National League Standings, April 17, 1971
Lou C.
August 14, 2001
This was the first baseball game I ever went to. I was 8 going on 9 and went with the Cub Scouts. We sat in the nose bleeds and I kept score of the entire game. As I got older, I asked my Dad if he remembered the game and he wasn't sure if he was there or not. I was somewhat disappointed at the thought of not going to my first game with my father, especially after hearing about all the great games he saw at Ebbetts Field. Years later I found the program in my parent's attic. I was suprised to see that I filled in the Mets lineup and the Pirates lineup was in my Dad's handwriting. Stargell homered and Clemente tripled. Cannot root for any other team.
May 5, 2009
Stargell's HR was 3/4's the way up the RF/CF scoreboard.
Dave H.
November 11, 2011
First game I ever went to, age 7. My Dad told me the day before we were thinking of going. I was really excited, visions of sugar plums danced in my head. Anyway, don't remember exactly where our seats were, but when the Mets took the field they looked so tiny, I thought they were Little Leaguers. I asked my Dad if they let kids use the field before the game starts. Dumb question, I know. But maybe baseball should have an opening act! Anyway, game lasted just over 2 hours, and the Mets got shut out. Koosman pitched well, but got tagged with the loss. I learned a hard life lesson. Never expect too much from the Mets.
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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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and get somebody like Jones.
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