National League Standings, September 23, 2004
Phil Thiegou
June 28, 2006
The afternoon before this game, Major League Baseball had a big meeting in Montreal to determine if the Expos would stay in Montreal for another season. Jean-Luc, my "French Connection" up there said he saw this big newspaper reporter who only covers the Expos when something REALLY big is going down. The next day it was announced that this would be the last season for the Expos and that they were moving to Washington DC in 2O05.
Which was even more weird 'coz the NHL lockout began a couple of days before so Montreal must have been this big ghost town that winter. Which sucks 'coz Montreal is a great baseball town (obviously taking a big back seat to hockey).
Anyway Glavine pitched a gem and I felt a bit sad afterwards thinking that this would be it for Les Expos.
0ddly enough I ran into Jean-Luc at Shea for the final game of the year vs. Les Expos. He and 2 buses of "Habitants" came down to bid adieu to Les Expos. He told me that a few days after the Mets game up there when the Expos played their last game, Stade Olympic became the biggest funeral home in Canada with just about everyone, including him, crying their eyes out after the game.
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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and get somebody like Jones.
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