauL 3 0 Mets, -4 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaMichael CuddyerR 3 1 Mets, -4 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJason KubelL 3 2 Mets, -4 None catcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaDelmon YoungR 4 0 Mets, -4 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaNick PuntoR 4 1 Mets, -4 None line drive single, right field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaCarl PavanoR 4 1 Mets, -4 1st sacrifice hit out, pitcher
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaDenard SpanL 4 2 Mets, -4 2nd line drive double, right field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaOrlando HudsonR 5 0 Mets, -5 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJoe MauerL 5 1 Mets, -5 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJustin MorneauL 5 1 Mets, -5 1st line drive out, left field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaMichael CuddyerR 5 2 Mets, -5 1st shortstop to second base, force out, ground ball
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaJason KubelL 6 0 Mets, -5 None line drive out, second base
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaDelmon YoungR 6 1 Mets, -5 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Johan SantanaNick PuntoR 6 2 Mets, -5 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Ryota IgarashiCarl PavanoR 7 0 Mets, -5 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Ryota IgarashiDenard SpanL 7 1 Mets, -5 None walk
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Ryota IgarashiOrlando HudsonL 7 1 Mets, -5 1st first base to shortstop to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensJoe MauerL 8 0 Mets, -5 None line drive out, third base
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensJustin MorneauL 8 1 Mets, -5 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensMichael CuddyerR 8 2 Mets, -5 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveJason KubelL 9 0 Mets, -5 None home run, right-center field, fly ball
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveDelmon YoungR 9 0 Mets, -6 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveNick PuntoL 9 1 Mets, -6 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveCarl PavanoR 9 2 Mets, -6 None ground ball single, center field
BoxScore 06/26/10 Citi Field Fernando NieveDenard SpanL 9 2 Mets, -6 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDenard SpanL 1 0 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseOrlando HudsonR 1 1 tie None ground ball single, right field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseJoe MauerL 1 1 tie 1st second base to shortstop, force out, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseMichael CuddyerR 1 2 tie 1st walk
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDelmon YoungR 1 2 tie 1st, 2nd second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDanny ValenciaR 2 0 tie None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseJason RepkoR 2 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseNick PuntoR 2 2 tie None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseScott BakerR 3 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDenard SpanL 3 1 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseOrlando HudsonR 3 2 tie None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseJoe MauerL 4 0 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseMichael CuddyerR 4 1 tie None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDelmon YoungR 4 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDanny ValenciaR 5 0 Mets, +2 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseJason RepkoR 5 0 Mets, +2 1st ground ball single, shortstop
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseNick PuntoR 5 0 Mets, +2 1st, 2nd first base to pitcher, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseScott BakerR 5 1 Mets, +2 2nd, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDenard SpanL 5 2 Mets, +2 2nd, 3rd first base to pitcher, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseOrlando HudsonR 6 0 Mets, +6 None line drive single, left field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseJoe MauerL 6 0 Mets, +6 1st walk
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseMichael CuddyerR 6 0 Mets, +6 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDelmon YoungR 6 1 Mets, +6 1st, 2nd shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Jon NieseDanny ValenciaR 7 0 Mets, +6 None walk
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensJason RepkoR 7 0 Mets, +6 1st fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensNick PuntoL 7 1 Mets, +6 1st ground ball single, right field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensJim ThomeL 7 1 Mets, +6 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensDenard SpanL 7 2 Mets, +6 1st, 2nd ground ball single, left field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Elmer DessensOrlando HudsonL 7 2 Mets, +6 1st, 2nd, 3rd first base to pitcher, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoJoe MauerL 8 0 Mets, +6 None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoMichael CuddyerR 8 1 Mets, +6 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Pedro FelicianoDelmon YoungR 8 2 Mets, +6 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellDanny ValenciaR 9 0 Mets, +6 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellJason RepkoR 9 1 Mets, +6 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellNick PuntoL 9 2 Mets, +6 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/27/10 Citi Field Bobby ParnellJason KubelL 9 2 Mets, +6 1st strikeout
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyChris CoghlanL 1 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyGaby SanchezR 1 0 tie 2nd pitcher to first base, sacrifice hit, bunted ground ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyHanley RamirezR 1 1 tie 3rd error shortstop (ground ball)
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyJorge CantuR 1 1 Mets, -1 1st fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyDan UgglaR 1 2 Mets, -1 2nd pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyCody RossR 2 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyRonny PaulinoR 2 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyGiancarlo StantonR 2 2 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyRicky NolascoR 3 0 tie None center field double, ground-rule
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyChris CoghlanL 3 0 tie 2nd bunted ground ball single, pitcher
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyGaby SanchezR 3 0 tie 1st, 3rd line drive double, right field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyHanley RamirezR 3 0 Mets, -2 3rd ground ball double, left field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyJorge CantuR 3 0 Mets, -3 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyDan UgglaR 3 1 Mets, -3 2nd shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyCody RossR 3 2 Mets, -3 2nd ground ball single, shortstop to center field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyRonny PaulinoR 3 2 Mets, -4 1st fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyGiancarlo StantonR 4 0 Mets, -4 None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyRicky NolascoR 4 1 Mets, -4 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyChris CoghlanL 4 2 Mets, -4 None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyGaby SanchezR 5 0 Mets, -4 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyHanley RamirezR 5 1 Mets, -4 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium R.A. DickeyJorge CantuR 5 2 Mets, -4 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveDan UgglaR 6 0 Mets, -4 None foul pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveCody RossR 6 1 Mets, -4 None home run, right-center field, line drive
