6107 results found. Displaying rows 5401 through 5600

Previous 200 rowsNext 200 rows
Date Location Pitcher Opposing Batter Bats Inning Outs Score Diff Runners Result
BoxScore 09/08/01 Dolphin Stadium Armando BenitezCharles JohnsonR 9 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/08/01 Dolphin Stadium Armando BenitezAndy FoxL 9 2 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselLuis CastilloL 1 0 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselDerrek LeeR 1 1 tie None F9D out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselCliff FloydL 1 2 tie None error second base (ground ball)
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselPreston WilsonR 1 2 tie 1st F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselMike LowellR 2 0 tie None 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselKevin MillarR 2 0 tie 1st F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselCharles JohnsonR 2 1 tie 1st F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselAlex GonzalezR 2 2 tie 1st F8D out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselMatt ClementR 3 0 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselLuis CastilloL 3 1 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselDerrek LeeR 3 2 tie None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselCliff FloydL 3 2 tie 1st 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselPreston WilsonR 3 2 tie 1st, 3rd F9D out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselMike LowellR 4 0 Mets, +1 None F7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselKevin MillarR 4 1 Mets, +1 None right-center field triple,
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselCharles JohnsonR 4 1 Mets, +1 3rd sacrifice fly out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselAlex GonzalezR 4 2 tie None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselJuan AcevedoR 5 0 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselLuis CastilloL 5 1 tie None F7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselDerrek LeeR 5 2 tie None P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselCliff FloydL 6 0 tie None single,
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselPreston WilsonR 6 0 tie 2nd third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselMike LowellR 6 1 tie 2nd double, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselKevin MillarR 6 1 Mets, -1 2nd walk
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselCharles JohnsonR 6 1 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Steve TrachselAlex GonzalezR 6 2 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Donne WallAndy FoxL 7 0 Mets, -1 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Donne WallLuis CastilloL 7 1 Mets, -1 None FL out, left field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Donne WallDerrek LeeR 7 2 Mets, -1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Tom MartinCliff FloydL 8 0 Mets, -1 None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhitePreston WilsonR 8 0 Mets, -1 1st single, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhiteMike LowellR 8 0 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhiteKevin MillarR 8 1 Mets, -1 1st, 3rd fielder's choice, shortstop
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhiteCharles JohnsonR 8 1 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd single, center field
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhiteAlex GonzalezR 8 1 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd walk
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhiteEric OwensR 8 1 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd, 3rd strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/09/01 Dolphin Stadium Rick WhiteLuis CastilloL 8 2 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd, 3rd shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterChad HermansenR 1 0 tie None FL out, third base
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterJack WilsonR 1 1 tie None P4 out, second base
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterBrian GilesL 1 2 tie None L6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterAramis RamirezR 2 0 tie None L6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterJason KendallR 2 1 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterKevin YoungR 2 1 tie 1st shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterGary MatthewsR 3 0 Mets, +1 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterWarren MorrisL 3 1 Mets, +1 None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterTodd RitchieR 3 2 Mets, +1 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterChad HermansenR 4 0 Mets, +1 None left-center field single,
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterJack WilsonR 4 0 Mets, +1 1st left-center field single,
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterBrian GilesL 4 0 Mets, +1 1st, 3rd fielder's choice, shortstop
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterAramis RamirezR 4 1 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterJason KendallR 4 2 Mets, +1 1st, 3rd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterKevin YoungR 5 0 Mets, +1 None walk
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterGary MatthewsR 5 0 Mets, +1 2nd fielder's choice, shortstop
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterWarren MorrisL 5 1 Mets, +1 1st 78D double,
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterCraig WilsonR 5 1 Mets, +1 2nd, 3rd third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterChad HermansenR 5 2 tie 2nd F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterJack WilsonR 6 0 tie None F7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterBrian GilesL 6 1 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterAramis RamirezR 6 2 tie None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterJason KendallR 7 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterKevin YoungR 7 1 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterGary MatthewsR 7 1 tie 1st strikeout
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterWarren MorrisL 7 2 tie 1st 8S single, center field
