6650 results found. Displaying rows 801 through 1000

Previous 200 rowsNext 200 rows
Date Location Batter Opposing Pitcher Throws Inning Outs Score Diff Runners Result
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubKen ForschR 3 1 Mets, +4 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolKen ForschR 3 2 Mets, +4 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerKen ForschR 4 0 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteKen ForschR 4 1 Mets, +2 None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonKen ForschR 4 2 Mets, +2 None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanTom GriffinR 5 0 Mets, +2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezTom GriffinR 5 1 Mets, +2 None line drive out, shortstop
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +2 None single, center field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +2 1st K#
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubTom GriffinR 6 0 Mets, +2 None G# out, first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolTom GriffinR 6 1 Mets, +2 None walk
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerTom GriffinR 6 1 Mets, +2 1st ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteTom GriffinR 6 2 Mets, +2 2nd error shortstop
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonTom GriffinR 6 2 Mets, +3 1st first base to pitcher
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry KoosmanTom GriffinR 7 0 Mets, +3 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezTom GriffinR 7 1 Mets, +3 None error right field (fly ball)
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanTom GriffinR 7 2 Mets, +3 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettJim CrawfordL 8 0 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim CrawfordL 8 1 tie None double, right field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ken BoswellCecil UpshawR 8 1 tie 2nd second base to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerCecil UpshawR 8 2 tie 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteCecil UpshawR 8 2 tie 1st, 3rd second base to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim YorkR 9 0 tie None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Phil HenniganJim YorkR 9 1 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezJim YorkR 9 1 tie 1st second base to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJim YorkR 10 0 tie None single, left field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettJim YorkR 10 0 tie 1st sacrifice hit out, first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim YorkR 10 1 tie 2nd intentional walk
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium George TheodoreJim YorkR 10 1 tie 1st, 2nd fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerJim YorkR 10 2 tie 1st, 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteJim YorkR 11 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim YorkR 11 1 tie None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Phil HenniganJim YorkR 11 2 tie None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezJim RayR 12 0 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJim RayR 12 1 tie None line drive out, shortstop
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettJim RayR 12 2 tie None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim RayR 13 0 tie None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium George TheodoreJim RayR 13 1 tie None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerJim RayR 13 2 tie None walk
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteJim RayR 13 2 tie 1st single, left field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim RayR 13 2 tie 1st, 2nd pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJim RayR 14 0 Mets, -4 None walk
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezFred GladdingR 14 0 Mets, -4 1st strikeout
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanFred GladdingR 14 1 Mets, -4 1st single, left field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettFred GladdingR 14 1 Mets, -4 1st, 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/04/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubFred GladdingR 14 2 Mets, -4 1st, 2nd fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezDon WilsonR 1 0 tie None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanDon WilsonR 1 1 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettDon WilsonR 1 2 tie None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubDon WilsonR 2 0 Mets, -1 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolDon WilsonR 2 1 Mets, -1 None line drive out, pitcher
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerDon WilsonR 2 2 Mets, -1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerDon WilsonR 3 0 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonDon WilsonR 3 1 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jim McAndrewDon WilsonR 3 2 Mets, -2 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezDon WilsonR 4 0 Mets, -2 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanDon WilsonR 4 1 Mets, -2 None third base to first base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettDon WilsonR 4 2 Mets, -2 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubDon WilsonR 5 0 Mets, -2 None first base to pitcher
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolDon WilsonR 5 1 Mets, -2 None double, right field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerDon WilsonR 5 1 Mets, -2 2nd fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerDon WilsonR 5 2 Mets, -2 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonDon WilsonR 6 0 Mets, -8 None pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteDon WilsonR 6 1 Mets, -8 None FL out, left field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezDon WilsonR 6 2 Mets, -8 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanDon WilsonR 7 0 Mets, -9 None single, left field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettDon WilsonR 7 0 Mets, -9 1st fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubDon WilsonR 7 1 Mets, -9 1st double, right field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolDon WilsonR 7 1 Mets, -9 2nd, 3rd shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerDon WilsonR 7 2 Mets, -8 2nd single, center field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ken BoswellDon WilsonR 7 2 Mets, -7 1st walk
