National League Standings, May 22, 1983
Shickhaus Franks
February 8, 2007
Went to this game with my brother and his future wife. Lied about my age to get a WHITE Mets batting helmet as Seaver is rocked for 5 runs as Bob Welch (forever known for striking out Mr. October in the '78 World Series) gives up only 2 hits.
Ken Blum
May 29, 2018
My wife made me a surprise 30th birthday party at the
Diamond Club. Total surprise. The party lasted as long as the
game was being played. Unfortunately, this was the shortest
game the Mets ever played... I had to say hello and goodbye
to my guests at the same time, and had to take the cake
Peter Stein
October 27, 2022
Originally this was going to be Seaver vs Fernando Valenzuela, but the previous night's game was rained out so Bob Welch pitched for the Dodgers instead. Disappointing to say the least, because they had a HUGE crowd even with the gloomy, overcast day. Welch was lights-out, pitching a CG and allowing just two hits (Seaver had one of them!) and five walks with 9 Ks. The kind of pitching performance I'd be much more appreciative of today as an adult than the miffed 10-year-old kid I was that day. :)
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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like
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Example Two
The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
double play, and the Mets blew a 5-0 lead. They need to get rid of Smith
and get somebody like Jones.
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