6100 results found. Displaying rows 5201 through 5400

Previous 200 rowsNext 200 rows
Date Location Pitcher Opposing Batter Bats Inning Outs Score Diff Runners Result
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherTim McCarverL 6 2 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherMike ShannonR 7 0 tie None line drive out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherJulian JavierR 7 1 tie None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherDal MaxvillR 7 2 tie None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherNelson BrilesR 8 0 tie None single, left field
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherLou BrockL 8 0 tie 2nd error pitcher (sacrifice hit)
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherCurt FloodR 8 0 tie 1st, 3rd sacrifice fly out, center field
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherRoger MarisL 8 1 Mets, -1 1st FL out, catcher
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherOrlando CepedaR 8 2 Mets, -1 1st pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherTim McCarverL 9 0 Mets, -1 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherMike ShannonR 9 1 Mets, -1 None home run, left field
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherJulian JavierR 9 1 Mets, -2 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/06/67 Shea Stadium Jack FisherDal MaxvillR 9 2 Mets, -2 None out, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceLou BrockL 1 0 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceCurt FloodR 1 1 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceRoger MarisL 1 1 tie 1st out, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceOrlando CepedaR 1 2 tie 1st pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceTim McCarverL 2 0 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceMike ShannonR 2 1 Mets, +1 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceJulian JavierR 2 2 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceDal MaxvillR 3 0 Mets, +1 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceBob GibsonR 3 0 Mets, +1 1st third base to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceLou BrockL 3 1 Mets, +1 2nd fielder's choice, shortstop
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceCurt FloodR 3 2 Mets, +1 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceRoger MarisL 3 2 tie 1st home run, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceOrlando CepedaR 3 2 Mets, -2 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Cal KoonceTim McCarverL 3 2 Mets, -2 1st single, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaMike ShannonR 3 2 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd second base to first base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellJulian JavierR 4 0 Mets, -2 None out, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellDal MaxvillR 4 1 Mets, -2 None double, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellBob GibsonR 4 1 Mets, -2 2nd third base to first base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellLou BrockL 4 2 Mets, -2 2nd intentional walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellCurt FloodR 4 2 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd second base to first base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellRoger MarisL 5 0 Mets, -2 None walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellOrlando CepedaR 5 0 Mets, -2 1st out, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellTim McCarverL 5 1 Mets, -2 1st single, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellMike ShannonR 5 1 Mets, -2 1st, 3rd single, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellJulian JavierR 5 1 Mets, -3 2nd, 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Don CardwellDal MaxvillR 5 1 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd, 3rd single, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorBob GibsonR 5 1 Mets, -5 2nd, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorLou BrockL 5 2 Mets, -5 2nd, 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorCurt FloodR 5 2 Mets, -5 1st, 2nd, 3rd shortstop to second base, force out
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyRoger MarisL 6 0 Mets, -5 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyOrlando CepedaR 6 0 Mets, -5 1st walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyTim McCarverL 6 0 Mets, -5 1st, 2nd second base to shortstop, force out
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyMike ShannonR 6 1 Mets, -5 1st, 3rd shortstop to second base, force out
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyJulian JavierR 6 2 Mets, -6 1st double, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyDal MaxvillR 6 2 Mets, -7 3rd walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyBob GibsonR 6 2 Mets, -7 1st, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyLou BrockL 7 0 Mets, -6 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyCurt FloodR 7 0 Mets, -6 1st walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyRoger MarisL 7 0 Mets, -6 1st, 2nd shortstop to second base, double play
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Jerry HinsleyOrlando CepedaR 7 2 Mets, -6 1st shortstop to second base, force out
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzTim McCarverL 8 0 Mets, -6 None out, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzMike ShannonR 8 1 Mets, -6 None double, right field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzJulian JavierR 8 2 Mets, -6 None home run, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzDal MaxvillR 8 2 Mets, -7 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzJack LamabeR 8 2 Mets, -7 1st strikeout
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzLou BrockL 9 0 Mets, -7 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzCurt FloodR 9 1 Mets, -7 None out, center field
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzRoger MarisL 9 2 Mets, -7 None walk
