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This Date in Mets History

Today is December 26

Born on this date:

New York Mets signed free agent Scott Holman on December 26, 1979.

New York Mets signed free agent Jim Tatum on December 26, 1997.

New York Mets signed free agent Pete Walker on December 26, 2000.

Newspaper Covers

Random Article from the Ultimate Mets Scrapbook

For a Sick Man, Cleon Swings a Healthy Bat
Newsday, October 19, 1973
A debilitating virus isn't enough to keep Cleon Jones off the field for the World Series, nor does it stop him from being productive.
Tags: Cleon Jones.

Randomly selected Met Player

Tom Gorman
Born: December 16, 1957
at Portland, Ore.
Years with Mets: 1982 - 1985

98 games. 11 - 9, 4.10
109 strikeouts, 0 saves

Mets vs. Chicago Cubs
2009 Game Results
08/28 Cubs 5, Mets 2 Stokes (L, 1-3)
08/29 Cubs 11, Mets 4 Parnell (L, 3-7)
08/30 Mets 4, Cubs 1 Figueroa (W, 2-3)
09/04 Mets 6, Cubs 2 Stokes (W, 2-4)
09/05 Cubs 5, Mets 3 Figueroa (L, 2-4)
09/06 Mets 4, Cubs 2 Pelfrey (W, 10-10)
2009 totals: 3 wins, 3 losses

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