National League Standings, August 20, 1978
Jim Snedeker
January 12, 2002
I actually have a tape of this game. No, not of the broadcast of the game... a tape of the GAME. I brought with me a small cassette tape recorder with me to Shea this day, and turned it on as I sat in the stands with my dad. (For some reason, I thought this might be illegal, so I kept it hidden in a paper bag.) Although the quality is not that great, you can clearly hear Jane Jarvis playing "Meet the Mets" and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." The tape lasts for a couple of innings.
(Speaking of Jane Jarvis, whatever happened to organs at ballparks? Next to seeing this incredibly beautiful expanse of bright greens and browns in front of me when I entered Shea, hearing the organ fill the park was the greatest thrill. Now all they do is play recordings of dopey rock tunes at bust-yer-eardrums decibels.)
This day was also "Happy Days Day" and you can hear Bob Murphy introduce the cast down at homeplate. They played a few innings of softball against the Mets' wives. It was also "Roy Campanella Day" that day, where they honored Campy and he spoke a few words. I got it all on tape!
In addition to hearing the PA announcer announcing all of the Mets and Dodgers names for each at bat, you can also hear the vendors hawking their wares nearby. And evidently one guy was right nearby, because you hear him say "45 cents, please." Geez, talk about a piece of history--what can you get at a ballpark these days for 45 cents?
Anyway, as I recall, Lockwood was fantastic that day, but the Mets ended up blowing the lead in the ninth and lost. To make things worse, most of the Shea faithful cheered at the last out!
flushing flash
February 3, 2002
Apparently I was at this game too. I was eleven years old and I remember the Mets lost but I thought the margin of defeat was much greater. I seem to recall Vic Davalillo hitting a pinch- homer. True? I guess I'll find out when the box score is up.
Since I was eleven, and watched Happy Days religiously, it should come as no surprise that I remember more about the Happy Days vs. Mets Wives softball game the actual baseball game.
1. Henry Winkler pitched for Happy Days.
2. Happy Days won 10-0.
3. Someone from Happy Days hit a pop-up on the infield and Sharon Zachry made the catch. Pat Zachry, who was umpiring, "fainted" in shock.
May 6, 2013
My mom has told me this was the first Mets game I ever went to. I don't remember much of it, (I was 4) but whatever I saw made me a fan for life. I joke that my loyalty began in utero as my mom was pregnant with me during the 73 season as I was born the day after their last home game. Undoubtedly, I watched their upsetting loss to the A's, but I learned loyalty and how to root for the underdog. Now only if I could get a copy of Jim's tape.
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