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveRonny PaulinoR 6 1 Mets, -5 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveGiancarlo StantonR 6 2 Mets, -5 None line drive out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveEmilio BonifacioL 7 0 Mets, -3 None bunted pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveChris CoghlanL 7 1 Mets, -3 None home run, right-center field, line drive
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveGaby SanchezR 7 1 Mets, -4 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Fernando NieveHanley RamirezR 7 2 Mets, -4 None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Ryota IgarashiJorge CantuR 8 0 Mets, -4 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Ryota IgarashiDan UgglaR 8 1 Mets, -4 None line drive out, left field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Ryota IgarashiCody RossR 8 2 Mets, -4 None line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Ryota IgarashiRonny PaulinoR 8 2 Mets, -4 1st walk
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Ryota IgarashiGiancarlo StantonR 8 2 Mets, -4 1st, 2nd home run, left field, fly ball
BoxScore 06/28/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Ryota IgarashiWes HelmsR 8 2 Mets, -7 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiChris CoghlanL 1 0 Mets, +1 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiGaby SanchezR 1 1 Mets, +1 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiHanley RamirezR 1 2 Mets, +1 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiJorge CantuR 2 0 Mets, +1 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiDan UgglaR 2 1 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiCody RossR 2 2 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiRonny PaulinoR 3 0 Mets, +3 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiGiancarlo StantonR 3 1 Mets, +3 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiNate RobertsonR 3 2 Mets, +3 None ground ball single, shortstop to center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiChris CoghlanL 3 2 Mets, +3 1st walk
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiGaby SanchezR 3 2 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd ground ball single, left field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiHanley RamirezR 3 2 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd, 3rd home run, left-center field, line drive
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiJorge CantuR 3 2 Mets, -1 None line drive double, center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiDan UgglaR 3 2 Mets, -1 2nd home run, left field, line drive
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiCody RossR 3 2 Mets, -3 None walk
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiRonny PaulinoR 3 2 Mets, -3 1st third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiGiancarlo StantonR 4 0 Mets, -3 None ground ball single, left field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiNate RobertsonR 4 0 Mets, -3 1st pitcher to second base, sacrifice hit, bunted ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiChris CoghlanL 4 1 Mets, -3 2nd F7LF out, left field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiGaby SanchezR 4 2 Mets, -3 2nd line drive single, right field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiHanley RamirezR 4 2 Mets, -3 1st, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiJorge CantuR 5 0 Mets, -3 None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiDan UgglaR 5 1 Mets, -3 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiCody RossR 5 2 Mets, -3 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiRonny PaulinoR 6 0 Mets, -3 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiGiancarlo StantonR 6 1 Mets, -3 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiNate RobertsonR 6 2 Mets, -3 None line drive single, left field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Hisanori TakahashiChris CoghlanL 6 2 Mets, -3 1st line drive double, left field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Elmer DessensGaby SanchezR 6 2 Mets, -3 2nd, 3rd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Bobby ParnellHanley RamirezR 7 0 Mets, -2 None pitcher to second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Bobby ParnellJorge CantuR 7 1 Mets, -2 None line drive single, right field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Bobby ParnellDan UgglaR 7 1 Mets, -2 1st strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Bobby ParnellCody RossR 7 2 Mets, -2 1st ground ball single, right field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Bobby ParnellRonny PaulinoR 7 2 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Francisco RodriguezGiancarlo StantonR 8 0 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Francisco RodriguezWes HelmsR 8 1 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Francisco RodriguezChris CoghlanL 8 2 Mets, -2 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Pedro FelicianoEmilio BonifacioR 9 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Pedro FelicianoHanley RamirezR 9 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Pedro FelicianoJorge CantuR 9 2 tie None line drive double, center field
BoxScore 06/29/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Pedro FelicianoDan UgglaR 9 2 tie 2nd ground ball single, center field
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyChris CoghlanL 1 0 Mets, +3 None line drive double, center field
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyGaby SanchezR 1 0 Mets, +3 2nd fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyHanley RamirezR 1 1 Mets, +3 2nd ground ball single, left field
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyJorge CantuR 1 1 Mets, +2 1st strikeout
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyDan UgglaR 1 2 Mets, +2 2nd line drive single, center field
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyCody RossR 1 2 Mets, +1 1st ground ball single, third base
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyRonny PaulinoR 1 2 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd third base to second base, force out, ground ball
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyGiancarlo StantonR 2 0 Mets, +2 None line drive single, right field
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyChris VolstadR 2 0 Mets, +2 1st first base to second base, sacrifice hit, bunted ground ball
BoxScore 06/30/10 Hiram Bithorn Stadium Mike PelfreyChris CoghlanL 2 1 Mets, +2 2nd strikeout

Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

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