National League Standings, May 31, 1986
Dave Freeman
February 22, 2002
It was glove night. My brother and I took his son (8) and my daugther (6) to their first game. Bobby O didn't have it...getting rocked for 4 runs in the first. we got one back, as Mookie led off with a solo shot...then added another...but the Mets would go down in flames that evening.
Brian Swanick
April 19, 2002
Hey, this is a neat little website. With the start of the 2002 Mets season, I was going back through my memory to try and figure out when I went to my very first baseball game (I was 7). I knew that Bobby O. was pitching for the Mets, and that they lost to the Giants. I also knew the game occured in 1986. I remembered Mookie hitting a home run, and that was enough information to narrow it down to this very game.
I also remember it being glove day...and getting my glove signed by Howard Johnson before the game.
The Mets did get shelled, giving up 15 hits. Not exactly a great example of how the Mets played through the course of the 1986 season, but I was hooked, and have been a lifelong fan ever since.
April 1, 2003
I remember going to this game with my friends Willie, Bob, and Dave. We were all up for the game figuring, Easy win. Bobby O has got the ball. Then the Mets ended up getting shelled. The highlight for us was when Mookie Wilson hit a homer into the Mets bullpen right past where we were sitting.
I miss straw
June 23, 2004
Oh man, this game was on my birthday and I was so excited to see my main man Straw. What a great birthday present from my grandfather. The lineups get announced and Danny Heep is playing RF. I nearly threw a tantrum. The night before was such an exciting game and now this game was a disaster as Bobby O got shelled. Worst birthday ever! And I feel like every game I went to Doug Sisk pitched. I really couldn't stand that guy.
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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