Previous Game:
June 5, 1963
Braves 11, Mets 9
1963 Regular Season Game 55
June 7, 1963
Mets 3, Cardinals 2
Next Game:
June 8, 1963
Cardinals 4, Mets 0
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National League Standings, June 7, 1963

Box Score Game Memories Scorecard Mets Stats
Thru This Game


Feat Fan
June 15, 2005
Duke Snider rips a 3-run homer off Diomedes Olivo in the 9th inning for a walk off victory. I can still hear Lindsey Nelson's call; the game was televised.

Joe Figliola
July 18, 2005
Most people likely have seen the clip of Snider's game-winning home run from the "25th Anniversary" video. Not only was I thrilled to see it, but I also was encouraged that it SURVIVED! (BTW, the video also features video game clips of Carlton Willey's grand slam and Gil Hodges' 2000th hit.)

Bob P
November 15, 2005
The Cardinals' starting pitcher in this game was future Met Ron Taylor. Ron allowed just two hits and a walk through eight innings and was nursing a 2-0 lead going to the bottom of the ninth. The Cardinal runs had scored on first inning back-to- back doubles by Curt Flood and Dick Groat, and a fourth inning homer by Ken Boyer.

After retirning Jim Hickman (batting for Jimmy Piersall) to lead off the ninth, Taylor gave up a pinch-single to Frank Thomas. Rod Kanehl came in to run for Thomas. Ron Hunt drew a walk, and Cardinal manager Johnny Keane went to the mound, waving in LHP Diomedes Olivo to face Duke Snider. With the Duke up, catcher Gene Oliver allowed a passed ball, moving the tying runs into scoring position. Duke then hit a three-run homer to win the game, 3-2.

Olivo would get into just two more games in his major league career.

Ken blum
May 8, 2012
This was the first baseball game I ever went to. After Snider's walk off home run, the place went crazy. I wondered if this happened every game. My father said, son, meet the Mets. That was enough for me...a true fan forever.

NYB Buff
June 22, 2023
Duke Snider hit a three-run homer to win this game for the Mets. It came in the bottom of the ninth inning off 44-year-old Diomedes Olivo - a left-hander that Cardinals' manager Johnny Keane had just brought in to relieve starter Ron Taylor. The home run was the 399th for Duke in his career.

As mentioned by Joe Figliolo in his earlier entry, a television broadcast clip of Snider's homer was shown in the Mets' 25th Anniversary video from 1986. However, Joe was incorrect about the documentary also featuring Gil Hodges' 2,000th hit. Hodges had a career hit total of 1,921 and did not reach that mark. It was actually a clip (in color) of Duke's 2,000th that was seen during the video's closing credits.

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