BoxScore 09/07/67 Shea Stadium Al SchmelzOrlando CepedaR 9 2 Mets, -7 1st strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaTommy HarperR 1 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaPete RoseL 1 1 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaVada PinsonL 1 1 tie 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaLee MayR 1 2 tie 1st walk
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaTony PerezR 1 2 tie 1st, 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaTommy HelmsR 2 0 tie None single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaJohnny BenchR 2 0 tie 1st single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaLeo CardenasR 2 0 tie 1st, 2nd single, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaMel QueenL 2 0 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd sacrifice hit out, first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Danny FrisellaTommy HarperR 2 1 Mets, -1 2nd, 3rd single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaPete RoseL 2 1 Mets, -3 1st strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaVada PinsonL 2 2 Mets, -3 1st fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaLee MayR 3 0 Mets, -3 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTony PerezR 3 1 Mets, -3 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTommy HelmsR 3 2 Mets, -3 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaJohnny BenchR 3 2 Mets, -3 1st single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaLeo CardenasR 3 2 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd second base to shortstop, force out
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaMel QueenL 4 0 Mets, -3 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTommy HarperR 4 1 Mets, -3 None walk
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaPete RoseL 4 1 Mets, -3 1st strikeout, double play
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaVada PinsonL 5 0 Mets, -3 None first base to pitcher
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaLee MayR 5 1 Mets, -3 None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTony PerezR 5 2 Mets, -3 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTommy HelmsR 6 0 Mets, -3 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaJohnny BenchR 6 1 Mets, -3 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaLeo CardenasR 6 2 Mets, -3 None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanMel QueenL 7 0 Mets, -3 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanTommy HarperR 7 1 Mets, -3 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanPete RoseR 7 2 Mets, -3 None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanVada PinsonL 8 0 Mets, -3 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanLee MayR 8 1 Mets, -3 None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanTony PerezR 8 2 Mets, -3 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Bill ConnorsTommy HelmsR 9 0 Mets, -3 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Bill ConnorsJohnny BenchR 9 1 Mets, -3 None line drive out, third base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Bill ConnorsLeo CardenasR 9 2 Mets, -3 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HarperR 1 0 tie None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPete RoseL 1 1 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverVada PinsonL 1 2 tie None home run
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLee MayR 1 2 Mets, -1 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTony PerezR 2 0 Mets, -1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HelmsR 2 1 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverJohnny EdwardsL 2 1 Mets, -1 2nd line drive out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLeo CardenasR 2 2 Mets, -1 2nd pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverJimmie CokerR 3 0 Mets, +3 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HarperR 3 1 Mets, +3 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPete RoseL 3 2 Mets, +3 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverVada PinsonL 4 0 Mets, +3 None line drive out, second base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLee MayR 4 1 Mets, +3 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTony PerezR 4 1 Mets, +3 1st fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HelmsR 4 2 Mets, +3 1st third base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverJohnny EdwardsL 5 0 Mets, +3 None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLeo CardenasR 5 1 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverDick SimpsonR 5 2 Mets, +3 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HarperR 5 2 Mets, +3 1st single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPete RoseL 5 2 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd first base to pitcher
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverVada PinsonL 6 0 Mets, +3 None second base to pitcher
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLee MayR 6 1 Mets, +3 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTony PerezR 6 2 Mets, +3 None walk
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HelmsR 6 2 Mets, +3 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverJohnny EdwardsL 7 0 Mets, +3 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLeo CardenasR 7 1 Mets, +3 None double, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverArt ShamskyL 7 1 Mets, +3 2nd single, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTommy HarperR 7 1 Mets, +2 1st pitcher to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPete RoseL 7 2 Mets, +2 2nd fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverVada PinsonL 8 0 Mets, +3 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverLee MayR 8 0 Mets, +3 2nd strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverTony PerezR 8 1 Mets, +3 2nd home run