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonDon WilsonR 7 2 Mets, -7 1st, 2nd FL out, first base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteDon WilsonR 8 0 Mets, -7 None FL out, catcher
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezDon WilsonR 8 1 Mets, -7 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanDon WilsonR 8 2 Mets, -7 None pop fly out, first base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettDon WilsonR 9 0 Mets, -7 None walk
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubDon WilsonR 9 0 Mets, -7 1st pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolDon WilsonR 9 1 Mets, -7 1st pop fly out, shortstop
BoxScore 05/05/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerDon WilsonR 9 2 Mets, -7 1st ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezJerry ReussL 1 0 Mets, -1 None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJerry ReussL 1 1 Mets, -1 None single,
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Willie MaysJerry ReussL 1 1 Mets, -1 1st second base to shortstop to first base, ground ball double play
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJerry ReussL 2 0 Mets, -1 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJerry ReussL 2 1 Mets, -1 None third base to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteJerry ReussL 2 2 Mets, -1 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium George TheodoreJerry ReussL 3 0 Mets, -3 None double, right field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJerry ReussL 3 0 Mets, -3 2nd walk
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Harry ParkerJerry ReussL 3 0 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd bunted ground ball single,
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezJerry ReussL 3 0 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanJerry ReussL 3 1 Mets, -3 1st, 2nd, 3rd pitcher to shortstop to second base, force out
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim BeauchampJerry ReussL 3 2 Mets, -2 1st, 3rd single, right field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJerry ReussL 3 2 Mets, -1 1st, 2nd single, right field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJerry ReussL 3 2 tie 1st, 3rd single, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteFred GladdingR 3 2 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium George TheodoreTom GriffinR 4 0 Mets, +1 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonTom GriffinR 4 1 Mets, +1 None single, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Harry ParkerTom GriffinR 4 1 Mets, +1 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezTom GriffinR 4 2 Mets, +1 2nd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanTom GriffinR 5 0 Mets, +1 None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerTom GriffinR 5 1 Mets, +1 None strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +1 None walk
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +1 1st single, right field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +1 1st, 3rd walk
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd, 3rd single, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonTom GriffinR 5 2 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Harry ParkerCecil UpshawR 5 2 Mets, +4 1st, 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezMike CosgroveL 6 0 tie None fly ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettMike CosgroveL 6 1 tie None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerMike CosgroveL 6 2 tie None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim CrawfordL 7 0 Mets, -7 None strikeout
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJim CrawfordL 7 1 Mets, -7 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteJim CrawfordL 7 2 Mets, -7 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolJim CrawfordL 8 0 Mets, -7 None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonJim CrawfordL 8 1 Mets, -7 None third base to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Duffy DyerJim CrawfordL 8 2 Mets, -7 None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezJim CrawfordL 9 0 Mets, -7 None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettJim CrawfordL 9 1 Mets, -7 None double, right field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerJim CrawfordL 9 1 Mets, -7 2nd single, center field
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubJim CrawfordL 9 1 Mets, -6 1st strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/06/73 Shea Stadium Jim FregosiJim CrawfordL 9 2 Mets, -6 1st shortstop to second base, force out
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezPat DobsonR 1 0 tie None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanPat DobsonR 1 1 tie None single, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettPat DobsonR 1 1 tie 1st fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubPat DobsonR 1 2 tie 1st strikeout
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolPat DobsonR 2 0 tie None strikeout
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerPat DobsonR 2 1 tie None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GrotePat DobsonR 2 2 tie None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonPat DobsonR 3 0 tie None fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPat DobsonR 3 1 tie None third base to first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezPat DobsonR 3 2 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanPat DobsonR 3 2 tie 1st second base to first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettPat DobsonR 4 0 tie None pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubPat DobsonR 4 1 tie None single, right field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolPat DobsonR 4 1 tie 1st fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerPat DobsonR 4 2 tie 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GrotePat DobsonR 5 0 tie None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonPat DobsonR 5 1 tie None walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPat DobsonR 5 1 tie 1st walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezPat DobsonR 5 1 tie 1st, 2nd second base to shortstop, force out
