| Date |
Location |
Pitcher |
Opposing Batter |
Bats |
Inning |
Outs |
Score Diff |
Runners |
Result |
| 09/28/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Brian Jordan | R |
8 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
8S single, center field |
| 09/28/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | B.J. Surhoff | L |
8 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 09/28/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Andruw Jones | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 09/28/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Javy Lopez | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
walk |
| 09/28/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Rey Sanchez | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
1st, 2nd |
strikeout |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Marcus Giles | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Julio Franco | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
home run, center field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Chipper Jones | R |
1 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
error left field (fly ball) |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Brian Jordan | R |
1 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
2nd |
strikeout |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Andruw Jones | R |
1 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
2nd |
strikeout |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Ken Caminiti | R |
2 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
right-center field single, |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Javy Lopez | R |
2 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
1st |
shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Rey Sanchez | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
error third base (TH1) |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | John Burkett | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
2nd |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Marcus Giles | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
L6 out, shortstop |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Julio Franco | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
single, center field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Chipper Jones | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
1st |
walk |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Brian Jordan | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
1st, 2nd |
strikeout, double play |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Andruw Jones | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
P3 out, first base |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Ken Caminiti | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
FL out, first base |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Javy Lopez | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
F9 out, right field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Rey Sanchez | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | John Burkett | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Marcus Giles | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
P4 out, second base |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Julio Franco | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Chipper Jones | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
7S single, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Brian Jordan | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
1st |
L7 out, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Andruw Jones | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
2nd |
strikeout |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Ken Caminiti | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Javy Lopez | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
walk |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Rey Sanchez | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
1st |
P6 out, shortstop |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Bernard Gilkey | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
1st |
walk |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Marcus Giles | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
1st, 2nd |
P6 out, shortstop |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Julio Franco | R |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
F9 out, right field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Mark DeRosa | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
FL out, first base |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Al Leiter | Brian Jordan | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Andruw Jones | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
single, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Ken Caminiti | L |
9 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
2nd |
strikeout, C |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Javy Lopez | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
2nd |
single, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Dave Martinez | L |
9 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
2nd |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Keith Lockhart | L |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
3rd |
walk |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Marcus Giles | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
1st, 3rd |
7D double, left field |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Julio Franco | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
2nd |
intentional walk |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
John Franco | Wes Helms | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st, 2nd |
walk |
| 09/29/01 |
Turner Field |
John Franco | Brian Jordan | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st, 2nd, 3rd |
home run, left-center field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Keith Lockhart | L |
1 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Dave Martinez | L |
1 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
FL out, catcher |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Chipper Jones | L |
1 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
left-center field single, |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Brian Jordan | R |
1 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
1st |
F8 out, center field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | B.J. Surhoff | L |
2 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout, catcher to first |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Andruw Jones | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
F9 out, right field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Javy Lopez | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Rey Sanchez | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
L6 out, shortstop |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Kevin Millwood | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Keith Lockhart | L |
3 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
F9S out, right field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Dave Martinez | L |
4 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Chipper Jones | L |
4 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Brian Jordan | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
third base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | B.J. Surhoff | L |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
None |
left-center field single, |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Andruw Jones | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +4 |
1st |
L7 out, left field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Javy Lopez | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, +4 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Rey Sanchez | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, +4 |
3rd |
single, center field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Ken Caminiti | L |
5 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
1st |
ground ball out, first base |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Keith Lockhart | L |
