National League Standings, July 26, 1969
Richard Holmes
February 14, 2002
This was one of those late afternoon 4:00 games. My aunt and uncle took me for my birthday and I saw a gem by Tom Seaver. The most memorable play was a successful pickoff play at second base between Seaver and Bud Harrelson. The other memorable aspect of the game was the song "Ma Cherie Amour" by Stevie Wonder. As we were going through the parking ticket booth the girl had on the radio and that song was playing. I have not gone through that booth since without thinking of that song!
David Sheridan
April 15, 2008
My very first game. I was 10 years old and my dad and I sat in the RF box seats (I think $4.50 per ticket, still have the stub packed away somewhere) and I saw my idol pitch a great game and win. Like any kid at his first game, I was star-struck. Like the other commenter, I remember it was one of those 4 pm starts, the Mets used to promote those as days you could spend time at the beach and then come to Shea to see the game, although we didn't go down the shore first. I also remember it being a long-since discontinued promotional day, Player Family Day, in which the Mets' kids (and remember this was a young team, so the kids were mostly pre-schoolers) "played" against their dads, and it was fun. But I also remember that the next day was Batting Helmet Day and my dad was somewhat perturbed when he learned that if we had gone that day instead of to this game, we could've gotten the same helmet he bought me (for probably about $2) for free.
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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