National League Standings, September 22, 1988
Dan Doherty
February 11, 2004
My brother and I got tickets for this game at the last minute. I remember our seats were in the upper deck, and all through the top of the 9th inning, people were stomping and chanting "BEAT L.A.!!! BEAT L.A.!!!" so hard that the stadium was shaking.
Diamond Dave
May 19, 2006
This was an awesome game as the Mets clinched the NL East. I took my girlfriend (now wife) to a few games that season and she had never seen a major league game before 1988. She was with me to witness the clincher. Fans DID chant "beat LA" and "SWEEP" as we walked down the ramp from the Mezzanine and out in the parking lot where it was crazy! Fans were on top of cars and a few had crushed roofs. We drank Champagne and snapped photos with other MET fans and had a blast. With all the celebrating I only remember Darling pitched a complete game gem but not too much else about the game. Too much Andre Brut!
September 26, 2009
I was at this game in my season seat Field Box 163G and it was a special night as the Mets would clinch the NL East once again. When Ron Darling struck out Lance Parrish we all went crazy and nuts as the Mets were back in the playoffs. No one rushed the field like we all did in 1986 as the NYC Police was all prepared this time with officers along the baselines and on horses.
The merchandise stands already had the NL East Champs items such as t-shirts, pins and pennants at the stands sitting in boxes during the game. They could not sell them until the Mets officially won the NL East as I did try to buy them during the game. After we were finished celebrating after the game I bought the button and pennant and I still have them in my house with my Mets collection.
February 12, 2024
Been to a lot of Met games in my life but will NEVER forget this one. A bunch of guys from my job decided to go on a whim. Thursday night, pay day and here comes this big pack of crazy 20-somethings with their soon-to-be-spent paychecks. The Bud guy in our section had a good night. I remember the chants of BEAT L. A. BEAT L.A! Darling pitched a gem and I somehow fit 10 guys in my car to get them home from the train. Great night, great memory.
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