National League Standings, May 26, 1967
Dan Morrow
February 13, 2013
I remember the gritty performance of Dan Cardwell. Hank Aaron gets to second base late in the game and gets picked off! So exciting -it was a chilly wet night at Shea, I believe, but that could be another game. We went to so many Mets game because it was so affordable. We'd think nothing of jumping in the car in NJ and driving to Shea for a walk-up purchase. Went to more than 30 games in 1969!
Bob Immerman
October 4, 2015
This was the first game I ever attended at Shea Stadium. My father's workplace had purchased a block of tickets and we were recognized on the scoreboard. I was seven years old. Jerry Bucheck's home run was the only run of the game. It was a little chilly but not a rainy night as another fan recalled. None of us could believe that Don Cardwell pitched that well that night, and he didn't seem to be effective at all until late in the 1969 season when he was used in relief quite a bit.
Joe Balkoski
November 4, 2015
Fantastic game... Hank Aaron got picked off second with one out in the ninth, with the Mets up 1-0. Stunning. The game probably lasted under two hours, but I can't find anything in the box score or scorecard that provides the game length.
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