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Al LeiterHumberto CotaR 7 2 tie 1st, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park John FrancoChad HermansenR 8 0 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park John FrancoJack WilsonR 8 1 tie None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park John FrancoBrian GilesL 8 2 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezAramis RamirezR 9 0 Mets, +3 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezJason KendallR 9 1 Mets, +3 None single, center field
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezKevin YoungR 9 1 Mets, +3 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 09/17/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezGary MatthewsL 9 2 Mets, +3 2nd strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierJason KendallR 1 0 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierJack WilsonR 1 0 tie 1st error second base (ground ball)
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierBrian GilesL 1 0 tie 1st, 2nd walk
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierAramis RamirezR 1 0 tie 1st, 2nd, 3rd F7S out, left field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierWarren MorrisL 1 1 tie 1st, 2nd, 3rd error first base (throw)
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierRob MackowiakL 1 1 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd, 3rd sacrifice fly out, center field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierKevin YoungR 2 0 Mets, -2 None single,
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierGary MatthewsL 2 1 Mets, -2 None P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierDavid WilliamsL 2 2 Mets, -2 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierJason KendallR 3 0 Mets, -1 None FL out, first base
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierJack WilsonR 3 1 Mets, -1 None F7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierBrian GilesL 3 2 Mets, -1 None 9S triple, right field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierAramis RamirezR 3 2 Mets, -1 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierWarren MorrisL 4 0 Mets, -1 None P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierRob MackowiakL 4 1 Mets, -1 None home run, right field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierKevin YoungR 4 1 Mets, -2 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierGary MatthewsL 4 2 Mets, -2 None walk
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierDavid WilliamsL 4 2 Mets, -2 1st strikeout, catcher to first
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierJason KendallR 5 0 Mets, -1 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierJack WilsonR 5 0 Mets, -1 1st pitcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierBrian GilesL 5 1 Mets, -1 3rd P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierAramis RamirezR 5 2 Mets, -2 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierWarren MorrisL 6 0 Mets, -1 None F9S out, right field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierRob MackowiakL 6 1 Mets, -1 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Kevin AppierKevin YoungR 6 2 Mets, -1 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Jerrod RigganGary MatthewsL 7 0 Mets, -1 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Jerrod RigganChad HermansenR 7 1 Mets, -1 None P3 out, first base
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Jerrod RigganJason KendallR 7 2 Mets, -1 None P5 out, third base
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Jerrod RigganJack WilsonR 8 0 Mets, +2 None F8D out, center field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Jerrod RigganBrian GilesL 8 1 Mets, +2 None home run, right field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Rick WhiteAramis RamirezR 8 1 Mets, +1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Rick WhitePat MearesR 8 2 Mets, +1 None L7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezCraig WilsonR 9 0 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezKevin YoungR 9 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout
BoxScore 09/18/01 PNC Park Armando BenitezGary MatthewsL 9 2 Mets, +2 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschChad HermansenR 1 0 tie None F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschJack WilsonR 1 1 tie None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschBrian GilesL 1 1 tie 1st ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschAramis RamirezR 1 2 tie 2nd double, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschCraig WilsonR 1 2 Mets, -1 2nd 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschKevin YoungR 1 2 Mets, -1 1st, 3rd F7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschGary MatthewsR 2 0 Mets, -1 None 8D double, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschPat MearesR 2 0 Mets, -1 2nd left-center field double,
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschTony McKnightL 2 0 Mets, -2 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschChad HermansenR 2 1 Mets, -2 2nd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschJack WilsonR 2 2 Mets, -2 2nd walk
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Glendon RuschBrian GilesL 2 2 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd batter hit by pitch
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezAramis RamirezR 2 2 Mets, -2 1st, 2nd, 3rd F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezCraig WilsonR 3 0 Mets, -1 None F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezKevin YoungR 3 1 Mets, -1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezGary MatthewsL 3 2 Mets, -1 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezPat MearesR 3 2 Mets, -1 1st F7 out, left field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezTony McKnightL 4 0 Mets, +2 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezChad HermansenR 4 1 Mets, +2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezJack WilsonR 4 2 Mets, +2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezBrian GilesL 5 0 Mets, +2 None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezAramis RamirezR 5 1 Mets, +2 None 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezCraig WilsonR 5 1 Mets, +2 1st L4 out, second base