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanPat DobsonR 5 2 tie 1st, 3rd single, center field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettPat DobsonR 5 2 Mets, +1 1st, 3rd fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubPat DobsonR 6 0 Mets, +1 None third base to first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolPat DobsonR 6 1 Mets, +1 None single, right field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerPat DobsonR 6 1 Mets, +1 1st pop fly out, third base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GrotePat DobsonR 6 2 Mets, +1 1st fly ball out, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonPat DobsonR 7 0 Mets, -1 None single,
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverPat DobsonR 7 0 Mets, -1 1st first base to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezPat DobsonR 7 1 Mets, -1 2nd ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanPat DobsonR 7 2 Mets, -1 3rd third base to first base
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettPat DobsonR 8 0 Mets, -1 None single, right field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubPat DobsonR 8 0 Mets, -1 1st single, center field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolDanny FrisellaR 8 0 Mets, -1 1st, 3rd double, right field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerDanny FrisellaR 8 0 tie 2nd, 3rd intentional walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteDanny FrisellaR 8 0 tie 1st, 2nd, 3rd strikeout
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonDanny FrisellaR 8 1 tie 1st, 2nd, 3rd walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Tom SeaverDanny FrisellaR 8 1 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd, 3rd shortstop to second base, force out
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezDanny FrisellaR 8 2 Mets, +3 2nd walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanDanny FrisellaR 8 2 Mets, +3 1st, 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettPhil NiekroR 8 2 Mets, +4 1st, 3rd walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubPhil NiekroR 8 2 Mets, +4 1st, 2nd, 3rd walk
BoxScore 05/07/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolPhil NiekroR 8 2 Mets, +5 1st, 2nd, 3rd ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezRon ReedR 1 0 tie None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanRon ReedR 1 1 tie None shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettRon ReedR 1 2 tie None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubRon ReedR 2 0 tie None pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolRon ReedR 2 1 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerRon ReedR 2 1 tie 1st fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteRon ReedR 2 2 tie 1st shortstop to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonRon ReedR 3 0 tie None catcher to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jon MatlackRon ReedR 3 1 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezRon ReedR 3 2 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanRon ReedR 3 2 tie 1st double, left field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettRon ReedR 3 2 Mets, +1 2nd walk
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubRon ReedR 3 2 Mets, +1 1st, 2nd ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolRon ReedR 4 0 tie None ground ball out, first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerRon ReedR 4 1 tie None second base to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteRon ReedR 4 2 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonRon ReedR 4 2 tie 1st walk
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jon MatlackRon ReedR 4 2 tie 1st, 2nd pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezRon ReedR 5 0 tie None pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanRon ReedR 5 1 tie None single, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettRon ReedR 5 1 tie 1st single, right field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubRon ReedR 5 1 tie 1st, 2nd single, left field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolRon ReedR 5 1 Mets, +2 3rd pitcher to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerRon ReedR 5 2 Mets, +2 3rd pop fly out, second base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteRon ReedR 6 0 Mets, +2 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonRon ReedR 6 1 Mets, +2 None walk
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jon MatlackRon ReedR 6 1 Mets, +2 1st pitcher to second base, sacrifice hit
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezRon ReedR 6 2 Mets, +2 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanRoric HarrisonR 7 0 Mets, -5 None double, left field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettRoric HarrisonR 7 0 Mets, -5 2nd strikeout
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Rusty StaubRoric HarrisonR 7 1 Mets, -5 2nd walk
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ed KranepoolRoric HarrisonR 7 1 Mets, -5 1st, 2nd double, right field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jim GosgerRoric HarrisonR 7 1 Mets, -4 2nd, 3rd second base to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Jerry GroteRoric HarrisonR 7 2 Mets, -3 3rd single, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Bud HarrelsonRoric HarrisonR 7 2 Mets, -2 1st strikeout, C
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ken BoswellRoric HarrisonR 8 0 Mets, -2 None fly ball out, center field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Ted MartinezRoric HarrisonR 8 1 Mets, -2 None third base to first base
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Felix MillanRoric HarrisonR 8 2 Mets, -2 None fly ball out, right field
BoxScore 05/08/73 Shea Stadium Wayne GarrettRoric HarrisonR 9 0 Mets, -4 None fly ball out, left field

Some of the information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

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