National League Standings, June 10, 1973
DJ Johnny M.
August 12, 2003
I went to this game with my church group from NJ. The bus ride over to the stadium was fun. As they always are---when you're 15. It was another beautiful sunny, breezy Sunday afternoon at Shea with the usual mix of popcorn, beer, cigar smoke and hotdog odors wafting in the air. We sat in the loge. Koos had his stuff. Only problem was that Claude Osteen was better. Mets scattered 3 measly hits and I think I remember speedy Teddy Martinez reaching 1st on a very close play. Masterful pitching job by Osteen. You knew the Mets wouldn't win this one. Everyone wanted to leave the park early to "beat the crowd" I wanted to stay but in the end I had to abdicate to adult authority and we all kind of watched the Dodgers put together two more insurance runs in the 9th as we made our way down the escalators and out of the stadium. At least the bus ride back to Jersey was fun. We sang "99 bottles of beer on the wall". I don't think the church fathers cared for that.
Bob P
September 3, 2003
Not to be the fact police but...
Teddy Martinez led off the ninth with a double to right field for his only hit of the game. The other two Met hits reached the outfield too: Felix Millan singled to center in the 4th, and Jim Fregosi singled to left in the 7th.
Martinez did ground out twice in the game, so maybe your memory had him being safe on a close play, but it looks like he was out!
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