National League Standings, June 29, 1977
May 4, 2007
This was the first game I ever attended. I was an 8 yr old Mets fanatic. I would get up extra early in the morning just to read the yearbook and look at the pics and imagine what it would be like to play for the Mets.
Anyway, because of transportation issues, my father and I arrived in around the 2nd or 3rd inning. We had tremendous seats - 1st row 3b, right behind Lenny Randle. AMAZIN'.
My most glaring receollections are as follows:
There was a drunk guy sitting next to us verbally abusing Greg Luzinski. Ever time THE BULL ran by, the guy would heckle him. Luzinski had to be restrained from coming into the seats.
2nd: Bob Boone hit a home run late in the game. It was a shot to center. Mazzilli had just come in the game. He was my favorite Met at the time. Anyway, Mazzilli leaped up to try to catch the ball, but somehow his glove came off and fell over the cf fence. I kept bugging my dad to please, let's go, I think I can reach his glove. It's probably in the parking lot.
As with most people, my first game was a day (evening) I'll never forget. The Mets were horrible those years. It didn't matter. I was at REAL game, I was with my dad and life couldn't be better.
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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like
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Example Two
The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
double play, and the Mets blew a 5-0 lead. They need to get rid of Smith
and get somebody like Jones.
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