6107 results found. Displaying rows 6001 through 6107

Previous 200 rows
Date Location Pitcher Opposing Batter Bats Inning Outs Score Diff Runners Result
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterVladimir GuerreroR 1 2 tie None F8D out, center field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterOrlando CabreraR 2 0 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterMark SmithR 2 1 tie None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterLee StevensL 2 2 tie None F8 out, center field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterMichael BarrettR 3 0 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterRyan MinorR 3 1 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterMike ThurmanR 3 2 tie None third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterPeter BergeronL 4 0 tie None single, left field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterJose VidroR 4 0 tie 1st BG5 single, third base
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterVladimir GuerreroR 4 0 tie 2nd, 3rd triple, right field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterOrlando CabreraR 4 0 Mets, -2 3rd sacrifice fly out, left field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterMark SmithR 4 1 Mets, -3 None right-center field double,
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterLee StevensL 4 1 Mets, -3 2nd double, right field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterMichael BarrettR 4 1 Mets, -4 2nd single, center field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterRyan MinorR 4 1 Mets, -5 2nd P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterMike ThurmanR 4 2 Mets, -5 2nd strikeout, C
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterPeter BergeronL 5 0 Mets, -5 None single, left field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterJose VidroR 5 0 Mets, -5 1st 89S single,
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterVladimir GuerreroR 5 0 Mets, -5 1st, 2nd F7 out, left field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Al LeiterOrlando CabreraR 5 1 Mets, -5 1st, 3rd double, left field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Mark CoreyMark SmithR 5 1 Mets, -6 2nd, 3rd walk
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Mark CoreyLee StevensL 5 1 Mets, -6 1st, 2nd, 3rd walk
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Mark CoreyMichael BarrettR 5 1 Mets, -7 1st, 2nd, 3rd single,
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Mark CoreyRyan MinorR 5 1 Mets, -8 1st, 2nd, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Mark CoreyMike ThurmanR 5 2 Mets, -8 1st, 2nd, 3rd strikeout, C
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinPeter BergeronL 6 0 Mets, -8 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinGeoff BlumR 6 1 Mets, -8 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinVladimir GuerreroR 6 2 Mets, -8 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinOrlando CabreraR 7 0 Mets, -8 None 89D double,
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinMark SmithR 7 0 Mets, -8 2nd F8 out, center field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinLee StevensL 7 1 Mets, -8 2nd first base to pitcher, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium Tom MartinMichael BarrettR 7 2 Mets, -8 3rd second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiRyan MinorR 8 0 Mets, -7 None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiMike ThurmanR 8 1 Mets, -7 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiPeter BergeronL 8 2 Mets, -7 None F7 out, left field
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiGeoff BlumR 9 0 Mets, -2 None walk
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiMike MordecaiR 9 0 Mets, -2 2nd ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiOrlando CabreraR 9 1 Mets, -2 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 10/05/01 Shea Stadium C.J. NitkowskiMark SmithR 9 1 Mets, -2 1st, 3rd shortstop to second base to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierPeter BergeronL 1 0 tie None first base to pitcher, ground ball
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierMike MordecaiR 1 1 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierVladimir GuerreroR 1 2 tie None strikeout, catcher to first
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierOrlando CabreraR 2 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierLee StevensL 2 1 tie None walk
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierGeoff BlumL 2 1 tie 1st strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierBrian SchneiderL 2 2 tie 1st shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierBrad WilkersonL 3 0 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierCarl PavanoR 3 1 tie None 7S single, left field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierPeter BergeronL 3 1 tie 1st force out out, second base
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierMike MordecaiR 4 0 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierVladimir GuerreroR 4 1 Mets, +1 None single, center field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierOrlando CabreraR 4 1 Mets, +1 1st L9 out, right field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierLee StevensL 4 2 Mets, +1 2nd walk
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierGeoff BlumL 4 2 Mets, +1 1st, 3rd L3 out, first base
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierBrian SchneiderL 5 0 Mets, +1 None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierBrad WilkersonL 5 1 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierCarl PavanoR 5 2 Mets, +1 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierPeter BergeronL 6 0 Mets, +3 None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierMike MordecaiR 6 1 Mets, +3 None triple, center field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierVladimir GuerreroR 6 1 Mets, +3 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierOrlando CabreraR 6 2 Mets, +3 3rd shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierLee StevensL 7 0 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierGeoff BlumL 7 1 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierBrian SchneiderL 7 2 Mets, +3 None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierBrad WilkersonL 7 2 Mets, +3 1st strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierTerry JonesL 8 0 Mets, +4 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierPeter BergeronL 8 1 Mets, +4 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierMike MordecaiR 8 2 Mets, +4 None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Kevin AppierVladimir GuerreroR 8 2 Mets, +4 1st F8 out, center field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Jerrod RigganOrlando CabreraR 9 0 Mets, +4 None F8 out, center field
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Jerrod RigganLee StevensL 9 1 Mets, +4 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/06/01 Shea Stadium Jerrod RigganGeoff BlumL 9 2 Mets, +4 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschTerry JonesR 1 0 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMike MordecaiR 1 1 tie None F7D out, left field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschOrlando CabreraR 1 2 tie None P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMark SmithR 2 0 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschGeoff BlumR 2 1 tie None P6 out, shortstop
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMichael BarrettR 2 2 tie None P4 out, second base
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschRyan MinorR 3 0 tie None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschPeter BergeronL 3 1 tie None shortstop to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschBritt ReamesR 3 2 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschTerry JonesR 4 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMike MordecaiR 4 1 tie None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschOrlando CabreraR 4 1 tie 1st single,
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMark SmithR 4 1 tie 1st, 2nd home run, left-center field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschGeoff BlumR 4 1 Mets, -3 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMichael BarrettR 4 2 Mets, -3 None pitcher to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschRyan MinorR 5 0 Mets, -3 None P3 out, first base
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschPeter BergeronL 5 1 Mets, -3 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschBritt ReamesR 5 2 Mets, -3 None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschTerry JonesR 6 0 Mets, -3 None 8S single, center field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMike MordecaiR 6 0 Mets, -3 3rd third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschOrlando CabreraR 6 1 Mets, -4 None second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMark SmithR 6 2 Mets, -4 None triple, right field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschGeoff BlumR 6 2 Mets, -4 3rd F7 out, left field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschMichael BarrettR 7 0 Mets, -4 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschRyan MinorR 7 1 Mets, -4 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Glendon RuschPeter BergeronL 7 2 Mets, -4 None strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerBrad WilkersonL 8 0 Mets, -4 None 7S double, left field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerTerry JonesL 8 0 Mets, -4 2nd second base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerMike MordecaiR 8 1 Mets, -4 3rd 8S single, center field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerOrlando CabreraR 8 1 Mets, -5 1st first base to pitcher, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerMark SmithR 8 2 Mets, -5 2nd third base to first base, ground ball
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerGeoff BlumL 9 0 Mets, -5 None error second base (TH1)
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerMichael BarrettR 9 0 Mets, -5 1st F9 out, right field
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerRyan MinorR 9 1 Mets, -5 1st strikeout
BoxScore 10/07/01 Shea Stadium Pete WalkerPeter BergeronL 9 2 Mets, -5 1st strikeout

Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

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