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This Date in Mets History

Today is December 26

Born on this date:

New York Mets signed free agent Scott Holman on December 26, 1979.

New York Mets signed free agent Jim Tatum on December 26, 1997.

New York Mets signed free agent Pete Walker on December 26, 2000.

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Random Article from the Ultimate Mets Scrapbook

Can Roy Do It Again For Mets?
New York Daily News, September 13, 1966
As the 1966 season draws to a close, veteran shortstop Roy McMillan is facing shoulder surgery, and his future is in doubt. Should the Mets trade for a new shortstop? Or should they give the job to another veteran, Ed Bressoud? Or is it time to turn to young prospect Bud Harrelson?
Tags: Eddie Bressoud, Bud Harrelson, Roy McMillan.

Randomly selected Met Player

Leo Foster
Born: February 2, 1951
at Covington, Ky.
Years with Mets: 1976, 1977

60 games. 1 hr, 21 rbi, 0.216
17 runs, 6 stolen bases

Mets vs. Boston Red Sox
1999 Game Results
06/11 Red Sox 3, Mets 2 Franco (L, 0-2)
06/12 Mets 4, Red Sox 2 Leiter (W, 4-5)
06/13 Mets 5, Red Sox 4 Hershiser (W, 6-5)
1999 totals: 2 wins, 1 loss

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