6 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Dave Martinez | L |
6 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Chipper Jones | L |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
double, left field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Brian Jordan | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
2nd |
7S double, left field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | B.J. Surhoff | L |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
2nd |
single, right field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Kevin Appier | Andruw Jones | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Jerrod Riggan | Javy Lopez | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
pitcher to second base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Jerrod Riggan | Rey Sanchez | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Jerrod Riggan | Wilson Betemit | L |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
walk |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Jerrod Riggan | Keith Lockhart | L |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
1st |
ground ball out, first base |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Dave Martinez | L |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +6 |
None |
walk |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Chipper Jones | L |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +6 |
1st |
single, left field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Grant Roberts | Brian Jordan | R |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +6 |
1st, 2nd |
home run, center field |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Dicky Gonzalez | B.J. Surhoff | L |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Dicky Gonzalez | Andruw Jones | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Dicky Gonzalez | Paul Bako | L |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
right-center field single, |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Dicky Gonzalez | Rey Sanchez | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
1st |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Julio Franco | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Keith Lockhart | L |
9 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 09/30/01 |
Turner Field |
Armando Benitez | Dave Martinez | L |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jason Kendall | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
FL out, first base |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jack Wilson | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
single, |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Brian Giles | L |
1 |
1 |
tie |
1st |
F7S out, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Aramis Ramirez | R |
1 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Craig Wilson | R |
2 |
0 |
tie |
None |
8S single, center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Gary Matthews | R |
2 |
0 |
tie |
1st |
home run, left-center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Kevin Young | R |
2 |
0 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Mendy Lopez | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jimmy Anderson | L |
2 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
1st |
shortstop to first base, ground ball double play |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jason Kendall | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jack Wilson | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Brian Giles | L |
3 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Aramis Ramirez | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
None |
G5L double, third base |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Craig Wilson | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
2nd |
7S single, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Gary Matthews | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, -1 |
1st, 3rd |
sacrifice fly out, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Kevin Young | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
1st |
walk |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Mendy Lopez | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
1st, 2nd |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jimmy Anderson | L |
4 |
2 |
Mets, -2 |
1st, 2nd |
single, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jason Kendall | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, -2 |
1st, 2nd, 3rd |
strikeout, C |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Jack Wilson | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
F9 out, right field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Brian Giles | L |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Glendon Rusch | Aramis Ramirez | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
FL out, third base |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Craig Wilson | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -2 |
None |
single, right field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Gary Matthews | L |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -2 |
2nd |
7S single, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Kevin Young | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -2 |
1st, 3rd |
7S single, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Mendy Lopez | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
1st, 3rd |
sacrifice fly out, right field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Jimmy Anderson | L |
6 |
1 |
Mets, -4 |
2nd |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Jason Kendall | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
2nd |
intentional walk |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Jack Wilson | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
1st, 2nd |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Brian Giles | L |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
8S single, center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Dicky Gonzalez | Aramis Ramirez | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -4 |
1st |
single, left field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Jerrod Riggan | Craig Wilson | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Rick White | Gary Matthews | L |
8 |
0 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Rick White | Kevin Young | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Rick White | Mendy Lopez | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Donne Wall | Rob Mackowiak | L |
9 |
0 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Donne Wall | Jason Kendall | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
third base to first base, ground ball |
| 10/01/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Donne Wall | Jack Wilson | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, -4 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Jason Kendall | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Jack Wilson | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
L9 out, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Brian Giles | L |
1 |
2 |
tie |
None |
walk |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Aramis Ramirez | R |
1 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
9S double, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Craig Wilson | R |
1 |
2 |
Mets, -1 |
2nd |
home run, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Gary Matthews | R |
1 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
F8D out, center field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Kevin Young | R |
2 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
single, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Mendy Lopez | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
F9 out, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Bronson Arroyo | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Jason Kendall | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
third base to first base, ground ball |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Jack Wilson | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Brian Giles | L |