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezKevin YoungR 5 2 Mets, +2 1st F9S out, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezGary MatthewsL 6 0 Mets, +4 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezPat MearesR 6 1 Mets, +4 None single, left field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezRob MackowiakL 6 1 Mets, +4 2nd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezChad HermansenR 6 2 Mets, +4 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezJack WilsonR 7 0 Mets, +4 None F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezBrian GilesL 7 1 Mets, +4 None single, right field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezAramis RamirezR 7 1 Mets, +4 1st F8S out, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezCraig WilsonR 7 2 Mets, +4 1st 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezKevin YoungR 7 2 Mets, +4 1st, 3rd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezGary MatthewsL 8 0 Mets, +5 None right-center field single,
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezPat MearesR 8 0 Mets, +5 1st shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezRob MackowiakL 8 2 Mets, +5 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Dicky GonzalezWarren MorrisL 9 0 Mets, +7 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park Tom MartinJack WilsonR 9 1 Mets, +7 None F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/19/01 PNC Park C.J. NitkowskiBrian GilesL 9 2 Mets, +7 None F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenMarcus GilesR 1 0 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJulio FrancoR 1 0 tie 1st first base to first base, line drive double play
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenChipper JonesR 1 2 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenBrian JordanR 2 0 tie None F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenKen CaminitiR 2 1 tie None F7S out, left field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenAndruw JonesR 2 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJavy LopezR 3 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenRey SanchezR 3 1 tie None 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJason MarquisL 3 1 tie 1st strikeout
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenMarcus GilesR 3 2 tie 2nd F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJulio FrancoR 4 0 tie None F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenChipper JonesR 4 1 tie None single,
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenBrian JordanR 4 1 tie 1st L8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenKen CaminitiR 4 2 tie 1st 9S double, right field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenAndruw JonesR 4 2 Mets, -1 2nd shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJavy LopezR 5 0 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenRey SanchezR 5 0 tie 1st shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJason MarquisL 5 2 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenMarcus GilesR 6 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJulio FrancoR 6 1 tie None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenChipper JonesR 6 2 tie None F8D out, center field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenBrian JordanR 7 0 tie None L5 out, third base
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenKen CaminitiR 7 1 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenAndruw JonesR 7 1 tie 1st P3 out, first base
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenJavy LopezR 7 2 tie 2nd single,
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Bruce ChenRey SanchezR 7 2 tie 1st, 3rd shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium John FrancoBernard GilkeyR 8 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium John FrancoMarcus GilesR 8 1 tie None L9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium John FrancoJulio FrancoR 8 2 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium John FrancoChipper JonesR 8 2 tie 1st single, center field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Armando BenitezBrian JordanR 8 2 tie 1st, 2nd left-center field double,
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Armando BenitezDave MartinezL 8 2 Mets, -1 2nd, 3rd walk
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Armando BenitezAndruw JonesR 8 2 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd, 3rd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Armando BenitezJavy LopezR 9 0 Mets, +1 None 7S single, left field
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Armando BenitezB.J. SurhoffL 9 0 Mets, +1 1st strikeout
BoxScore 09/21/01 Shea Stadium Armando BenitezKeith LockhartL 9 1 Mets, +1 1st shortstop to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselMarcus GilesR 1 0 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselJulio FrancoR 1 1 tie None 89D double,
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselChipper JonesL 1 1 tie 2nd walk
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselBrian JordanR 1 1 tie 1st, 2nd shortstop to third base, force out
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselB.J. SurhoffL 1 2 tie 2nd, 3rd third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselAndruw JonesR 2 0 Mets, +1 None home run, center field
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselPaul BakoL 2 0 tie None F8 out, center field
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselRey SanchezR 2 1 tie None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselCory AldridgeL 2 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselMarcus GilesR 3 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselJulio FrancoR 3 1 tie None walk
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselChipper JonesL 3 1 tie 1st double, left field
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselBrian JordanR 3 2 tie 2nd walk
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselB.J. SurhoffL 3 2 tie 1st, 2nd F9 out, right field
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselAndruw JonesR 4 0 Mets, +1 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselPaul BakoL 4 1 Mets, +1 None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 09/22/01 Shea Stadium Steve TrachselRey SanchezR 4 2 Mets, +1 None ground ball out, first base

Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

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