National League Standings, July 26, 1964
November 27, 2001
The Braves won the first game of the doubleheader and were way ahead in the second but the Mets were staging a comeback. Up comes Larry Elliot as a pinch-hitter and hits a 3 run homer to put the Mets ahead 10-9 or something like that. The Mets sent Al Jackson to the mound in a rare relief appearance in an effort to hold the lead, but it was no use. The Braves had hitters like Aaron, Matthews, Torre, etc, and bombed the Mets to win the game.
June 11, 2003
Al Jackson's only ML HR came in 1st game off Spahn. Both he and Spahn pitch both games. Aaron great shoe string catch and HR's in both games. Torre HR off Willey, arm goes out after. Carty vs. Lary. Larry Elliott ph HR in game 2. Tim Harkness. First time I heard words "women's intuition," before Elliott's blast. Like it was yesterday.
Steven K.
April 8, 2013
This was my first ever baseball game. I asked my dad to take us (brothers) to the game. I was ten years old. I wanted everything. I asked my dad if we could get box seats. Nothing was available, so we sat in the upper deck out in left field. A fight broke out. I got scared. I thought they were going to fight with us too!!! I was bummed out because the Mets were getting creamed. The fat man with the cigar in back of us said "...don't worry sonny, the Mets will score seven in the seventh..." Don't you know that's just what they did!!! My first taste of the MIRACLE METS. They lost both games. It didn't matter. I loved the Mets. This is my best childhood memory.
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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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and get somebody like Jones.
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