3 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
walk |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Aramis Ramirez | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
1st, 2nd |
FL out, first base |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Craig Wilson | R |
3 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
1st, 3rd |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Gary Matthews | R |
4 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Kevin Young | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
P4 out, second base |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Mendy Lopez | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
double, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Bronson Arroyo | R |
4 |
2 |
Mets, -3 |
2nd |
strikeout, C |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Jason Kendall | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
None |
left-center field single, |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Jack Wilson | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
1st |
error catcher (sacrifice hit) |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Brian Giles | L |
5 |
0 |
Mets, -3 |
1st, 2nd |
F7 out, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Bruce Chen | Aramis Ramirez | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -3 |
1st, 2nd |
single, center field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Grant Roberts | Craig Wilson | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -4 |
1st, 3rd |
9S single, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Grant Roberts | Gary Matthews | L |
5 |
1 |
Mets, -5 |
1st, 2nd |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Grant Roberts | Kevin Young | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, -5 |
1st, 2nd |
strikeout, C |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Mendy Lopez | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -5 |
None |
9S single, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Bronson Arroyo | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, -5 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Jason Kendall | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, -5 |
1st |
9S single, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Jack Wilson | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, -5 |
1st, 3rd |
left-center field single, |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Brian Giles | L |
6 |
1 |
Mets, -7 |
2nd |
intentional walk |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Aramis Ramirez | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, -7 |
1st, 2nd |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Craig Wilson | R |
6 |
2 |
Mets, -7 |
1st, 2nd |
single, center field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Mark Corey | Gary Matthews | L |
6 |
2 |
Mets, -8 |
1st, 3rd |
F7 out, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Kevin Young | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Mendy Lopez | R |
7 |
1 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Bronson Arroyo | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
single, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Jason Kendall | R |
7 |
2 |
Mets, -8 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Jack Wilson | R |
8 |
0 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Brian Giles | L |
8 |
1 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Aramis Ramirez | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
7S single, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
C.J. Nitkowski | Craig Wilson | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, -8 |
1st |
strikeout |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Tom Martin | Gary Matthews | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Tom Martin | Kevin Young | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -8 |
None |
7S single, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Tom Martin | Mendy Lopez | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -8 |
1st |
9D triple, right field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Tom Martin | Bronson Arroyo | R |
9 |
1 |
Mets, -9 |
3rd |
sacrifice fly out, left field |
| 10/02/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Tom Martin | Jason Kendall | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, -10 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jason Kendall | R |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
L7 out, left field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jack Wilson | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Brian Giles | L |
1 |
2 |
tie |
None |
walk |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Aramis Ramirez | R |
1 |
2 |
tie |
1st |
7S single, left field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Rob Mackowiak | L |
1 |
2 |
tie |
1st, 2nd |
strikeout |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Warren Morris | L |
2 |
0 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
first base to pitcher, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Craig Wilson | R |
2 |
1 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Chad Hermansen | R |
2 |
2 |
Mets, +1 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Todd Ritchie | R |
3 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
strikeout, C |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jason Kendall | R |
3 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jack Wilson | R |
3 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Brian Giles | L |
4 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Aramis Ramirez | R |
4 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Rob Mackowiak | L |
4 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
pitcher to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Warren Morris | L |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
walk |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Craig Wilson | R |
5 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
1st |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Chad Hermansen | R |
5 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
1st |
F9 out, right field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Todd Ritchie | R |
5 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
1st |
FL out, catcher |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jason Kendall | R |
6 |
0 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
L9 out, right field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jack Wilson | R |
6 |
1 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Brian Giles | L |
6 |
2 |
Mets, +2 |
None |
F8 out, center field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Aramis Ramirez | R |
7 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Rob Mackowiak | L |
7 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
second base to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Warren Morris | L |
7 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Craig Wilson | R |
8 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
P4 out, second base |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Chad Hermansen | R |
8 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
L7 out, left field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Adam Hyzdu | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
single, left field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jason Kendall | R |
8 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
1st |
F9 out, right field |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Jack Wilson | R |
9 |
0 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
shortstop to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Brian Giles | L |
9 |
1 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
pitcher to first base, ground ball |
| 10/03/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Steve Trachsel | Aramis Ramirez | R |
9 |
2 |
Mets, +3 |
None |
strikeout |
| 10/05/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Al Leiter | Peter Bergeron | L |
1 |
0 |
tie |
None |
F7 out, left field |
| 10/05/01 |
Shea Stadium |
Al Leiter | Jose Vidro | R |
1 |
1 |
tie |
None |
P4 out, second base |