National League Standings, May 25, 1984
April 3, 2002
An unbelievable ending -- perfect relay to nail a Dodger at the plate to end the game! I've been to plenty of Mets games and I don't remember any others that ended with an out at home. Any other out at home endings come to mind?
April 11, 2002
I was at that game with a close friend of mine. I can't think of any other games that ended with an out at home. What is the news on Pedro Guerrero by the way? Is he dead or alive?
John Q.
March 14, 2005
This was the first Met game I attended in five years. I remember I had a friend of mine from high school who was a big Met fan, so he organized a bunch of us to join him at this game. I remember this game as being a really big deal at the time because this was the first game that we went to without any parents. My friend borrowed his mother's station wagon and we drove in from New Jersey. Also, another big thing was my friend had just turned 19, so he was legal to buy beer in New York state. I had a really good time at this game, we drank beer and cheered a young Dwight Gooden as he struck out 14 batters. I remember everbody in the crowd shaking their head saying "this kid is awesome." This was also the first time I remember anybody doing the "Wave".
Fan 5/31/64 to 8/11/94
March 14, 2005
It was early in '84. I used to go to Shea by myself because my friends were mostly non-sports fans. I was newly married at the time and told my wife that I was going to Shea to see the new kid pitch. She said, "Mind if I tag along?". We paid our $3.20 to sit in our own section in the Upper Deck GA and it was quite an exciting game.
The wife, who previously knew zilch about baseball enjoyed herself. On the way to the lot across Roosevelt Ave., she said that she'd go again with me to a game and asked when the next one was. I looked at her and said, "uh ... tomorrow?". We went and by the end of the '84 season, she was keeping score and yelling at Sid Fernandez "Throw strikes fat boy !!!". Then she asked for and got season tix in '85 and attended almost every home game until the strike in '94. On this night, a great part of my life began.
December 6, 2010
I remember this game well--14 Ks for Gooden and my first memory of being at a game with the wave (when it was new and still fun) and the crowd rising with every 2-strike count; my thoughts were, hey the Mets are finally good again! And then to top it all off the play at the plate to end it.
Richard A
March 23, 2022
I remember this game well, as it ended with a play at the plate, Mookie Wilson, to Kelvin Chapman, who threw a perfect relay home to catcher Mike Fitzgerald, to nail Dave Anderson at the plate. Shea was literally rocking when the umpire made the out call at home! Gooden was fantastic with 14 strikeouts.
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