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorTommy HelmsR 8 1 Mets, +1 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorJohnny EdwardsL 8 2 Mets, +1 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorLeo CardenasR 9 0 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorDeron JohnsonR 9 1 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorTommy HarperR 9 2 Mets, +1 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/08/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorPete RoseL 9 2 Mets, +1 1st line drive out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTommy HarperR 1 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamPete RoseL 1 0 tie 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamVada PinsonL 1 1 tie 1st walk
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamLee MayR 1 1 tie 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTony PerezR 1 2 tie 1st, 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTommy HelmsR 1 2 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamJohnny BenchR 2 0 Mets, -1 None walk
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamLeo CardenasR 2 0 Mets, -1 1st shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamGary NolanR 2 2 Mets, -1 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTommy HarperR 3 0 Mets, -1 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamPete RoseL 3 1 Mets, -1 None bunted ground ball single,
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamVada PinsonL 3 1 Mets, -1 2nd error first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamLee MayR 3 2 Mets, -2 None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTony PerezR 4 0 Mets, -2 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTommy HelmsR 4 1 Mets, -2 None FL out, first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamJohnny BenchR 4 2 Mets, -2 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamLeo CardenasR 5 0 Mets, -2 None FL out, first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamGary NolanR 5 1 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTommy HarperR 5 2 Mets, -2 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamPete RoseL 6 0 Mets, -2 None double, left field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamVada PinsonL 6 0 Mets, -2 2nd line drive out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamLee MayR 6 1 Mets, -2 2nd shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTony PerezR 6 2 Mets, -2 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamTommy HelmsR 7 0 Mets, -2 None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamJohnny BenchR 7 1 Mets, -2 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Bill GrahamLeo CardenasR 7 2 Mets, -2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaGary NolanR 8 0 Mets, -2 None single, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaTommy HarperR 8 0 Mets, -2 1st catcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaPete RoseR 8 1 Mets, -2 2nd shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaVada PinsonL 8 2 Mets, -2 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaLee MayR 9 0 Mets, -2 None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaTony PerezR 9 1 Mets, -2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaTommy HelmsR 9 2 Mets, -2 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaJohnny BenchR 9 2 Mets, -2 1st error shortstop
BoxScore 09/09/67 Shea Stadium Joe GrzendaLeo CardenasR 9 2 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd second base to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTommy HarperR 1 0 tie None third base to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawVada PinsonL 1 1 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawPete RoseR 1 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawLee MayR 2 0 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTony PerezR 2 1 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTommy HelmsR 2 2 Mets, +2 None out, center field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawJohnny BenchR 3 0 Mets, +2 None line drive out, left field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawLeo CardenasR 3 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawJim MaloneyL 3 2 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTommy HarperR 4 0 Mets, +2 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawVada PinsonL 4 1 Mets, +2 None walk
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawPete RoseR 4 1 Mets, +2 1st line drive out, center field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawLee MayR 4 2 Mets, +2 1st home run
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTony PerezR 4 2 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTommy HelmsR 5 0 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawJohnny BenchR 5 0 tie 2nd pitcher to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawLeo CardenasR 5 1 tie 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawJim MaloneyL 5 1 Mets, -1 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawTommy HarperR 5 1 Mets, -2 2nd FL out, third base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Tug McGrawVada PinsonL 5 2 Mets, -2 2nd second base to first base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaPete RoseL 6 0 Mets, -2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaLee MayR 6 1 Mets, -2 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTony PerezR 6 2 Mets, -2 None out, right field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaTommy HelmsR 7 0 Mets, -2 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaJohnny BenchR 7 0 Mets, -2 1st catcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaLeo CardenasR 7 1 Mets, -2 2nd out, center field
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Dick SelmaJim MaloneyL 7 2 Mets, -2 2nd ground ball out, pitcher
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorTommy HarperR 8 0 Mets, -2 None pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorVada PinsonL 8 1 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/10/67 Shea Stadium Ron TaylorPete RoseL 8 2 Mets, -2 None shortstop to first base

Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

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